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Halo 4

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Oh hai @Rummy how long have you been in my party? lol


Ugh I wish matchmaking wouldn't put you in games that are about to end... although just now I entered into a dominion game which had just entered the final stage and obviously I was put into the losing team. I was the last man standing within 5 seconds and somehow managed to get a triple kill while in a base. Had it not been for a guy stood way outside with a rocket launcher, I might have actually captured the base and saved my team!


Was there for a few, did have the similar issue of somehow joining you but starting into a game with only a few seconds left. Wondering how often those last minute joins might happen.


Quick GT list(names on the less obvious):


The Peeps17

Hero of Time UK

jayseven NE

Zell 360

Jimbob NE


B1GM13 - Murr

CharlieDouglas - Charlie

Matcoy - Ganepark

The3rdChildren - Guy

Rumdumcious - Rummy

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Well I finally finished the campaign for the first time, solo on Legendary! :D


I really enjoyed the game overall, the missions seemed to have a lot more thought put into them, the story was interesting enough and it's just generally fun to play - aside from when you're retrying certain parts for the tenth time over - so I'm rather pleasantly surprised. :)


Roll on Halo 5! : peace:



I'll invest tome time in Spartan Ops and the multiplayer soon when I feel inclined to do so. :smile:

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I am starting to get a little annoyed with the multiplayer myself. They should have just foregone calling it War Games and just named it Ragnarok instead and just cut out the middle man as that's pretty much the only match I've been able to play on (other than 1 or 2 matches on Vortex and Longbow. Not seen any of the other maps) as everyone in Big Team Slayer, for whatever reason, keeps voting for that map when it comes up.


Why? Surely everyone played enough of it on Halo 3 but apparently not. All the map does is highlight the biggest problem with the multiplayer: that everyone is running the DMR or Battle Rifle loadouts and if you aren't, you're disadvantaged off of the bat. It's making it all rather boring.

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Oh for fucks sake, I've done it again.


Finished 3 levels and forgot to save before I switched off. Not having autosave is baffling.


I thought I had this problem, turned xbox off after 2 levels. When I went on resume campaign it just put me back 2 levels prior, but on the level select I could go to the one I had actually gotten up to.

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So to those who've played through the whole thing. How different does it feel to past Halo titles and how similar does it feel to Metroid Prime?


It's better than previous titles but not on the same level as Metroid Prime though it does take inspiration from both.

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So to those who've played through the whole thing. How different does it feel to past Halo titles and how similar does it feel to Metroid Prime?


In terms of multiplayer it feels much more like Halo 2 and 3. The levels are far better and are fun to play. The BR makes its glorious return.


The gametypes are a little bit lacking at the moment I feel. There is no bomb mode. There is also no Team Objective mode. I always enjoyed having a random objective game type rather than having the same until you choose to change. It mixes things up.


I also miss Team Doubles as that was great fun!

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Having only played Reach, I enjoy seeing some of the new modes in this such as Dominion, but I too miss the team doubles, AND the team objectives. It was nice to have something different each time, so you might excel in one match but fail in the next etc. Now it's all a bit too much of the same, though dropping and switching is always an option it's not so great when you've got a team you wanna stick with.

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I miss lone wolves. I liked having a way to play random gametypes and free for alls. At the moment there's no free for all slayer is there? You have to be part of a team?


I did have some awesome games last night on Capture the Flag though. There are a couple of clips on my fileshare if anyone is interested :p

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I miss lone wolves. I liked having a way to play random gametypes and free for alls. At the moment there's no free for all slayer is there? You have to be part of a team?


I did have some awesome games last night on Capture the Flag though. There are a couple of clips on my fileshare if anyone is interested :p


There isn't? Hadn't noticed that. That Regicide might be a fix for the free for all slayer, it's just killing the leader nets bonus points.

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Enjoying the Spartan Ops part of this game. So there'll be new episodes every week for 10 weeks.


What happens after that? Are they going to start charging for it, or are they just leaving it to rot?


I'd guess they'll charge you for it. Even if there was new content I wouldn't really call it 'leaving it to rot'. No other game has unlimited fresh content. You play a game, you finish it and then you can play it again if you want to.

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You know something's wrong with the world when @ReZourceman and me are leading our team in Halo! Lost 1000 to 990 on a big team, was a pretty good match. Only played two with him, but the second was only 1000 to 950 after earlier being 780 to 460! Despite being as shit as I am, I'm still loving it. Starting to feel less bad about my light rifle investment too, it's helping out a bit on the big maps etc. We should organise a proper N-E night of it at some point.

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Yeah defo. And that was awesome. Literally I am so shit when I have BR, but the Suppressor is ridiculously my style. On all competitive games, I'm always going in, running towards the enemy guns blazing, and this totally suits that. Did crazy in the first match together....(well crazy for me), BTS, 32 kills 18 deaths.


Definitely enjoying this a lot. Nearly got my splatter master.

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Yeah defo. And that was awesome. Literally I am so shit when I have BR, but the Suppressor is ridiculously my style. On all competitive games, I'm always going in, running towards the enemy guns blazing, and this totally suits that. Did crazy in the first match together....(well crazy for me), BTS, 32 kills 18 deaths.


Definitely enjoying this a lot. Nearly got my splatter master.


Tbh, if you stopped driving off in the cars without folks we could be more awesome! I think with a few people we could operate as a pretty decent team setup. Unfortunately Zell I'm gonna be going out in a bit, but I can be on most of the day tomorrow if anyone else is.

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I'll be on at some point, probs earlier than that though. I'm literally getting quite tired from too much Halo, keeps me up too late! I'm not sure if I'm gonna get bored of it either, the daily/weekly etc challenges are keeping me interested and coming back each day; but I guess I can see Ganepark's earlier point about lack of variety. I played some slayer yesterday and ended up on Abandon like 5 times in a row! Is it just me or did Halo have a bit more map variety to it? Like even with popular maps you wouldn't always get them as a choice later neither and had to make do with what was there.

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