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Toughest moments on Wii

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The Wii has frequently been labeled as a casual system, and it seems like many people (even to this day) believe that it only houses easy games which offer little to no challenge for experienced gamers.


But of course, those of us that know better... well.. know better. :hehe:

So with that in mind, and now that the Wii is coming to the end of its life-cycle, I thought it would be interesting to look back on those difficult moments.


Here are a few of mine:


Deviljho - Monster Hunter Tri:


I don't think I'll ever forget my first encounter with a Deviljho, just when you think you've mastered hunting monsters, this thing literally comes out of nowhere to tear you a new one! :heh:

And he is a tough motherf**ker! :shakehead



Star 242 - Super Mario Galaxy 2:


What can you say about this one? Mental, absolutely mental! :o

I lost well over 100 lives before I managed to beat it. Definitely up there as one of the most difficult moments in a Wii game.



Remix 10 (Perfect) - Beat the Beat:


Skip to 8:12 on the vid below.

This one is still very much fresh in my memory, having only just done it a week ago. Tapping buttons to the rhythm, easy right? Not when you have to do it with insanely accurate timing, over 260 times in under 4 minutes and without making a single mistake! This one really goes to show how you shouldn't judge a game by its art style/age rating. ;)



OK then, I'll leave it at that for now. I'm interested to see what other people think though, so please post about any games or particular sections of a game that you found difficult on Wii. And feel free to repeat any of the ones that I/anyone else mentioned(s). That way we should also be able to establish which Wii game the N-E community considers to be the most difficult. :smile:


: peace:

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New Super Mario Bros. Wii:- Secret Worlds


What was a pretty easy game turned into a challenge for the hardcore by the end of it. Some of the jumps that had to by made in the secret worlds needed pinpoint precision and timing. In true Nintendo fashion the game had that 'one more go' feeling so you never felt like throwing the pad or rage quitting when reaching these last stages.


I remember level 9-7 being the worst for me. I had to retry it sooooooo many times but eventually I got all the coins and beat the stage.


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Yeah, Excitetruck was craaazy, especially on Nebula Crystal Road! And World 9 on NSMBWii is another fine example. icon14.gif


I just remembered these...


Zack & Wiki:


Pretty sure I saw the majority of those during my playthrough. :blush:



Mario Strikers Charged Football:


Got absolutely brutal towards the later part of the game. :eek:

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Those last 2 are some damn fine examples RedShell, but Zack&Wiki is more or less based around trail and error.

They want you to fail in that game so you come to new conclusions. That's the case in some levels anyway.


Your thread got me thinking, and whilst I immediatly remembered some bosses in Little King's Story being quite the challenge, I completely forgot that, during the beginning of the Wii, there were these crazy hard matches to be held in Strikers Charged.

Damn that game is hard!


I'll post some examples later :D

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Trauma Center Second Opinion and Trauma Center New Blood (Trauma Team isn't quite as hard as the first two). The whole games really, but especially the extra missions after beating the game.



I weep because I'll never be as good as this guy :cry:


DKCR also deserves a mention. The main game already gets ball bustingly hard, but the Speed Run Medals are utterly ridiculous (I'm pretty sure that Shiny Gold ones are impossible without breaking the game!)

Edited by Dcubed
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You should just add that to your signature.


It would save you the trouble of having to find a way to shoehorn your hate for the game into every post.


"Good Stuff Thread? Well, I was having a good day until Beat the Beat was released!"

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You're right. I deleted my message. The accompanying photo I'm pretty sure would have got me in trouble. I'm barred from commenting on the thread for pretty much nothing. I'm entitled to my opinion. It's a farce of a game.


Anyway on topic, even harder than Deviljho is Alatreon. Far harder, 30+ minute battles only to be beaten at the end. Trying to remember now but one of the rarest drops and God knows I need loads of them, Skypiercers. The bane of my life.

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er than Deviljho is Alatreon. Far harder, 30+ minute battles only to be beaten at the end. Trying to remember now but one of the rarest drops and God knows I need loads of them, Skypiercers. The bane of my life.


Well even harder than Ala...Super Ala.... and he has a good Skypiercer drop rate, but damn is he a tough one.


You ever do a "Clust Run" on a Normal Ala, 3 mins kill.... shame it don't work as well on Super Ala :heh:

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Well even harder than Ala...Super Ala.... and he has a good Skypiercer drop rate, but damn is he a tough one.


You ever do a "Clust Run" on a Normal Ala, 3 mins kill.... shame it don't work as well on Super Ala :heh:


Sleep bombing was the way forward for Ala. :D Man, I miss playing MH Tri. Happy days.

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But at least when you were taking on Ala, you knew what the situation was. And you'd be fully prepared for a very tough battle.


The thing that makes Deviljho more difficult for me, is the fact that (unless you're on a Deviljho specific quest) he can just randomly show up, usually when you're least expecting it/prepared. :heh:


One minute you can be casually collecting shrooms or beating up Kelbi, the next... in an epic battle for survival, or doing a lot of running. :laughing:


Thought he hardest is King Long Sauvage


Oh man, that battle was so annoying! I actually took a long break from playing the game at that point. :hehe:

The final boss was a bit of a bugger too.

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But at least when you were taking on Ala, you knew what the situation was. And you'd be fully prepared for a very tough battle.


The thing that makes Deviljho more difficult for me, is the fact that (unless you're on a Deviljho specific quest) he can just randomly show up, usually when you're least expecting it/prepared. :heh:


One minute you can be casually collecting shrooms or beating up Kelbi, the next... in an epic battle for survival, or doing a lot of running. :laughing:


Oh man, that battle was so annoying! I actually took a long break from playing the game at that point. :hehe:

The final boss was a bit of a bugger too.


And DAT MUSIC! Ugh!!!



Still sends shivers down my spine :shakehead

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