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The graphics seem to be getting better all of the time. The amounts of squelchy blood that was coming off of the motorbike zombies head was fantastic.


Also (and I've been thinking this already) but did that environment analyser tool remind anyone else of Condemned? I loved that game, even if the second one was a bit poo.

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The graphics seem to be getting better all of the time. The amounts of squelchy blood that was coming off of the motorbike zombies head was fantastic.


Also (and I've been thinking this already) but did that environment analyser tool remind anyone else of Condemned? I loved that game, even if the second one was a bit poo.


I loved that game. It was one of my first for the 360. I never did play the sequel though, as it looked nothing like the original.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SO there was mention of a 3rd WiiU pack for Launch which would include ZombiU a Black WiiU & and a UPad Pro (and I assume Black Upad, HDMI cable)


Hope we get more info on that soon since as ZombiU is one of teh games I intend to get Day One this pack would be handier for me as I just want a Black WiiU and not too fussed about Nintendo Land.


Must go to my local GameStop tomorrow and see what they have on their systems

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And so it starts!


Interview with the developer woman -


- writing messages has been stripped back and is now just signs and symbols because some gamers may site rude words


For fuck sake. No rule or legislation should ever, in the whole world, be made ecause of the idiot minority. So because somecock would write CUNT on a wall the feature is gone. They admitted they really wantedpeople to come up with their own cryptic messages and such but they're playing It safe.


Bt why? Just make it so only your friends can read it. Isn't the game an 18 anyway? WE ARE GROWN ADULTS, IF SOMEONE DRAWS A COCK ON OUR WALL WHO GIVES A FUCK?


So frustrating. So that's one of the more interesting features gone. And still the cotton wool attitude one Nintendo console.


I slightly more positive news, she said she didn't want to spoil the fun when asked if there where multiple endings.


Multiplayer, although only two player, has three modes and used wiimote nunchuk control method too.


Oh, you also get told in real time if a friend has entered your game or even if they've died and you can compare stats on all your survivors. With the feature of zombifying yourself I hope you can unleash yourself on the zombi u world! Would also love replays of what your zombi does but I imagine that'll be too much!

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Sounds amazing.


If you’re still not convinced that ZombiU is a ‘hardcore’ game for ‘hardcore’ people, then you should at least check the game out through a friend’s purchase. To all Dark Souls fans, you absolutely need to play this game. It’s that simple.

‘ZombiU is the Dark Souls of zombie games’. You’re going to hear a lot of people say that after the Wii U launches in November. It’s absolutely true, as the game is brutally difficult, and makes no attempt to coddle players as they wade miserably through post apocalyptic London.


One of the magic ingredients that makes a good survival horror game even better is making the player feel dangerously under-resourced, pathetically weak, and continually on the backfoot at all times. If this stresses you out, then ZombiU is not the game for you.


It has been absolutely engineered with hardcore gamers in mind, mixing the continuous dread of games like Amnesia: The Dark Descent with unforgiving trial and error format of Dark Souls. You will die a lot, but with each death you will learn what not to do next time.


Best of all, when you die, it’s entirely your fault and – sorry to put this bluntly readers – down to your own foolish haste and stupidity. It’s not that you’ aren’t smart enough to overcome Ubisoft Montreal’s sadistic challenge, it just takes a lot of practice.


That’s part of the problem. Wii U does have casual players who may take a punt on ZombiU – because, zombies – and that could lead to a lot of copies being traded in shortly after launch.


Our hands-on session starts with a dreary slog through London’s sewer network, and up into the Tower of London’s hidden catacombs. We’ve got a cricket bat – the game’s default, unbreakable melee weapon – and a shotgun with only 30 bullets.


There’s also a flashlight that runs down mercilessly fast, and it takes ages to recharge. Once it’s off, the sewers are seriously pitch black, which is why the Wii U GamePad’s radar screen is helpful for spotting movement in the dark.


Slow movement is the key, as your cricket bat will only down a zombie in about six heavy hits. That’s a lot of attacking needed for just one enemy, so you have to avoid confronting packs of the buggers if you hope to survive long.


You could of course hit them with your firearms – but wouldn’t you know it – gunfire attracts the horde to your location with every single shot, so that’s not a dependable tactic either.


Drawing out zombies one by one using flares does help thin out groups if you have to kill a few of them, or you could lay mines in a tight bottleneck, fire a few shots, and stand back as they rush towards the sound and blow up in meaty, bloody chunks.


There are many ways to play ZombiU, but several truths remain throughout: never ignore your radar and make sure you’re alone before using your inventory. Opening your backpack is activated by simply swiping down on the touch screen, but it renders you immobilised.


You can then drag your favourite items to the hot bar and organise loot gathered from corpses. You only have so many slots, so resource management is yet another problem facing your survivor.


This is where both the respawn and safehouse mechanics come into play. Safehouses do exactly what they suggest – they are respawn zones that play home to crafting benches and lockers that can be used to stash precious loot.


