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The Wonderful 101


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There's been so many positive impressions from you guys since the release of the demo that it has almost felt inevitable that someone will get around to playing it and not be quite so enthusiastic about The Wonderful 101..


As probably expected, that someone is me :hmm: I finally had some time with the demo this morning and despite some of the interesting variety with the whole 'unite' thing, I didn't feel like I was enjoying myself while I was playing it. Is there something wrong with me? ::shrug:


/ nando / disliking a game? Shocking stuff.

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Does anyone know if the story mode has multiplayer co-op or is it just the Wonderful Missions mode?


I don't know the answer to this, but would like to know, too. So, I bumped your post, so it doesn't get forgotten on the last page.




Done some scouring of the interweb, and it seems that multiplayer (5-player) is isolated to the Mission mode, at least that's what it seems like, but all stories are from E3 builds of the game, so I suppose there is hope for some multi-player action during the solo story mode, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

Edited by londragon
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There's been so many positive impressions from you guys since the release of the demo that it has almost felt inevitable that someone will get around to playing it and not be quite so enthusiastic about The Wonderful 101..


As probably expected, that someone is me :hmm: I finally had some time with the demo this morning and despite some of the interesting variety with the whole 'unite' thing, I didn't feel like I was enjoying myself while I was playing it. Is there something wrong with me? ::shrug:


I'd give it a second go at least. On my first play-through, I struggled through some of the demo because I wasn't very good at racking up combos - descended into directionless button/screen mashing at times.


On my second play-through it was almost a completely different experience, because I'd gotten my head around all the controls. A pro-tip: I personally use the right analogue stick to draw the Unite Morphs, despite initially presuming it was the 'secondary' option. Makes the game flow so much better. Also, don't forget there are dodge and block moves mapped to ZL and ZR, so be sure to use them liberally.


Did my third play-through this morning and loved it even more. Basically, I think it's one of those games whose appeal comes from linking up the mad combos and making all the action flow well. I enjoyed it more as I became more proficient with all the controls, so maybe you'll like it more on further play-throughs.

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I just watched Keza's (IGN) impressions of this in the run up to her review, and here she complains about the controls for the game. She finds it hard to draw the 'shapes' and goes as far as saying that it's "Almost impossible to get it right every time".


Another complaint of hers is that she finds it hard to keep track of her characters position.


It doesn't really make sense. All of the views/impressions I've seen have been positive, especially when it came to the controls.



I haven't played the demo so I'm asking those who have. Do you agree with her complaints?

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I haven't played the demo so I'm asking those who have. Do you agree with her complaints?
Can't be sure about the issue they're having with drawing the shapes, as they say it's only a problem with the more complicated ones which appear later in the game and aren't in the demo. ::shrug:

The ones that are in the demo work fine though, some are actually very forgiving like I mentioned earlier.


The keeping track of your character point is kind of valid, but if you dash, your lead character starts leaving a really vivid rainbow trail and that helps a lot in keeping track of where you are.


But yeah, based on the little I've played so far, I'd say it's definitely a game that needs quite a bit of playtime to get used to. So I've got a feeling there will be a lot of reviewers mentioning these "problems" with the controls, having not spent anywhere near enough time with the game in order to adjust to the way it plays.

Nothing new there though. :heh:

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IGN Awards The Wonderful 101 7.4/10


Popular online gaming publication IGN is one of the first publications to review Platinum Games latest opus, The Wonderful 101. The publication has awarded the game 7.4, stating that the game is flawed but eminently likeable. You can read the full review, here. The Wonderful 101 is due for release on August 23rd in Europe and September 15th in North America.


“I could never stay mad at the Wonderful 101 for very long. It’s just immensely likeable, and so full of personality and verve that I couldn’t help but grow to love it. After that initial difficulty curve, there’s so much here that’s worth sticking around for – particularly the ending, which goes on for about two and a half hours and builds to a gloriously unpredictable crescendo of ridiculousness. The Wonderful 101 is both a showcase for the amazing potential of the Wii U’s GamePad and for its pitfalls. It’s amazingly inventive and full of color and bright-eyed character, but its control problems are so persistent they’re unignorable. Even that doesn’t ruin what is otherwise a clever and adventurous action game, but The Wonderful 101 is kept from being as truly wonderful as it might have been.”




Ouch! Still IGN aint want they used to be but I'm too drunk to make sense so meh.

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Saw one review that is 3/10.


PROS Presentation, Charm, Campy story, Solid frame rate

CONS Controls, Frustration, Lack of feedback, Camera, Offensive, Design choices

WTF?! This game would have worked with a normal controller.





Ouch! Still IGN aint want they used to be but I'm too drunk to make sense so meh.

Indeed. Since Audrey left, they've become overly harsh on Nintendo stuff again. Much of the western media has got a massive axe to grind against Nintendo.

Edited by Serebii
Automerged Doublepost
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Game with unconventional control scheme gets lambasted for having an unconventional control scheme by reviewers? Shocking!


Pretty much, Kid Icarus Uprising all over again.

Blistered thumbs gave it a 3/10, with the reviewer saying that the game has camera issues and would have been fixed if it was a third person game...


