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Rayman Legends


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WellWhen Watch Dogs is officially announced for WiiU i'll drop that argument, as for South Park, they are delaying Rayman until September to port it, why can't the same happen with south park, which is still in development?

but Tape Deck adds more games and thats my point, where are the OTHER ubisoft games that aren't on WiiU is they are trying to focus on mulitplatform?


its a valid point, their argument swings both ways


No it isn't. If they delay Rayman to release on the other platforms they could get a couple hundred thousand extra units. If they delay South Park so they can stick it in the wii u they'll get maybe 10-20k extra units. That doesn't cover the cost of the delay...

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Ubisoft don't owe any of us anything, despite what some of you may think.


This download should have really been announced on the day of the delay - would've kept the embarrassing wrath of so many Nintendo fanboys at bay. It is also a pretty solid business strategy, since the software starved Wii U masses will now download this demo, see how much fun the game is and probably drop some green on the game when it finally releases.

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I managed to play a demo of this in GAME, which was also my first experience with the Gamepad. First of all, fuck, this game is beautiful. It's just lovely to look at. Also, Ubisoft have really used the gamepad imaginatively and have created what looks like a fun experience, whether that's only one person or two, or three. Would have gladly spent the rest of my afternoon playing this, had the demo not had a time limit attached to it.


It's a bit of a shame that Ubisoft are sitting on this. You've got a great game, it's such a shame that it's not out there right now being played.

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This game (or the demo at least) puts Mario U to shame.


It really does. Ubisoft have managed to out-do Nintendo with both Rayman and ZombiU in terms of creativty and making good use of the WiiU's controller.


From what I've seen, the controller doesn't actually add anything substantial to NSMB.

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Really is incredible how lazy Nintendo were with Mario U. I still can't get over half the level soundtrack being identical to previous games. They better have some fantastic reveals at E3.


What is even funnier is that Ubisoft have used two different art-styles in Origins and Legends, both of which looks gorgeous, whilst Nintendo have stuck to the same for Mario...they really should take a look at what Ubisoft are doing and take note.


To be fair the block mode is actually pretty good, it's just not as we'll implemented as rayman.


Exactly, Ubisoft have just done things better, when really Nintendo should be leading the way. I tried some two player Mario earlier and it is actually quite boring being the pad's player.

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Really? Surprised to hear positive comments about the block mode, just seems so pointless and got boring after two minutes.


I the main game it's kind of pointless, though it is very good for GENUINELY helping your shit girlfriend.


I REALLY enjoy it in the challenge mode though, it is so difficult and is a load of fun in a testicle smashing kind of way!, @david\.dakota and me learned that the hard way!


Ps just realised that sounds kind of sexist. I'm not on about the mode being good for shit girlfriends, but was actually talking about how I've used it

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What is even funnier is that Ubisoft have used two different art-styles in Origins and Legends, both of which looks gorgeous, whilst Nintendo have stuck to the same for Mario...they really should take a look at what Ubisoft are doing and take note.


Exactly, Ubisoft have just done things better, when really Nintendo should be leading the way. I tried some two player Mario earlier and it is actually quite boring being the pad's player.


Yes of course they should!


NSMBWii only sold over 26 million units (the vast majority of which were at full price may I add), Rayman Origins sold less than a million on any individual system - most of which were sold at heavily discounted prices, it was £10 in my local Tesco.


Even the Wii U version of NSMB has done over 1.5 million units despite Wii U sales being less than stellar.


For the record, I think Rayman looks lovely, but to claim Nintendo should take 'note' of a game that has performed so poorly from a commercial stand point is nonsense.

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Yes of course they should!


NSMBWii only sold over 26 million units (the vast majority of which were at full price may I add), Rayman Origins sold less than a million on any individual system - most of which were sold at heavily discounted prices, it was £10 in my local Tesco.


Even the Wii U version of NSMB has done over 1.5 million units despite Wii U sales being less than stellar.


For the record, I think Rayman looks lovely, but to claim Nintendo should take 'note' of a game that has performed so poorly from a commercial stand point is nonsense.


Question: Do you always gauge game quality and consumer happiness on the financial success of a game (success largely due due to the existing popularity of a game series)?


