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The Weather Mafia

The Peeps

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I do request the final votecount please! :p


I did say 10pm deadline so strictly speaking I (probably) would not have accepted a majority had it been reached past 10pm but the final votes (including everyone) stand at:




Nintendohnut (6): Cube, EEVILMURRAY, Aqui1a, DuD, Diageo, Frag Grimes, Yvonne, ReZourceman

ReZourceman (1): Jimbob

Sméagol (1): Sméagol


Majority is 8


Just for you Sméagol :heart:

Edited by The Peeps
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Broadcast Yourself


Sméagol has been killed. He was Sunshine. A member of the town who could investigate targets to discover their alignment.


13 Players:







@Frag Grimes













Majority is 7



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The people I trust least;


heroicjanitor, DuD, Aqui1a.


And then, surely one of EEVILMURRAY or Nintendohnut, if they both claim roleblocker. Which may mean one of DuD or Aqui1a aren't mafia. I don't know. But when heroic's down, it (should) leave 3 mafia, which is enough for us to concentrate on as a team.


Did anyone reverse track Sméagol as suggested?


@Jimbob, what is your power and who have your targets been?

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With regards to yesterday - I can't believe people were pushing so hard to lynch me at the end. WHY?! Because I claimed as role blocker? I'm not the only one, and regardless, who's to say there are any role blockers in the mafia? Like Cube said today, perhaps there are role blocks that happen with combinations of weather etc. Basically, lynching me on that seems ridiculous. The fact that majority was reached (or at least should've been reached) so easily and quickly surely suggests that the mafia were backing it? I don't know what the fuck was going on with those votes, and I really don't know what to think of it. But I can't believe that everyone was so willing to follow such a tenuous lead. We've lost a role blocker. You are willing to lynch both of the remaining role blockers who have claimed (if I were to been lynched you would've then wanted to lynch EEVIL). What if we both turn out to be town? Then you've lynched two townies, lost three role blockers who could've stopped the mafia (perhaps this is just a roleblocker-heavy game?) and then we're left with nothing.


Basically, I think the whole thing was ridiculous considering the fact that there was no evidence. All you got from Rez was a random "I have another reason to suspect Dohnut but I'm not saying what it is" and that was it! Well, @ReZourceman - what was the reason? Might as well reveal it now. Also interesting that one night you discover an alignment of Cube, and the next night seemingly get information about the power of another. Are you a power investigator? If so, how do you know that Cube is town?


Now that you've revealed yourself I'd like to hear all your information, including what you apparently have on me and how you got different info for the last two nights. Then I will vote.

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With regards to yesterday - I can't believe people were pushing so hard to lynch me at the end. WHY?! Because I claimed as role blocker? I'm not the only one, and regardless, who's to say there are any role blockers in the mafia? Like Cube said today, perhaps there are role blocks that happen with combinations of weather etc. Basically, lynching me on that seems ridiculous. The fact that majority was reached (or at least should've been reached) so easily and quickly surely suggests that the mafia were backing it? I don't know what the fuck was going on with those votes, and I really don't know what to think of it. But I can't believe that everyone was so willing to follow such a tenuous lead. We've lost a role blocker. You are willing to lynch both of the remaining role blockers who have claimed (if I were to been lynched you would've then wanted to lynch EEVIL). What if we both turn out to be town? Then you've lynched two townies, lost three role blockers who could've stopped the mafia (perhaps this is just a roleblocker-heavy game?) and then we're left with nothing.


Basically, I think the whole thing was ridiculous considering the fact that there was no evidence. All you got from Rez was a random "I have another reason to suspect Dohnut but I'm not saying what it is" and that was it! Well, @ReZourceman - what was the reason? Might as well reveal it now. Also interesting that one night you discover an alignment of Cube, and the next night seemingly get information about the power of another. Are you a power investigator? If so, how do you know that Cube is town?


Now that you've revealed yourself I'd like to hear all your information, including what you apparently have on me and how you got different info for the last two nights. Then I will vote.

All perfectly fair.


I believed that that it was unlikely that you, mr-paul, Cube and myself were all town. I felt that you could have been more active and pro-active on Day 2. You gave a long day at work as an excuse - fine if true, but it doesn't help as you needed one at all. As it transpired, I felt the evidence became stronger against you; your power, you were redirected without realising (possibly).


I don't think its ridiculous, and in any normal situation I would have thought that you would agree....two roleblockers in a game, one is usually mafia, one usually town. Peeps and I are pioneers for sure, but three roleblockers....I would say one is bound to be mafia, and its a near invaluable mafia power. On the flip side there is at least one player (Mist) who can protect people from stuff....but we've not encountered any more, and people seem to have been succesfully roleblocked more than not. I also think you may have chosen a more lively target than Jimbob on night 2, and I'm not sure you would have been choosing targets randomly. I can understand a townie roleblocker choosing randomly, above all other townie powers, but I still generally think that a townies targeting should not be random.


I'm still far from convinced about you, of course, but I believe there is enough doubt firstly and foremost, and obviously enough evidence on other people to deal with first.


I would assume I am not the only person with information too, Aqui1a, DuD and heroic MUST have caught a lot of attention last night.


