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Tekken 3D: Prime Edition


Are you buying Tekken 3D?  

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  1. 1. Are you buying Tekken 3D?

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Anyone picking this up next week? I've got a copy pre-ordered. :hehe:

Still can't believe how awesome the 3DS has been for the fighting game genre! Street Fighter, Dead or Alive and now Tekken! :cool: What's next... SoulCalibur? ;)




Best promo ever:


  • 41 playable characters
  • Full-length CG/3D animated movie
  • Runs at 60fps with 3D on
  • StreetPass
  • Online and local multiplayer
  • 700+ collectible Tekken cards


Looks pretty good to me, apart from the removal of character customisation, not happy about that. :(

And apparently the game is 2D only during multiplayer, but I don't mind that one, in fact I'm glad that the developers have focused on making sure it plays well. icon14.gif

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I remmeber playing a demo for Tekken 3 on the PSX and being totally underwhelmed by the entire thing. And since that point, I've never so much as looked twice at a Tekken game.


I've not a super fan of fighting games outside of my soft spot for Street Fighter (and Smash Bros if you include that in the genre - some do/some don't). I also appreciate the Virtua Fighter games on a technical level but ultimately find them too intimidating.

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I remmeber playing a demo for Tekken 3 on the PSX and being totally underwhelmed by the entire thing. And since that point, I've never so much as looked twice at a Tekken game.


I've not a super fan of fighting games outside of my soft spot for Street Fighter (and Smash Bros if you include that in the genre - some do/some don't). I also appreciate the Virtua Fighter games on a technical level but ultimately find them too intimidating.

Tekken 3 is the best one too so if you didn't like that then you'll never get into the Tekken series! :p


I'm gonna pass on this game since I already have Dead or Alive on 3DS and Tekken 6 on PS3.



Pre ordered this.


Doesn't this game not even have a story or arcade mode.


What's that all about?


Well the game does come with a movie so if you want story you have that lol.

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No, not interested until my spouse wants her own 3DS so I can beat her, or I actually rather get beaten senselessly by her I'm sure haha. :blush:


Is it even possible to play local multiplayer with only one game cartridge I was wondering?

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Got this today, early impressions are not good. icon13.gif:nono:

It's lacking a lot of polish, seems more like a launch title than any of the actual 3DS launch titles.

Not only that, but it has crashed on me a couple of times too! :o


The biggest worry of all though is in the online play. :hmm: I've played around 15 matches, and so far all but 1 have been absolutely riddled with slowdown/lag, making them completely unplayable! :shakehead


So yeah, very disappointed so far. Will give it some more time, but unless things improve with the online mode I reckon I'll be getting rid of this one pronto. :(

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I got it today as well. It's the first ever Tekken I've played, I'm quite impressed by the gameplay in general and the graphics are well done.


The lack of modes is really disappointing though, and the card collecting thing for the StreetPass is a bit crap. I haven't had any crashes, and the one match I played online earlier today seemed to run fine... apart from the fact I got obliterated. :heh:


RedShell do you want to try some matches online now?

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the card collecting thing for the StreetPass is a bit crap.
Indeed. I didn't realise that would be the only thing StreetPass was used for in this.

Both SSFIV and DoA had at least some kind of interactivity/gameplay aspect to their SP modes, so for this to be just card swapping is pretty bad. :blank:


RedShell do you want to try some matches online now?
Didn't see your post until now. You still able to play? How about at 21:30?

I'll go on then anyway, see if you're about.

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@Mandalore, awesome games just now. : peace:

And they all ran nice and smooth, excellent. icon14.gif

Man, I was really worried about the online for this earlier, but I guess I was just having bad luck before. If it holds up like how it did just now though, then this game might have a permanent place in my collection after all. :smile:

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Yeah those were some fun matches we had. :)


I'm still feeling quite disappointed with this game though, it just feels so empty. Like I bought it 2nd hand and someone else already unlocked everything for me. I'm tempted to watch the movie and then trade it in whilst it's still worth top price. :hmm:

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Yeah those were some fun matches we had. :)


I'm still feeling quite disappointed with this game though, it just feels so empty. Like I bought it 2nd hand and someone else already unlocked everything for me. I'm tempted to watch the movie and then trade it in whilst it's still worth top price. :hmm:


Funnily enough, this is what I'm after. I can't be bothered going through unlocking everything from the start. I just care about the fighting itself. Straight up 1vs1, I don't care about any other modes, just that I can play it online.


I think after the last couple posts I'll pick this up after all.

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