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Cloak and Dagger Mafia

The Peeps

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Well played team!


Really loved this game. Was totally amazed we won after Jonnas was caught killing on the first night and as soon as Jonnas and me found each other I got an evil investigation (and it was actually Rummy who made me use my stop lynch power!). But once we got together we were a great team, controlling Yvonne was a great idea from Jonnas, and they didn't actually obey the rules - so would have been modkilled even if they didn't get lynched! The intention was actually for Nintendohnut to get lynched!


After that there was an opportunity for us to lynch Nintendohnut, but we didn't all make it online in time, then after that some tactical lying/controlling to lock in Tales vote on the last day pretty much won it for us :)


Definitely one of the most memorable games in recent memory, I would say it was pretty well balanced, especially seeing we had to find each other, which to do we had to target each other to be killed, essentially wasting a night.


Many thanks to @The Peeps for a wonderful game, @Jonnas, @Rummy and @ReZourceman for being great team mates, @Yvonne, I thought your "EMITMPIM" was genius, even if it did throw me into the shit, and @DuD, I thought you played brilliantly for your first game, I found you genuinely frustrating!

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Yeah this was a great game. Obviously I was quiet in the thread, and took a back seat in the mafia forum too, but I think my fellow team mates played very well.


Great roles, and I think the twist of mafia being apart was awesome (if a bit annoying for me at first lol).


Peeps smashes another game out of the park.

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lol, Dannyboy is "Conan Doyle" :laughing:


Phew, finally! Amazing that we could survive this long, with me being tracked on the first night and mr-paul being investigated early. ReZ was very silent, and always boosting us, too. Not to mention we were all separate, and needed to find each other (genius, Peeps, genius).


Amusing that, in the night that the mafia was finally reunited, there were two kills! :heh:


I do think my power was, well, overpowered, as I could basically control day phases at my leisure. I only used it 3 times, so that the vulnerabilities of that power wouldn't show (and also because it must be incredibly frustrating for the person being controlled, and I'm not that mean :heh:)


Jayseven broke the rules when he made that warning, because he didn't understand he couldn't add to my message (Peeps forgave the misunderstanding). The whole point of controlling him was so that Diageo would doubt his own results, but it ended up being a nice distraction. The following day, wondering about Jayseven made people forget about Diageo's investigation entirely :grin:

(But let me tell you, it was hard, writing in Jayseven's style. With the other two, simple phrases were all that was needed to accomplish the necessary goal, but with Jay, I needed to basically impersonate him being confused about his PM, and joking about it)


Yvonne's control was made entirely to manipulate his next result, and make people doubt them, hence why we tried to get Dohnut lynched, to clear mr-paul for a few days. Yvonne didn't see his PM for a long while, and he was about to be modkilled, but he ended up being lynched due to our actions, anyway.


The last one was Tales, in the final day. As soon as he voted for aqui1a, I controlled him to keep his vote in place, until we all arrived.



Anyway, this was an excellent game, Peeps. Lots of misdirections, power-swapping and other confusing business made us focus more on the day phase, and be ever-doubtful of our own results. My power cheapened this a little bit, but it did have good limitations, that would've been obvious if I had abused it.


And a special mention to DuD, for playing quite well in his first game, even though I'd classify this game as one of our most confusing yet :heh: Also, Rummy behaving like his Gents II self, so that his "info" about Jimbob would be more believable was legendary.


Just one thing, what was that EMITMPIM, anyway? An abbreviated form of the message every townie gets?

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EMITMRPIM = Evil Murray is Town, Mr Paul is Mafia


A way to prove that I was not being controlled when I finally revealed my results. Also if Rummy had not been mafia, he would have been able to tell I was being controlled by the shared information we had from IRL, which would have been mega cool. Alas, it was not to be!

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Yup, I loved the Conan Doyle bit as well. :p Even my power was Sherlockian.


I must say there was a little too much confusion and redirection going on in this game to my tastes. Plus some of the townie powers seemed quite scummy, which didn't help matters. Still, the mafia played very well (splitting them up at the beginning was ingenious!), and the town could've played better, so the victory is deserved. :)


EMITMPIM is an acronym for EEVILMURRAY Is Town, Mr-Paul Is Mafia.


Ah, too slow.

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EMITMRPIM = Evil Murray is Town, Mr Paul is Mafia


A way to prove that I was not being controlled when I finally revealed my results. Also if Rummy had not been mafia, he would have been able to tell I was being controlled by the shared information we had from IRL, which would have been mega cool. Alas, it was not to be!


