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Rayman Legends


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Everything here is reasonable and I can't argue with except the part in bold.


Exclusives are a terrible thing and will most likely hold gaming back. First party, sure fair enough, but third party developers should realise they're going to end up bottle necking themselves by making a cash grab. They could have install bases on every console that could build up over time, but as we all know, the majority of game publishers are looking too much at the short term.


It's understandable, considering most of the revenue comes from launch period sales for software, but no one really considers the future of some brands and expanding gaming as a whole which would do wonders for every one. Or maybe keeping it as closed as possible is their intention, as a form of anti-competition..

Problem is, the console owners reportedly put restrictions on things for multiformat. Microsoft with the "must be simultaneous release if not out on the 360 before" and Sony apparently requests original content as much as possible on the PS3 version

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Problem is, the console owners reportedly put restrictions on things for multiformat. Microsoft with the "must be simultaneous release if not out on the 360 before" and Sony apparently requests original content as much as possible on the PS3 version


That's Ubisoft's problem. Every one knows the way things go with ports of previous existing titles in the video game industry, there's extra content. But putting it all aside and getting over it, this has been disastrous for their PR and most probably going to wind up with them shot in the foot.


The market on the Wii U is still small, but in such a dry period any game ANY ONE can get out is a massive boon. Heck, I didn't even want the game and I don't even want a Wii U yet, but I'm pissed at how stupid they have to be to not see the opportunity to capitalise here.


And as many people have rightly said, the incredibly stupid decision to release it in September is the real kicker. The game will sell, no doubt, it's fucking Rayman, but it's not going to reach anywhere near its potential because of the titles due/speculated to come out that month.


Ubisoft dun' goofed good basically.

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Just seen a stat that ZombiU is the only 3rd party title to break 200,000 in sales. I think there's only 2 others above 100,000. Make of that what you will.

Doesn't add up to the software sales we know of


That's Ubisoft's problem. Every one knows the way things go with ports of previous existing titles in the video game industry, there's extra content. But putting it all aside and getting over it, this has been disastrous for their PR and most probably going to wind up with them shot in the foot.


The market on the Wii U is still small, but in such a dry period any game ANY ONE can get out is a massive boon. Heck, I didn't even want the game and I don't even want a Wii U yet, but I'm pissed at how stupid they have to be to not see the opportunity to capitalise here.


And as many people have rightly said, the incredibly stupid decision to release it in September is the real kicker. The game will sell, no doubt, it's fucking Rayman, but it's not going to reach anywhere near its potential because of the titles due/speculated to come out that month.


Ubisoft dun' goofed good basically.

I mean in general regards to multiformat games

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Everything here is reasonable and I can't argue with except the part in bold.


Exclusives are a terrible thing and will most likely hold gaming back. First party, sure fair enough, but third party developers should realise they're going to end up bottle necking themselves by making a cash grab. They could have install bases on every console that could build up over time, but as we all know, the majority of game publishers are looking too much at the short term.


It's understandable, considering most of the revenue comes from launch period sales for software, but no one really considers the future of some brands and expanding gaming as a whole which would do wonders for every one. Or maybe keeping it as closed as possible is their intention, as a form of anti-competition..


Only the one point to argue against? Progress. :p


As for the exclusive thing - I am aware how much gaming needs titles to be exclusive, and I am all for third parties making multiplatform games.


My problem here is that it was labelled an exclusive title and was ready to be released on the console is was meant to be exclusive to.

Instead it got multiplatform (no problem) but also got pushed back to the same time the other systems will be getting it - when we know it has got to be release ready now.


Why not just release on Wii U as per the original plan and then release on other consoles? That's where people are getting a bit annoyed I think - or certainly I am. And as I said, though it may seem worse due to Nintendo's major launch window fuck up, it still sucks ass given how bloody good the game looked in the first place - and played! It's a shame.

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I'm not denying that they could have some good titles out but they shouldn't be in the situation where they have to throw out remakes of games and if remakes end up out selling original titles then Nintendo customers are really giving the finger to third parties who produce equally good, if not superior, original titles.


This is the only bit I strongly disagree with. There's no point me saying that care and attention didn't go into Rayman Legends, because of course it did. But it really must not be considered an insult if gamers are more interested in a fully-rebuilt, HD remake of one of the best games of all time, frankly. That's not brand loyality, it's just people prioritising what most excites them.

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I've been away so haven't been able to post on this whole debacle. But reading through this thread I'd now like to post my thoughts...


I think there's a lot of fuss being made over a game that wasn't going to be a huge commercial success and certainly wasn't going to be the system seller that people are no proclaiming it to be. I read the statement by ONM which was frankly pinning hopes on this game that should never have been pinned on it.


Rayman Origins was a critical hit, but commerically it was a flop. It sold 260k units on PS3, 240k on 360 and just 160K on the Wii. Most of these sales were at heavily discounted prices. The game was on sale for just a tenner in my Tesco a month after launch. With less than 750k sales from consoles with a user base of 240 million those numbers were at best disappointing, especially considering the quality of the title.


What's more it sold worst on the Wii, mainly because it was up against much more public friendly and high profile titles - NSMB, DKCR and Kirby. All of those titles sold in excess of a million copies and NSMB was a mega hit.


To expect Rayman Legends to do anything on the Wii U to shift systems or to revitalise the launch is pure fantasy. Rayman just isn't a big enough or well kown enough character to bring in system sales.


