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Sony Press Conference (4th June in LA/5th June in Europe))


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"The Vita is finished." Quoted verbatim. Is that not melodramatic?


To be fair, it was me who was the one who chimed in with "RIP Vita". I'm not sure why my post was thanked considering that a major handheld that offers competition in the core space having a rough time is NOT a good thing.


I did the same thing with the 3DS last year. I may be calling things too earlier but I at least feel balanced in doing so considering the amount of times a post of mine has been pretty much flamed for criticising a Nintendo console and so on.


It's just very underwhelming and disappointing that the fucking Playstation mobile app received more time than the Vita. The games were minimal, no demo of Assassins Creed Vita, more cross play functionality which I think only appeals to an incredibly niche audience (except for Sound Shapes, the buy one get two copies idea needs to be done more).


To be honest, I guess TGS is more of my kind of thing considering the games that are saved for that event rather than E3, so I guess I'll be waiting a little longer. It just felt like there was so much wasted potential to show off the Vita this E3.

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I guess I'd have a problem if games were mainly announced at E3, but they aren't (Same with the 360 and PS3 - there a loads of great games coming out, I don't need to see much more to be happy with their line up for the next year). And I totally agree the presentation was poor, for both MS and Sony - but I don't think the games coming out for Vita/360/PS3 are.


Also, EDF is coming out for the Vita so I'm ME GUSTA. Since it is the best game in the world.

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The lack of Vita baffles me...I mean take the COD game for example...love the franchise or hate it. A demo of that which looked equal to or close to the previous demo shown for BLOPS2 would have been an incredible thing to show off. I was considering it being an early purchase once in Canada now the console is back off my radar.

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Boring as hell conference. Fell asleep afew times and started browsing.


Afew good games in between the mess. Not much announced or done for ps3 or especially vita. I hated how they made a big deal out of the fighting game to only reveal two characters... Come on. There should 20-30 characters already. LBP kart looked great and deserved a bigger showing over magic book. Cant wait for that. GOW looked good as did the Last of us and the Heavy rain type game with Ellen page in it has me really interested. Its still a bit empty considering how many studios they have. Some of the 3rd party stuff was nice but we have no.5 sequels in many cases in this gen alone(not counting sports games)...


GT6 was almost a dead cert yet nothing. I refuse to believe they've added so many features to GT5 for just patching and freebies :p Killzone 4 would be nice but maybe a next gen console would be a nice time to get it back on track after Killzone 3. Some psn games mentioned by name but no media. nonsense.


I am still sad Zipper were closed, I loved MAG. Its still the most organised shooter i have ever played online. Lets see what the future holds. FPS games look really dragged out right now save for the MMO stuff.


Vita got shafted. COD reminder but no nohting apart from a name confirming it will be a lousy version (probably).


PS plus had a great announcement. Glad i have it, its been great value for money since it started. Overall, It was mildly better than Ninty's or Ms's conference but it was still poor.

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So in questioning Yoshida has said the Vita is good value for money and will see no price drop, as they want to "increase the content and to realize the potential of the system"


Is he joking? they showed hardly any games!


he did go on to say they have 25 games on the show floor and they should have spent more time on the vita in retrospect



Every one of the major developers ballsed up this year didn't they? didn't show what they should have

did they let temps plan the presentations? or was it bad ideas from executives and too many "yes men" telling them it would be the best thing since sliced bread?

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Well that Wonderbook crap had half a page in The Sun today (I don't read it, they get it here at work). They were really chuffed with it...for some reason. So Sony obviously didn't balls up completely - also, it's hard to be truly disappointed with Beyond and The Last of Us shown. But yeah, they totally ballsed up the Vita. But hey, MGS and Gravity Whatever out in couple months and a new EDF so I'm pretty happy (EDF Nom nom nom). It's not like I have much time to waste on games these days, anyway.


But then I don't think Microsoft did that badly, either. This is the twilight years of both consoles, after all.

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If I got a game that JK Rowling herself was into, I would show it off too. It's a trade show, they can't try to speak to our type all the time. Some of it has to reach other audiences. The tech is interesting anyway, creative use of AR and could be good for children.

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Well that Wonderbook crap had half a page in The Sun today (I don't read it, they get it here at work). They were really chuffed with it...for some reason. So Sony obviously didn't balls up completely - also, it's hard to be truly disappointed with Beyond and The Last of Us shown. But yeah, they totally ballsed up the Vita. But hey, MGS and Gravity Whatever out in couple months and a new EDF so I'm pretty happy (EDF Nom nom nom). It's not like I have much time to waste on games these days, anyway.


But then I don't think Microsoft did that badly, either. This is the twilight years of both consoles, after all.


See the fact that the likes of the Sun are reporting on this crap shows the dual nature these conferences now take and unfortunately that means less time for core stuff. Which is why I think a lot more stuff "leaks"/gets announced in the weeks running up to it so they can let the games just been on the showfloor.


JK Rowling is the solitary reason that the Wonderbook will sell well. Without her it would be a complete flop.


Although the Wonderbook would be better with Kinect.


I dunno if it would be better and to be honest. It's still a relatively naff looking concept. I don't like the Wonderbook notion full stop. It's never going to be next evolution of book reading like they were trying to make out it would be. Also I kind of like that books are a gateway to a child's imagination its one step towards to removing that once again in a world where everything is always someelses visual vision.


What happened to Gaikai? :( that would have been cool.


The rumours were that Sony was close to a deal - hardly time to get something done and prepared for E3.


They could easily have just splashed up the logo and announced what they planned on using the deal for....


Even though Dave Perry has recently come out and said there is no deal as of yet.




They has also now signed a deal with Samsung to distribute their services on Smart TVs.


Personally outside of gaming I think Home would really benefit from their streaming tech. I went to look at the E3 Booth thing hoping to see a ton of trailers and such and instead just got screenshot slide shows that took way to long to load.

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