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Assassin's Creed III


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Was so hoping for Victorian England :(


After Desmond they can have another character, so they'll still be able to do settings like that.


I'm positive we will see an Assassin's Creed in Victorian England.





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I don't give a shit about America. I don't care that the War of Independence is rarely covered and that it's arguably a new setting but for one of the very few series that was Eurocentric, fuck this hard in the face.

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But not an America that you're used to from a million different movies and games. It's not like it's set in New York City, after all.


Honestly, I wanted London or Paris myself. But if this is done right, it could be a brilliant change of pace that the series needs.

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But not an America that you're used to from a million different movies and games. It's not like it's set in New York City, after all.


I am very much aware of that.


I don't give a shit about America. I don't care that the War of Independence is rarely covered and that it's arguably a new setting but for one of the very few series that was Eurocentric, fuck this hard in the face.
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Pfft after the disapointing as fuck Revelations I'm happy about the change in scenary. The Euro angle was getting old, proven by the recent game. And after the end of Rev I was expecting the States.


From GI










For years now we've enjoyed the adventures of Ezio Auditore as he makes his way through the Italian Renaissance and Ottoman-controlled Constantinople. That story is over. Ever since the conclusion of Assassin's Creed II, a senior team of Ubisoft developers has been secretly toiling away on what comes next. That team aimed high, with plans to examine and rethink every element of the franchise from the ground up, build something new, and take a full three year development cycle to do it.


The game that emerged is Assassin's Creed III. Set in the latter half of the 18th century, we'll see the war between the Templars and the Assassins escalate as it crosses over to the New World of America, and witness firsthand the events of the American Revolution. Caught in the conflict is a daring new hero in the Assassin's Creed franchise.





Thank fuck for the bolded.

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We have boxarts!!






It looks like we will indeed be playing as a Native American assassin, going by the cover art that features our new hero, who's about to deposit a tomahawk into the face of a British colonial.


Assassin's Creed III is due October 30, with a full reveal expected next week.

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My knowledge of the subject is quite limited, however I believe that there were British on both sides of the war. The ones who colonised America (who I'm guessing is what they mean by "British colonial" - although they weren't all British) were fighting the British (I'm not sure if there were other countries) to make America their nation (and not one owned by Britain).

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*big fat raspberry*


I really am not feeling this setting at all. War of Independence is over covered in my opinion and as I have mentioned in another thread, if this stays in the States, the architecture will be dull.


India would have been a lot more of an edutainmenty choice.

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I guess at some point we had to come to america seem as Desmond is american unless his immediate descendants migrated there but yeah I'm liking the look. I think they've done a pretty good job of making the assassin suit in fitting with the era/vibe so to speak.


Would be cool if somehow through dreams or such we did see things from the european side as well even somehow trailing back to england or mainland europe but these kind of things are something we may seem for the inevitable Assassin's Creed 3.2 and 3.3.


Not even played Revelations yet the yearly nature and lacklustre views/reviews meant it's one I could wait for till it's reduced.

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It's interesting that in one shot the guy clearly has blue on his coat and another has red. And the faces of the originally revealed art vs the box art look like totally different people. Maybe there are two Assassins? Or two routes you can take?

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Personally, the best possible idea at this point would be to turn back the dial timewise... and do it in Babylon... that way they could pretty much over-indulge at will without hurting the game.


That.... or a 1960s/70s Hong Kong setting (it sounds stupid, but once you think about it... it has huge potential).

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I'm playing through Revelations at the minute and I'm finding the scenery is becoming a bit stagnant. Looking at the art I'm warming to the idea of ACIII, the Native American angle has potential. Hopefully it makes for an interesting game.

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Leaked info from GI


- The new Assassin is the son of a Native American woman and a British soldier. His calls himself Connor, but his birth name is Ratohnhaké:ton. Born into the Mohawk, he eventually crosses paths with the Assassins in his search for righteousness.


- Connor is quiet and stoic, letting actions speak for words rather than conversing with others. In contrast to Ezio, Connor is a freedom fighter who acts in the name of justice rather than on personal revenge.


- Settings will include Boston, New York and a large countryside. The countryside will be the setting of about 1/3 of the game, and will be the location of many events during the game. The countryside will be about 1.5 times as big as Rome in Brotherhood.


- The protagonist will fight on the American side, with primary allies George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Lee. However, this does not mean that the Americans are the good guys and the British are the bad guys. Templars are everywhere…


- There will be seasons in the game, meaning that the sun will shine during summer and the landscape will be covered in snow during winter.


- Fighting and stealth will be completely re-innovated, with Connor being compared to a “predator”. The player will be able to climb trees and other natural elements, and dual-wielding weapons such as a dagger and a mohawk is now also an option.


- Animals will be present in the woods, like deer and bears. The player will be able to kill them and pelt their skins, to sell them later with the reformed economic system of the game.


- There will be puzzles similar to The Truth, only they will not be given by Subject 16.


- Desmond will go into the new Animus 3.0 and will find himself going into “significant events”.


- 100% sync in memories returns, though this time you will be rewarded when you complete memories to 100%. Checkpoints will also be introduced to mission replay, meaning you don’t have to replay an entire mission to get that 100% sync.


- The Brotherhood, or Assassins Guild, will return in some form, albeit differently than we have seen before.


There will be no more Mercenaries, Thieves, Courtesans, Romani or other factions, but there will be a replacement for them.


- Den Defense will not return. WOOOO

Edited by bryanee
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