Lockers are crucial, because when you die and respawn as a different survivor, you lose everything – save for your cricket bat, flashlight and a pistol with just six rounds. Back at your point of death, your previous survivor reanimates as a zombie carrying all of your gear.


They aren’t painted on the map either, so say they’re holding that super-upgraded firearm that you spent ages crafting, chances are you will never find them again and the weapon is lost.


This poses a tough choice when faced with an area swarming with the undead. Do you avoid potentially dying and losing your favourite gun – by trudging all the way back to your last safehouse in order to stash it away – or do you rush in hoping that you’ll make it through alive?


You have to constantly make these difficult decisions every step of the way. You’ll ask yourself, ‘Do I walk blindly through the dark undetected, or use my flashlight to see threats even if it leaves me exposed?’


There are times when you may even think, ‘Do I take the long, dangerous, but silent melee route, or do I risk detection by shooting those zombies to create an easy path?’ Everything must be considered. Even travelling through water is a risk.


When wading through water, your survivor lifts their backpack overhead to keep it dry, leaving you utterly defenceless and unable to attack. Rushing through the ravaged streets of London is a recipe for disaster and should be avoided at all cost.


Every inch of the game smacks of Dark Souls, and this comparison is highlighted further by ZombiU’s messaging system, which lets you walk up to walls and leave graffiti tag messages for other players online.


These aren’t actual words, but symbols. So you could select the ‘stairs’ icon and a ‘thumbs down’ – to basically say ‘don’t go downstairs’. There are many symbol combinations geared towards highlighting hazards or killer loot, so it will be interesting to see how these are used – or abused – once servers go live.


Finally – and this is a stroke of genius on Ubisoft Montreal’s part – once one of your survivors dies and then reanimates as a zombie, there’s a chance they will also spawn into your friends’ game too.


So you can hop on Miiverse and say, ‘hey I died at this location holding a brilliant weapon. Go find me to claim it’, and vice-versa. It’s a neat way of sharing weapons and collaborating with other players to beat the game.


It’s hard to step back from comparing ZombiU to Dark Souls, but the parallels are blatant. This isn’t a bad thing however, because survival horror games are supposed to make surviving a struggle, and this is one of those rare games that actually delivers that feeling.


If you’re still not convinced that ZombiU is a ‘hardcore’ game for ‘hardcore’ people, then you should at least check the game out through a friend’s purchase. To all Dark Souls fans, you absolutely need to play this game. It’s that simple.



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This is the best thing you've ever written.



I am totally sold on this. Judging by my current (apparently humorous) jumping and yelping in Project Zero 2, I'm going to be knee high in shit playing.

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And so it starts!


For fuck sake. No rule or legislation should ever, in the whole world, be made ecause of the idiot minority. So because somecock would write CUNT on a wall the feature is gone. They admitted they really wantedpeople to come up with their own cryptic messages and such but they're playing It safe.


Bt why? Just make it so only your friends can read it. Isn't the game an 18 anyway? WE ARE GROWN ADULTS, IF SOMEONE DRAWS A COCK ON OUR WALL WHO GIVES A FUCK?


The Daily Mail after one mother gets the game for her 12 year old son despite the warnings. They'll report it "Zombie game filled with profanity and smut on kid's console", and it'll spread with them running a campaign against it

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The Daily Mail after one mother gets the game for her 12 year old son despite the warnings. They'll report it "Zombie game filled with profanity and smut on kid's console", and it'll spread with them running a campaign against it


They'll resurrect Ann Diamond just for the scrawl of epileptic rage!

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The Daily Mail after one mother gets the game for her 12 year old son despite the warnings. They'll report it "Zombie game filled with profanity and smut on kid's console", and it'll spread with them running a campaign against it


Excellent. More sales :)


Tis game just sounds utterly incredible, but there is so much to finely balance. So the one life system works it needs to be important that you level up your character, or they have specific skills etc so it doesn't feel like a reskinned player, as this would make you not give a fuck if your character died. So each character needs tow be different enough or/and you skill up your player and you start from scratch if you die. I'm not talking about weapons which you can retrieve (great idea) but player skills. So there is an impact to death.


This then raises the questions of difficulty. The game can't be too easy as it progresses for the skilled up character, but at the same time it needs to be possible to continue with a character from scratch. It is this balance which will be so difficult to get right, and my biggest fear for the game.


I look at the video with zombies slowly coming towards you and next to the door, only 3 numbers are showing, so you have to go through all th enumbers for the last one as the zombies approach. This SOUNDS amazing, but will the game actually ate this tension as it appears in the trailers?


No one knows yet. But the game is full of so many ideas, it looks absolutely terrifying and it could've an absolute classic. But there is so much balance it needs to have to work...

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Damn the game sounds amazing from Hero's post!


So those arrows that appear on the floor that guide you to the secret room in the Buckingham Palace Trailer at the top of the page, were probably put there by another player as opposed to being something hidden in the game!?


Means there could be plenty of hidden rooms and areas all over the place that you might not find!

Edited by Retro_Link
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