Oooh, clever! :grin: Really, you were our greatest nemesis, even when you were being controlled, you'd make your forged post after it stopped being relevant, as a subtle warning. Thankfully, nobody noticed.


Also, what is this about you and Rummy having shared info...?

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Yeah really sorry about that Jonnas, I had no intention of resisting your powers, I came off a 7 hour flight and only skimmed my PMs, seeing the role switch first and not noticing the "event" PM.


Since me and Rummy know eachother IRL we can use any information that only we know as confirmation that we are writing our posts.

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I was totally mafia.


Broadcast Yourself


Yeah really sorry about that Jonnas, I had no intention of resisting your powers, I came off a 7 hour flight and only skimmed my PMs, seeing the role switch first and not noticing the "event" PM.


Yeah, 'tis cool :) Being a mafioso is more fun if there's a townie to foil us at every opportunity anyway, and my power was just a big shutdown on that. It's nice that it was resisted, one way or the other (and I am glad you were lynched, not modkilled).

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I knew jonnas and mr-paul were maff.


Basically, it had to be jonnas that was maff because of the way he was 'conversing' with the posts that I was forced to write.


What were the other posts in the other phases that jonnas wrote, mr-peeps? I think the game was mostly balanced but that was niggling me throughout. I couldn't commit to anything. Despite my frustration, an enjoyable game with a good amount of confusion!

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Everyone knew I was mafia, yet I survived :P


Jonnas only controlled on 3 occasions, you know what he did to you, Yvonne on the day he accused Nintendohnut (not the ones before he started asking Nintendohnut what he had done, they were posted illegally) and got lynched, and then Tales as soon as he voted for Aqui1a on the final day. So not too much really, with the Tales thing all he really did was keep accusing me like Tales had been earlier that day.

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I'd been thinking of a way to shake up the system slightly for ages and I finally found something that I think worked quite well. It stopped the mafia from losing interest and just sitting back for the whole game and it gave the townies two nights without a kill.


I intentionally gave the mafia some fairly innocent roles too to help them hide a bit better and a couple of townies had suspicious roles to mix things up a bit.


Got a couple of ideas for a sequel too but I may end up doing something different :p

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A most excellent game @The Peeps, i enjoyed playing it as much as everyone else. Be it the first mafia game in a long time where i've partook right to my demise. If only people listened to me earlier on, we could have took out a mafia member be it Rummy. But hey, it is a game after all and everyone played their roles well. To the point that i was getting confused with one or 2 roles myself.


Still, a great mafia game all round. I look forward to what @The Peeps comes up with next.

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Loved it all. Totally suspicious of everyone two nights before the end. Great game, Peeps.


@Yvonne: Apologies, I actually COMPLETELY forgot that I had that ability until people started asking me questions about my role (next day). I went back to check my role PM and noticed that I could help people, and after that I tried. Sorry!

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Loved it all. Totally suspicious of everyone two nights before the end. Great game, Peeps.


Apologies, I actually COMPLETELY forgot that I had that ability until people started asking me questions about my role (next day). I went back to check my role PM and noticed that I could help people, and after that I tried. Sorry!


Well, damn, I sure am glad I didn't use my power on you, like my teammates were suggesting! :heh: I would hate it, writing a huge post like yours, only for you to come out and say "lol no" in 80 words.

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The power is to inform your target of the best possible person for them to target. I'd send an initial early-ish PM so that the night phase wouldn't be delayed too much (need to give people a chance to read them) and if I get more targets in or someone changes their mind, I'd update the PM if a better target came up. I think it only happened with Jonnas though.


I suggested Yvonne target Jonnas on one of the nights but he decided to ignore it :p

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A most excellent game @The Peeps, i enjoyed playing it as much as everyone else. Be it the first mafia game in a long time where i've partook right to my demise. If only people listened to me earlier on, we could have took out a mafia member be it Rummy. But hey, it is a game after all and everyone played their roles well. To the point that i was getting confused with one or 2 roles myself.


Still, a great mafia game all round. I look forward to what @The Peeps comes up with next.


Actually, I'll just say ; it was good to see you active in a mafia for (the first time?), I think you've got the hang of it now.

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Actually, I'll just say ; it was good to see you active in a mafia for (the first time?), I think you've got the hang of it now.


I think it could be to the best of my knowledge. I have partook in a few before and either completly forgot i was partaking and/or didn't quite understand how they worked. Even the Pokemafia of which the team (including myself) won, i wasn't sure on how things were working.


Still as you said, i got the hang of them now so watch out everyone. I'll be partaking in as many as i can get myself into.

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