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The Best Mafia In The World (Tribute)

The Peeps

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Night 1


Former Olympian and all round athlete, Walter Armstrong, met his target in the square. Mr. Armstrong was not sure whom he could trust just yet so he put his faith in his own fists, punching his target unconscious in the hopes of preventing some misdoings.


It was on his way back to his own house in the makeshift town that he was set upon by an unknown assailant! Walter’s instincts kicked in and he aimed a punch at the figure but could not land a hit. He was forced to the ground and blasted with a supreme force.


Walter Armstrong has been killed. He would use his boxing skills each night to roleblock his targets. He had once been a player in The Gentlemen's Mafia. He was good. Sheikah is no longer in the game!


14 Living Players:







Data lost:




Majority is 8

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Quick question for everyone regarding their characters: did your character win/survive the game that it was in?


Mine is a no on both counts. My character was also town. I'm guessing the alignments stay the same to keep the powers making sense, but it may not be true. Someone has a power that can post role info to the thread?


If so, it's very damning for Diageo.


@Diageo, can you confirm this was your starting role? What is your role now, if it has changed?

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Walter Armstrong, formerly known as Jayseven! How could he lose a match without punching himself in the face? Something is amiss!


And Manfred von Karma, too... Odd that he had nearly the same power he had originally, but Walter was very different from his original self...


@Yvonne: The dude who just died won his original game.

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Walter Armstrong, formerly known as Jayseven! How could he lose a match without punching himself in the face? Something is amiss!


That is exactly why I revived the character :p one of the things I remember most about that mafia was discovering Jayseven had spent most of the game punching himself in the face :laughing:

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Sheikah died? Obviously Nintendohnut is mafia, then! :p


Jokes aside, this will be one interesting game. Diageo being revealed ... there was a role who could do that in my Colour Mafia, but that also revealed alignment, which this doesn't seem to have done. It was also a one-time thing, in which case it's a bit early for it to have been used, unless that part has been tweaked as well. I find it hard to believe there wouldn't be some sort of restriction, though, what with it being a fairly powerful power.

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