By that reckoning, no big-hitter titles should ever take note of good elements from other games, since because the big-hitter titles sell the most, everything they are doing must be correct.

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Question: Do you always gauge game quality and consumer happiness on the financial success of a game (success largely due due to the existing popularity of a game series)?


By that reckoning, no big-hitter titles should ever take note of good elements from other games, since because the big-hitter titles sell the most, everything they are doing must be correct.


No, I've repeatedly said that a game is judged on critical and commercial performance and in the longer term the impact it had on the industry and its legacy.


However, you can see that with the success of NSMB Nintendo are doing something very right as the sales are consistently very strong.


I'm also not saying that nothing should ever change or that nothing can be learned from less popular titles. But it's clear that the graphics in NSMB are tailored so that they're clear, colourful and people who don't make gaming their lives find the game accessible.


I've played both NSMBWii and NSMBU and they were both very good games (especially the later).


I'll ask you this, if you were in charge at a company and you had a product that had consistently sold as strongly as NSMB, would you totally overhaul the art style because a minority of people on internet forums feel that there are better art styles for that franchise?

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Yes of course they should!


NSMBWii only sold over 26 million units (the vast majority of which were at full price may I add), Rayman Origins sold less than a million on any individual system - most of which were sold at heavily discounted prices, it was £10 in my local Tesco.


Even the Wii U version of NSMB has done over 1.5 million units despite Wii U sales being less than stellar.


For the record, I think Rayman looks lovely, but to claim Nintendo should take 'note' of a game that has performed so poorly from a commercial stand point is nonsense.


From a commercial stand point, they could have released the game in 2 small parts at full price and it would still sell millions. Nobody is arguing that.


From an actual game-play point of view, the game is so far behind what it could be it is laughable. Getting out-played by Ubisoft in the graphics department is one thing, but getting outplayed in graphics, sound, gameplay, utilisation of the gamepad, the multiplayer modes and content, that's another thing entirely. Sure, sales are important for Nintendo, but good games are important for us.

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From a commercial stand point, they could have released the game in 2 small parts at full price and it would still sell millions. Nobody is arguing that.


From an actual game-play point of view, the game is so far behind what it could be it is laughable. Getting out-played by Ubisoft in the graphics department is one thing, but getting outplayed in graphics, sound, gameplay, utilisation of the gamepad, the multiplayer modes and content, that's another thing entirely. Sure, sales are important for Nintendo, but good games are important for us.

Na, when you get into NSMBU outside of a demo, you can see the gameplay is sound, levels are well designed and so forth. Yeah, GamePad utilisation is poor, but it's a great game. Gets bloody difficult too

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Yes, they're putting Super Mario Bros. in the title, that'll sort sales. The point is it seems they believe that's all they need to do.


Yeah, because the game was a total mess - or not.


The game had some fantastic level designs, a great over world full of secrets and had some great new modes - including the rock solid challenge mode.


What's more - there's only one 2D Mario game per system, so it's hardly like Nintendo are milking these and doing yearly releases. If one excellently designed 2D Mario game per generation is too much for you then so be it!


But personally one 2D Mario per six years with tight gameplay, superb level design and a good level of polish is great for me - and clearly for millions of other people who buy games.

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Na, when you get into NSMBU outside of a demo, you can see the gameplay is sound, levels are well designed and so forth. Yeah, GamePad utilisation is poor, but it's a great game. Gets bloody difficult too


But still, there's no real progression outside of the Wii version or even the 3DS and DS versions that came before it. Yes, as a game it's fine, but I can't call it stellar because it isn't. The Wii versions was fine, but it's not as good as it could have been. Also, the music, just rehashing the soundtrack from past games is plain bad and lazy. If Nintendo try and pull that shit with Smash Bros...

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were all getting side tracked from the point that Ubisoft are performing a dick move, they have completed games ready to ship warehoused just so it can have a simultaneous multiplatform release (no doubt due to MS restrictions), the fans and developers want this game releasing, financial gain is one thing but this is hurting ubisofts image and that is a quantifiable thing as most people want to boycott the game on WiiU now because of it.

