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Weight Loss & Fitness 2012


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I think my resting BPM is like 55 or such. It's definitely below 60 but not much. And I had the blood pressure of a baby when I last got checked (about a year ago).


Also, I have to share this: I did a 100 kg squat yesterday! It was fine and dandy, my knees didn't turn inwards during the get-up-phase and I got my thighs parallell to the ground. I even did it twice with some resting in between. Now, though, me right thigh is really aching.


I also did some power cleans - they're great for grip and explosive training. Did a 10-8-6-4-2 workout with increasing weight. Ended at 70 kg, which is a little above body weight. I'm actually getting pretty strong. My deadlift max is 125-130. In the summer last year I did two times 134 kg but I haven't been able to do that since.

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I've been finding it difficult to wake up in the mornings to go to the gym before work. So, for the last two days, I've been going after work. Luckily, I make it there before it gets uber busy.


Couldn't get on the squat rack though as some shit was using the bars for upright rows. Was one of those FUUUUu moments. So, did my leg workout and put more energy into everything else to make up for lack of squats. Leg pressed 200kg which made my legs feel like jelly afterwards. The wobbly kind.


Did calves stuff, too. Felt like they were on fire.

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If I didn't go to the gym in the morning I just wouldn't be arsed after work. I wake up at 6:45, which I thought I'd hate but I got used to it surprisingly quickly.


Also means on Tuesday and Thursday, when I don't go to the gym, it feels like I'm sleeping in.

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If I didn't go to the gym in the morning I just wouldn't be arsed after work. I wake up at 6:45, which I thought I'd hate but I got used to it surprisingly quickly.


Also means on Tuesday and Thursday, when I don't go to the gym, it feels like I'm sleeping in.


I'd like to do that but it doesn't work out for timings. My gym opens at 6:30am and I'd need to leave at 7:30 the latest in order to get to work for 8. Not enough time with having to shower and get dressed afterwards.


I have thought of going for a run in the morning but haven't managed it yet this week!

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I start work at 5am, so the mornings are a no go. I like to have a couple of hours sleep after work and go to the Gym about 8pm, usually for about 90 mins. It works well enough, never find myself lagging.

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Well I went back and see the PT who gave me the program and goals in January.


Good news for me! Lost 1 Stone 4 Pounds since he weighed me and decreased my body fat % by 4.9%! Body fat is now 18.4% and the sheet says my body fat mass has gone down just under 7KG! He also said I look visibly more toned than when he saw me in January!


He has now given me a new program to work on. :)

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I got this fantastic iPhone app called "Zombies, Run!" which sets you as a helicopter crash survivor just outside an encampment amidst a zombie holocaust.


It basically works as a series of missions - the first being just to get to the base safely - where a series of characters talk to you and tell you your objectives, and during your run you pick up supplies which you can then take back and use to build up your base. You can also opt to turn on "zombie chases," which act essentially as interval training while you're running.


It's really good for me, since I totally need motivation while running :heh:

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Today has finally came! I've hit my goal weight and my 3 one years my diet has finally come to a close. 11st reached, 6st lost. Genuinely think this one of the happiest days of my life, never thought I'd do this when I started.


Here's a before and after.





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Today has finally came! I've hit my goal weight and my 3 one years my diet has finally come to a close. 11st reached, 6st lost. Genuinely think this one of the happiest days of my life, never thought I'd do this when I started.


Well played. Very nicely done.


Although I've never dieted myself I would guess that the next stage is just as hard. Making sure it doesn't go back on!

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In finding it diffiicult to get up in thr morning before work to go to the gym. I end up having arguments in my head and end up making an excuse as to why i cant go ie im going to have a busy day. Does anyone else do this?


I also went to maccies for tea rather than going for a run. Im meant to be training for the half marathon...fail

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In finding it diffiicult to get up in thr morning before work to go to the gym. I end up having arguments in my head and end up making an excuse as to why i cant go ie im going to have a busy day. Does anyone else do this?


I also went to maccies for tea rather than going for a run. Im meant to be training for the half marathon...fail


I do, but then I just go anyway.


It's much better to go in the mornings. It's quieter, you can use whatever equipment you want (whereas it is much busier in the evenings, I find) and then the rest of the day belongs to you.


A typical Monday for me is getting up at 5:30 and having breakfast before heading to the gym. Then, go to work where I teach until 4, before having a football club until half 5. You have to be motivated to do that, and I guess just willing to work hard.

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When i do go in the mornings. I just end up being really tired after dinner times. I end up yawning in front of clients without even realising!


Do you eat at work? Maybe you need something to give you some energy during the afternoons. I tend to get tired around the half 2/3 o'clock mark.


What's your routine like in the morning?

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I'm starting to grow into my routine a bit more. My first week of work I was shattered when I got home so couldn't really do it.


Last week I managed to go 3 times after work a bit later on in the evening (and then promptly be asleep by 10:30).


This week I got home last night and went straight out for a run in the sun. Then still went to the gym later on. Today I'm going to go for another run because its so sunny and then go for a back session at the gym. Loving my bent over rows at the moment! I've had problems with my back at the moment and since I've started working on my back it's got a lot better. Bent over rows, assisted pull-ups, dead lifts. All awesome.


I'm pretty sure my posture is better too because of it.

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Do you eat at work? Maybe you need something to give you some energy during the afternoons. I tend to get tired around the half 2/3 o'clock mark.


What's your routine like in the morning?


I eat all throughout the day and drink green tea. Keeps me going really well.


Sometimes I have coffee.

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