I completely understand why people are mad that it's being delayed so it can launch alonside ports on other systems, but it's understandable why Ubisoft would do this. The game will probably bomb on all platforms when released, but has a much better chance if it's not up against a NSMB title.


If people are genuinely upset because they had genuinely preordered the game and were looking forward to it, then fair enough. But I get the feeling a lot of this moral outrage is from the internet bandwagon and people who were probably never going to buy it anyway!


Nintendo really shouldn't have been in a position where the loss of one game causes such massive discord.


I rarely agree with you, but this is pot on. And if such massive discord is being caused by the loss of such a minor title in commercial terms, then the situation is truly dire.

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HA look at all those posts!


How about instead of an "exclusive" demo (big freaking woop) Ubisoft actually embrace mutiplatform and give us some freaking ps360 ports and watchdogs


Am i the only one who thinks an exclusive demo is the biggest insult? its like here have a sample of a game thats gone gold on wiiu but were going to let collect dust in a warehouse for 7 months

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HA look at all those posts!


How about instead of an "exclusive" demo (big freaking woop) Ubisoft actually embrace mutiplatform and give us some freaking ps360 ports and watchdogs


Am i the only one who thinks an exclusive demo is the biggest insult? its like here have a sample of a game thats gone gold on wiiu but were going to let collect dust in a warehouse for 7 months


Its totally stupid and its absurd that ubisoft even suggested the idea.

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For me its too little to late, i know its the publisher and not the developer that made the decison but i feel something has to happen to let them know that this is not on. I know im only one person in a sea of people who are indifferent or dont care but if i just accept it and buy into the BS we are being fed then im part of the problem. I mean really? An exclusive demo? That pretty much cemented it for me, i was still considering buying it but that is the final insult.

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I am sorry but Rayman Origins on the Vita was the definitive experience. It looked and played the best by far and the touch screen really enhanced it. I say this from having both Vita and PS3 versions.


Well I've not played the Vita version, only the 360 version and the 3DS demo and after seeing it on the big screen, I'm not sure I'd want to swap it for a smaller one though I guess since you hold it close enough, the difference would start to lessen. I'm sure it helps that the Vita screen is lovely and bright instead of the 3DS screen that is small, low res and colour sapping.


This is the only bit I strongly disagree with. There's no point me saying that care and attention didn't go into Rayman Legends, because of course it did. But it really must not be considered an insult if gamers are more interested in a fully-rebuilt, HD remake of one of the best games of all time, frankly. That's not brand loyality, it's just people prioritising what most excites them.


If that's the only bit you strongly disagree with, am I to take it you only mildly disagree with everything else :p


But why should people be excited to play the exact same thing over again instead of something new - especially when we are talking about a series that hasn't seen much in the way of progression over it's entire life? Nintendo already have a perception problem that every Zelda game is the same and stuff like this doesn't help. Yet here is a third party game that based on past performance should be right up there with the all time great 2D platformers and yet it would be snubbed if released alongside a remake of an existing game.


The only way I'd call it acceptable is if WW was remade on the scale of Zero Mission where they entirely gut the game but that won't be the case as they frankly don't have the time to build the entire thing from scratch for HD purposes - it took them 3 years to make NSMBU and they've admitted to struggling with game development on the more capable hardware that they've been seeking outside help to get them up to speed. I'm not expecting much more than a lick of paint which is admittedly more than most HD remakes but still, not enough for it to be taking over all sales. OoT3D was very much OoT with a splash of paint but there was sod all out there on the 3DS for it to rob sales from but it still offered nothing new to bring in players who'd had enough the previous time around. This will likely be the same execpt it runs the risk of going up against up against and canabalising sales of original and expensive games based upon nostalgia and brand recognition.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Yeah, the Vita version of Origins is fantastic. It looks gorgeous and you get to play it with the best D-pad in existence. I'd be sad if Legends doesn't come to Vita. I'd much rather pick it up for a handheld. Still, PS3's better than nothin'.

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Rayman creator and highly-respected game designer Michel Ancel has appeared alongside members of the Rayman Legends development team in a series of photos protesting the game's delay by company bosses.




Ancel and his team appeared holding a banner baring the words: "Sortez nous Rayman. Soutient a Ubi Montpellier."


"Release Rayman. Support Ubisoft Montpelier." (Thanks Eurogamer.fr for the translation).


Rayman's crying face is seen in the middle of the poster.


A speech bubble emanates from his mouth. It simply says "SVP" - "please".







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Could they end up sacked for this? or is Michel Ancel to valuable to Ubisoft?


In terms of his profitablity as a games creator, he's not particularly important as he's only worked on a couple of none Rayman games and neither them nor Rayman sell by the truckload. His involvment in some Rayman games isn't much either.


In terms of him as a figurehead and public personality via which to communicate with the core gaming public, he's of much more importance. He's the french Miyamoto in that regard.


I get the impression that Ubisoft just let him do what he wants as long as he isn't peeing money away in R&D that goes no where. They wouldn't sack him... but it doesn't mean he wouldn't leave.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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I can't believe this is anything but a PR stunt by UbiSoft. Seriously, this definitely wouldn't have been done without the whole of UbiSoft knowing. Well played, most people will lap it up.




now i'm conflicted, do i go the cynical route and believe its PR or do i take it at face value?


i'm trying to be less cynical this year (since it was pointed out to me I'm normally like cat in Murr's avatar...Tardersauce?)


dammit Daft, your messing with my newly less cynical brain

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