I already came out with my power, which was all true. On Night 2 I found out Cube was town and I found out his power. Sméagol (a confirmed investigator) found out his alignment also, and thus I trust my results. Even if I had only found his power, I would have been 75% confident about his alignment. It IS however possible that Cube was messed with by heroic on night 1 as Sméagol and I targeted him on the same day, however this is paranoia and for now, I'll go with the most likely option.


Last night I targeted heroicjanitor, found out his power, and something else happened that I am unwilling to reveal, but wasn't information and doesn't affect anyone else. Affecting investigations is a pretty unmistakable power. About as unmistakable as they come.


So. Now that I have been confirmed as town by Sméagol, are people willing to follow this information?


I also do not believe that a power claim and targets from @Jimbob and a power claim from @DuD and @Aqui1a are unreasonable requests.

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I targeted Jimbob precisely because he's a quiet player. Everyone goes for people like you, Diageo, Cube etc that I thought the mafia would be stupid to make one of them the killer. It's much more likely that the mafia would use a quieter player, who attracts less attention, as the killer. Now I'm not saying Jimbob is mafia (no proof either way, but we know he definitely wasn't the killer) but I'd much rather use my power on those people early on and hopefully block a kill rather than going for someone like you (I could've as we didn't know your power then) and stop an investigation, or some secondary mafia power that isn't all that dangerous. Do you see what I mean? It wasn't random by any means, but I think it's a little unfair to suggest that it makes me look more guilty.


As for your other powers and results, I really did have a stupidly long day - magazine deadline that day which means it literally has to be sent to the printer that day. We were there til 10:30pm and normally finish at 1pm! I know it might've looked convenient but from my point of view it was completely the opposite :) As for the role blocker thing you're right, I would normally agree. However, the fact that a townie role blocker has already died and the fact that I too am a townie role blocker is my reason for thinking that this might be an extraordinary circumstance. I'm just using the evidence in front of me. That said (and I've literally just had this thought so forgive me if it sounds mental) could it be that if heroic does mess with alignments, that he changed the alignment of someone who died?


Actually not that does sound mental. That suggests that the mafia killed their own player. Ignore that.


So for the other night you got a power and an alignment on Cube, but last night only a power on heroic? We you boosted the night you targeted Cube or something, or did something else stop you getting an alignment from heroic? Basically, I agree that his power is suspicious and I will be voting, but the reason why I didn't completely trust you before is that you came out with two different types on information on two different days. You still haven't explained why that is!

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Yes. I targeted heroicjanitor.


A) He targeted Sméagol.


B) He has a power that can affect investigations.


Vote ; heroicjanitor


Ah fuck it, I'm lying about the first part. But yeah the second part is good enough anyway.


Why are you making up evidence against people all the time O_o Neither of those are true. I was redirected to someone else last night when I meant to target MadDog. Blown off course as it were. Are you sure you didn't just get my weather type and make it up? I'd vote for you for repeatedly forging evidence but Sméagol was good and claimed you as good so I'll go and Vote: MadDog instead for being quiet. @MadDog

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Extreme apologies for my absence yesterday, the epic players will notice that I hadn't been checking the thread (busy/tired) and wasn't avoiding or ignoring. Have to step it up!!





alignment: feeling neutral

weather: unknown

role: unknown

status: alive


  • N1 unknown, success
  • N2 unknown, success


Correction: though I haven't been roleblocked so far, my N2 was not successful.


Lol at the voting mess...




So far we know that there are multiple winds, at least one of which has to be mafia. Aqui1a and Diageo, what did you do last night?


Also, multiple roleblockers = at least one is mafia. EEVIL vs. Dohnut, then? Or there could be four, apparently? (Rummy was Thunder.)


I know that there is at least one charger/booster in the game, and I'm mentioning this because I don't know whether they could be good or bad.


Rez, are you sure you weren't redirected?

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I'm not really sure what i've done to become suspicious? unless it was my reluctance to jump upon a lynch that was based on nothing?!


Anyway, have you been reading the thread at all :p Diageo is wind? yvonne is calm? I'm your resident Michael Fish : ) (he was the weatherman right?)

Last night I tried to target dohnut to see if he'd lied about his weather and I could catch him out.. i couldn't reach him though due to a fog. Whether the fog affected me or him though I'm not sure?


I've got a footy match with the raf tonight at 5.30 and we'll probably have drinks after. I'll check back before I go but I won't be around definitely between 5.30 & 7.30 ish, and possibly later depending on phone internet.

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So far we know that there are multiple winds, at least one of which has to be mafia. Aqui1a and Diageo, what did you do last night?


I'm pretty sure I redirected Heroic to Maddog.. which seems a bit pointless, now. I do know that it was successful, though.

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So then, regarding @ReZourceman request. I'm rain, my power is to be able to see who targetted who in the previous night phase.


My targets so far have been


Night 1 - EEVIL, he was targetted by Yvonne that night

Night 2 - Rummy (Blocked by Hail from dohnut), no info back on them

Night 3 - dohnut (Blocked by fog by ???), no info back on them


I targetted dohnut last night, but was stopped by fog from reaching my target.

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