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Pikmin 3


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  • 1 month later...

This feature looks really cool. I also thought that one shot of the Pikmin hiding in the bush was so cute :P But really, it would be great if they had this feature as standard in every Wii U game, it would be great looking through Miiverse posts.

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Yeah, the feature looks amazing, thing is though, I want to take the pictures off my Wii U so I can use them as desktop/phone wallpaper, or whatever else I fancy.


That's probably possible.


Heck, you could do it with Smash snapshots if you put them on your SD-card and converted them using some special program on your PC.

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Yeah, the feature looks amazing, thing is though, I want to take the pictures off my Wii U so I can use them as desktop/phone wallpaper, or whatever else I fancy.


I was actually just thinking that maybe you'll be able to find away around the problem when Miiverse makes it's way to mobile devices. Perhaps you'll be able to save the images from there onto your phone and then transfer them to whatever devices you desire.. ::shrug:

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  • 2 weeks later...


Pikmin 3 Will Support GamePad-Only Play


Though the game still has no release date, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto used his company's latest financial briefing to provide an update on Pikmin 3. Tucked within Miyamoto's discussion of HD graphics was one detail many Wii U owners will love - the game will support GamePad-only play.


"You can play this game only with Wii U GamePad," Miyamoto told Nintendo investors. "If it is hard to imagine what it will be like, maybe you can recall the visuals of the original "Pikmin" for Nintendo GameCube and imagine how you can play it with the smaller but more detailed screen in your hands. The two control sticks of Wii U GamePad will let you play this game more comfortably and, with a TV screen, the gyro sensor inside Wii Remote Plus will further help your gameplay."


This method of control appears to come in addition to the arrangement we last saw at E3 2012, using a Wii remote as the primary input. With this scheme, the GamePad was used as a map, able to display the locations of all your Pikmin at once. "The two screens of the TV and Wii U GamePad will let you see what you are doing at any time during your gameplay, which alone is a great evolution for a strategy game," Miyamoto noted, as he described the Remote-based arrangement.

Good news I guess, depends if you'd rather use the pointer or an analogue stick I guess.


Don't really understand his comment about 'recalling the visuals of the Gamecube Pikmin' to understand how it'll work?

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Hmm... he doesn't actually mention that the Gamepad only play eschews the gyro controls...


In the E3 demo, the left stick controlled movement, while the right stick controlled the camera, with the cursor being motion controlled.


I really hope that the game hasn't been dumbed down or compromised in any way, in order to be made playable off-TV...

Edited by Dcubed
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  • 1 month later...

I was thinking the same. Almost, if this was on the wii it wouldn't be that surprising.


I'm sure it'll look better in motion and in better quality screenshots, but i didn't think it looked a bit... average. Considering only today Miamoto said in an interview using wii u's graphical power for the world...

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Considering only today Miamoto said in an interview using wii u's graphical power for the world...


? Have you got a link? Seen quotes but didn't seen anything about graphics mentioned. I think this might end up being one of those mixed bags in the graphics department, but most people will forget about that once it's all in motion. Remember the footage we seen in the cave with the fire and lighting effects and some of the bigger enemies we've seen, they look great.


Looks like they aren't willing to re-do textures and what not. Regardless it's a beautiful universe full of imagination and that's the bottom line.


@dazzybee, it's ok, I've found it.

Edited by madeinbeats
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Looks like they aren't willing to re-do textures and what not. Regardless it's a beautiful universe full of imagination and that's the bottom line.


Surely it can't be that hard to replace the ground/rock textures?


The plants look great - it's the floor textures that are the problem.

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Surely it can't be that hard to replace the ground/rock textures?


The plants look great - it's the floor textures that are the problem.


I don't know, I imagine it would be a lot of work because there's a hell of a lot of ground and the game's already late.

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Good news I guess, depends if you'd rather use the pointer or an analogue stick I guess.


Don't really understand his comment about 'recalling the visuals of the Gamecube Pikmin' to understand how it'll work?


Seems a strange comparison, I'm taking it maybe as a reference to the interface?


I don't know, I imagine it would be a lot of work because there's a hell of a lot of ground and the game's already late.


One might say they'd have...a lot of ground to cover. YEEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHH.


Though seriously, even the models look a bit jaggy HD - no point having HD if stuff ain't looking smooth and stuff. Certainly hope they don't look like that in the flesh.

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Those textures are 9 years old.


Sure, it's not all about graphics, but those screenshots just suggest a lack of effort.


We're not involved in the project so we don't know. I just think it would involve a lot of work. Maybe it was a planned Wii release that's why the grunt work, ground textures being the main one, looks like it does, and assets/models like rock pikmin, enemies, plants etc, look considerably better.

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Personally I look at these screen shots and think 'cool, looks nice, I wonder how it all plays?'


I'm not suggesting we play ugly games, but this looks fine to me and in some shots it looks really beautiful. But I'm all for performance and game play opportunities. Some of the ground textures don't look the 'best I've ever seen', but at the same time they're hardly 'ugly' or so poor they look out of place or look like they're ruining the experience of the game.


I think people get too hung today over minor visual issues, especially in screens of games that aren't finished yet!


I personally find it highly amusing that people around the web are nitpicking over things like this and at the same time jizzing in their pants over the KZ4 visuals which were on rails and at 30fps! It's like today's gamers are actually more concerned with the visual fidelity of game in screenshots than the actual performance and playability of that game!


When I see a game like Batman: Arkham City, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 or Mass Effect 3 I still think they all look lovely! I'd much rather developers used the increase in a systems horsepower to first and foremost produce games that run at a smooth 60fps and provide new game play experiences than simply replicate what we've all been playing for the last 7 years at the same 30fps but slightly prettier!

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I don't think people care, but at the same time we all want to play the best games - yeah all that matters is we want the gameplay, which I don't doubt we'll get, but we also want the best graphics (design and technically), sound, music, modes etc. I guess this has been in development so long, even been pushed back from what they said last year and people just expected the graphics to improve I guess. ESPECIALLY when Nintendo directly say what is unique about Pikmin 3 is it's using the graphical power of the Wii U.


To be honest, I expect the game to look stunning. Just those screenshots were a little surprising.

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@Cube, I thought that was another new screen for a second :p

I always thought the snow levels were the worst looking levels anyway.


@Zechs Merquise, I'd imagine people are 'nit-picking' because they've just spent £250-300 on a new console and would like to be getting something back for their money! :p If it's still going to look like a last-gen game, well then it should have been a last gen game and Nintendo should have continued supporting the Wii for another couple of years!



Game looks nice though.


Nintendo are showing it off at an event this week [is it?], so maybe we'll get a new trailer, and at least some demo footage.


I like that they've introduced the GamePad into it as such... however, shouldn't it not be in the game, and you see what 'Olimar' would see on the gamepad screen?... I imagine that's what will happen, and that screen above is him finding it, and will be the only time you actually see it in-game.


One to think about getting in the future.

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