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Scribblenauts Unlimited


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You do have to wonder how many Wii U owners who were waiting for it just bought the PC version instead which has been below £5 quite a few times.


*raises hand*


They should scrap a retail attempt with this, go digital only and sell it solely on eShop for sub-£10. Given the massive delay and the PC alternative as you mention, plus the still relatively weak install base of Wii Us, I can only see this being an absolute retail bomb.


eShop success if done right though? Possibly.

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Definitely will be dude yes. My PC barely runs C&C:Generals. I'm not a PC gamer at all.


Can't wait to get this for WiiU.

It's good fun :)


*raises hand*


They should scrap a retail attempt with this, go digital only and sell it solely on eShop for sub-£10. Given the massive delay and the PC alternative as you mention, plus the still relatively weak install base of Wii Us, I can only see this being an absolute retail bomb.


eShop success if done right though? Possibly.

But I paid £50 for it on the eShop :(

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  • 6 months later...

I finally got around to start this yesterday and it seems really short. I only played a few hours and i'm nearly finished it. If it wasn't for me playing Kinect Sports Rivals as well I probably could have finished it in one sitting.


It's same old, same old really. It plays just like all the others, except this one has a few Nintendo bits and bobs thrown in.


It is really suited to a handheld device though. I started playing on the TV but then just switched to playing on the Gamepad. You have to keep switching between the two while you are typing stuff in and I just got sick on having to looking back and forth between the pad and TV.


I will probably finish it when I get in from work and that will be another one of the backlog done and dusted.

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