I've learnt a long time ago to ignore review scores, the majority of them are just arbitrary numbers out of 10. Sure reading reviews have merit but just because one gamer has difficulty with the control scheme doesn't mean everyone else will. 7.4/10 will be seen as a 'bad' score I presume, but actually reading the review it sounds fine. Her main complaint is with the drawing mechanic, which I personally found to work pretty well in the demo. (At the start I had a little trouble but towards the end it just clicked with me and I stopped having issues with it).


I'm sure i'll fully enjoy this game when I pick it up, will probably be my first Wii U game since launch.

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Another thing that concerns me is that reviewers are doing reviews based upon the Wii U's state, not upon the game itself. So often I see "Not what the Wii U needs" and "Should have been made with a conventional controller", but this is a matter for discussion elsewhere

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Another thing that concerns me is that reviewers are doing reviews based upon the Wii U's state, not upon the game itself. So often I see "Not what the Wii U needs" and "Should have been made with a conventional controller", but this is a matter for discussion elsewhere


Exactly, look at the recent Pikmin 3 reviews. That game 'lost points' because it didn't 'justify' the Wii U and wouldn't 'save' the Wii U. It seems like the popular thing to do at the moment, laying the boot into the Wii U at every turn, justified or not.

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Pretty much, Kid Icarus Uprising all over again.

Blistered thumbs gave it a 3/10, with the reviewer saying that the game has camera issues and would have been fixed if it was a third person game...


I've learnt a long time ago to ignore review scores, the majority of them are just arbitrary numbers out of 10. Sure reading reviews have merit but just because one gamer has difficulty with the control scheme doesn't mean everyone else will. 7.4/10 will be seen as a 'bad' score I presume, but actually reading the review it sounds fine. Her main complaint is with the drawing mechanic, which I personally found to work pretty well in the demo. (At the start I had a little trouble but towards the end it just clicked with me and I stopped having issues with it).


I'm sure i'll fully enjoy this game when I pick it up, will probably be my first Wii U game since launch.


The thing is it's not just one reviewer that's saying the controls are an issue, it's most of them. A few people on here even had issues with them and they had to go through the demo a few times till things settled down and finally clicked. I also had issues with the drawing mechanic, mainly the circle, which is why I just kept using the sword. :D


My main concern is that the game can get very hectic.I'm just hoping the actually game eases you into things, unlike the demo which threw you right into the thick of it.


It makes no difference as I will still be getting the game but the controls being an issue is still a valid reason for the knock down in the scores. The 3/10 review is just stupid though.

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The thing is it's not just one reviewer that's saying the controls are an issue, it's most of them. A few people on here even had issues with them and they had to go through the demo a few times till things settled down and finally clicked. I also had issues with the drawing mechanic, mainly the circle, which is why I just kept using the sword. :D


My main concern is that the game can get very hectic.I'm just hoping the actually game eases you into things, unlike the demo which threw you right into the thick of it.


It makes no difference as I will still be getting the game but the controls being an issue is still a valid reason for the knock down in the scores. The 3/10 review is just stupid though.

Most reviewers criticised Duck Tales because of its controls and difficulty, when they were identical to the NES version...


Gaming is dumbed down now, and it saddens me.

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Most reviewers criticised Duck Tales because of its controls and difficulty, when they were identical to the NES version...


Gaming is dumbed down now, and it saddens me.


Indeed it has. This is why I can see many people slagging this game off. It obviously takes time to get to grips with the controls but many gamers simply don't have the time or patience to do so.

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The thing is it's not just one reviewer that's saying the controls are an issue, it's most of them. A few people on here even had issues with them and they had to go through the demo a few times till things settled down and finally clicked. I also had issues with the drawing mechanic, mainly the circle, which is why I just kept using the sword. :D


My main concern is that the game can get very hectic.I'm just hoping the actually game eases you into things, unlike the demo which threw you right into the thick of it.


It makes no difference as I will still be getting the game but the controls being an issue is still a valid reason for the knock down in the scores. The 3/10 review is just stupid though.


Controls are a funny thing though, in most game reviews controls get a passing mention because they employ a standardised control scheme. Most First Person Shooters control the same.

Games that have control schemes that have a learning curve (Such as this one and Kid Icarus Uprising) tend to get lambasted for their unorthodox controls. For example the drawing mechanic in this game is something I can imagine many will get comfortable with if they persevere with it. While criticism is valid on whether they work or not, for many of the Kid Icarus review I felt many of the reviewers didn't try to understand the controls, made fun of the inclusion of a stand and called it a day.

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Some choice comments from reviews


"Some enemy attacks are poorly signposted, and it’s often unclear what you need to do in order to counter them."

"I’m just worried that all of this effort will go unseen ...as a result of the game being exclusive to Wii U,"

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Controls are a funny thing though, in most game reviews controls get a passing mention because they employ a standardised control scheme. Most First Person Shooters control the same.

Games that have control schemes that have a learning curve (Such as this one and Kid Icarus Uprising) tend to get lambasted for their unorthodox controls. For example the drawing mechanic in this game is something I can imagine many will get comfortable with if they persevere with it. While criticism is valid on whether they work or not, for many of the Kid Icarus review I felt many of the reviewers didn't try to understand the controls, made fun of the inclusion of a stand and called it a day.


Kid Icarus was a strange one. While the controls took some getting used to I personally found them very uncomfortable and couldn't play for long sessions. If the game got marked down for that then I have no issue with it. I did love the game though, it just took a long time to get through it. :)

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