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Soudntrack aside, NSMB U is an amazing game, the best in the series actually. The level design is fantastic, the miiverse implementation is fun and the challenges are an excellent addition.


How is this new title any different to a new sports game (fifa, pro evo, madden etc), call of duty, dead space, uncharted, or any franchise title?!

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Soudntrack aside, NSMB U is an amazing game, the best in the series actually. The level design is fantastic, the miiverse implementation is fun and the challenges are an excellent addition.


I can't understand how the game's level design could ever be called 'fantastic'. Rayman has fantastic level design. Mario U has the same sidescrolling, platforming we've seen for years. There's nothing fantastic about it. It's standard fare, you know exactly where the hidden parts are, and the actual visuals are 99% forgettable. The haunted swampland, a much talked about level, is literally just jumping from pipe to pipe. Oh and some of them fall down a bit when Mario stands on them.


How is this new title any different to a new sports game (fifa, pro evo, madden etc), call of duty, dead space, uncharted, or any franchise title?!


Because Mario U is Nintendo's flagship IP, and their primary launch game, the ideal opportunity to demonstrate the abilities of their first HD console, and gamepad integration. It was a lazy, rehashed, unoriginal clone of the other three games, just slightly improved.

Edited by Ronnie
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It doesn't have to try very hard to be the "best in the series" when the series isn't particularly great in the first place. I'll give NSMB one thing, that it's fun to play in multiplayer. 2 players is optimum, I can imagine anything above that just being carnage.


I can see why Nintendo need this series, as it's a money spinner. But, once you've played one in the series, there's no real incentive to go and play another. At least when you've played Rayman Origins, the incentive to play Legends is that the game is taking all of the stuff from the first game, making it even better, improving it further and even changing the visual style. Whilst NSMBWiiU does look sharp in HD, it's not really a fantastic evolution over the past OldSuperMarioBros.


3 and World will always be the pinacle of the series unless Nintendo radically change something and go out of their way to create something fantastic. Even whilst watching the videos of NSMBU (it's tiring just typing that), you don't get the sense of it offering anything truly special, especially as the GamePad controls aren't inspiring.

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New Super Mario Bros U is such a missed opportunity, I can't help but think how good it could have been if only they'd have put a bit more effort in.


For example, I'd love, and I've heard many other people dream of this in the past, a Super Mario game with customisable levels. This would have been a great extra feature for the GamePad!

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Customisable levels for Mario games would be god awful and would destroy the essence of Mario in that game. Customisation shouldn't be shoehorned in just because it can be done


It doesn't have to try very hard to be the "best in the series" when the series isn't particularly great in the first place. I'll give NSMB one thing, that it's fun to play in multiplayer. 2 players is optimum, I can imagine anything above that just being carnage.


I can see why Nintendo need this series, as it's a money spinner. But, once you've played one in the series, there's no real incentive to go and play another. At least when you've played Rayman Origins, the incentive to play Legends is that the game is taking all of the stuff from the first game, making it even better, improving it further and even changing the visual style. Whilst NSMBWiiU does look sharp in HD, it's not really a fantastic evolution over the past OldSuperMarioBros.


3 and World will always be the pinacle of the series unless Nintendo radically change something and go out of their way to create something fantastic. Even whilst watching the videos of NSMBU (it's tiring just typing that), you don't get the sense of it offering anything truly special, especially as the GamePad controls aren't inspiring.

I find NSMBU to be far better games in level design and playability than SMB3 and SMW. The levels are so ingenious at times. I fear that too much nostalgia is attached to those games. Yeah, they're good, and timeless classics but they have been bettered in level design by NSMBW and NSMBU. The only issue NSMBU has is music, in my view anyway.

Edited by Serebii
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However, you can see that with the success of NSMB Nintendo are doing something very right as the sales are consistently very strong.


No no no. You are not a significant Nintendo shareholder. Stop talking like that.


Good games can sell a lot, but so can bad ones. Or mediocre ones, with a popular mascot. It's not right to use sales to say they are doing it right. The Wii had very good sales, and I'd say it did it more wrong in terms of appealing to me than any other console, ever.

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