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It does, but it takes a long time (I'm starting ep 9 right now).


I'm somewhat enjoying it, but it's definitely the weakest of the Marvel Netflix shows.. I kept watching hoping it got better, because I certainly liked some idea (like the style and music), but it was not executed as well as the other shows (I personally don't find the pacing or writing good).


Episode 7 (yes that far in) was the first where I actually kept watching because I wanted to know what happened next.


If you want general spoilers:


Episode 7 gives us the backstory of the Stokes family through flashbacks, which I found one of the more interesting things in the show. It also starts some character development for Mariah Stokes.



Introduces a new bad guy, though one who has been mentioned several times before.


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Narcos season 2 was great! This show is amongst the best on Netflix... and amongst any I've seen elsewhere too.


Ah you've just reminded me I need to watch this after the excellent first season! I'm going to a friend's Halloween party as Pablo Escobar so will be be good to analyse the source material ;)


Some others have mentioned Luke Cage, keen to get started on this one too. Too much TV to watch at the moment ;(

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Anyone watched enough of Luke Cage to tell me if the pacing picks up a bit? Two eps in and this thing is crawling along.....


I've just finished episode 2 and think it's pretty decent! Looking forward to watching more.


FYI I'm not binge-watching my way through this, i.e. I'm watching an episode per night. Maybe this helps alleviate the pacing issue for me? Don't think this show is as 'binge worthy' as other Netflix shows. Stranger Things for example, I finished that in less than a weekend!

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No I watched one and then another two days later. Just find it really slow and boring, and constant really corny lines. I feel like the writers think they have these really deep dialogue scenes like Tarantino or something so they draw them out and fill up the whole episode with it, but in actuality they're ham fisted exposition. I'd rather he just start punching things....


Also just like in Jessica Jones I find the small characters and extras are seriously terrible actors.

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No I watched one and then another two days later. Just find it really slow and boring, and constant really corny lines. I feel like the writers think they have these really deep dialogue scenes like Tarantino or something so they draw them out and fill up the whole episode with it, but in actuality they're ham fisted exposition. I'd rather he just start punching things....


Also just like in Jessica Jones I find the small characters and extras are seriously terrible actors.


Agree with a couple of your points. Pacing is pretty slow but what's there, I find enjoyable and don't find dialogue too corny. I do find some of the characters to be extremely laughable (Shades). Borders on being laughable.


Haha and yes I do want to see him punch more things too! Not enough action although what happened in ep 2 was pretty good (if predictable).


Agreed on the smaller characters being terrible actors. They're not great but not bad enough to detract from enjoying the series so far.


One other point from me: when starting the series I didn't really have high expectations so maybe I'm a little more forgiving about the show's shortcomings. Regardless, looking forward to the next episode.

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So far it's less violent than Daredevil and Jessica Jones.


7 episodes in and it's not great is it.


I watched Eps.1-4 the day before and then Eps.5-7 last night.


I certainly think I find watching them back to back a better experience. Because of the slow pace watching them back to back almost feels like one long drawn out episode. If I was being asked to wait a week between episodes I'm not sure how it would fair.


It's alright. It's definitely watchable. At the moment though unless things pick up I'm just watching it to see it through. It's interesting how Daredevil just nailed it and yet this has missed a beat. Makes me think Luke Cage and his story/world just aren't that interesting, but given how people have been clamouring for Marvel to do Luke Cage for ages I can't see how that can be? I found the episode 4 origins story somewhat underwhelming, and that should have been a key episode - despite it feeling like there's seemingly more of that story to come.


It took a twist in the last episode I watched... here's hoping the second half of the series is somewhat better. I stopped watching Jessica Jones about 4 episodes in, but I'll prob go back to it after this.


I am anticipating Iron Fist however. Feels to me like it will be a more interesting character. I don't want Daredevil carrying these Netflix shows.

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It took a twist in the last episode I watched... here's hoping the second half of the series is somewhat better. I stopped watching Jessica Jones about 4 episodes in, but I'll prob go back to it after this.


I am anticipating Iron Fist however. Feels to me like it will be a more interesting character. I don't want Daredevil carrying these Netflix shows.


You didn't like Jessica Jones?! OMG. One of my faves.


Finished episode 3 of Luke Cage tonight and again, thought it was decent!

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And I actually loved Jessica Jones. Luke Cage had its moments and had some good ideas, I mean, I loved seeing Charles Bradley and Sharon Jones to name something positive, but overall it's just badly executed.


I am still looking forward to Iron Fist and Defenders though (not to mention Dr. Strange). Iron Fist is coming 17 March.




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The first season of Rick and Morty is now on UK Netflix! :D

I watched the first episode of this last week, but didn't find it very good. I may try again soon but I've started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender instead, which is much better.

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Yeah I've heard so much good stuff about Rick and Morty, so I was a bit disappointed with the first episode. I just didn't find it particularly funny. I'll probably give it another try though, since one episode isn't enough to judge something on.

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