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People You Are Fiercely Attracted To


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I've had pretty much the same shade, because of her, just not all over.


I'm surely tempted when my hair grows out properly if I stay with Spotify as they like coloured hair, but it's so much upkeep.


She's pretty much my fashion idol, now you can see why. :love:


Ah nice! Double nice to have an employer that's actually cool with alternative hair colours too. I got into dyeing my hair about 2 years ago and my hair has thinned considerably since so I've stopped doing it =( my employer was cool with it, but considering it was a job in a warehouse, they didn't really give a shit :(

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The only one i really like is Avril Lavigne. You all know what she looks like so i wont post a picture.


I found myself watching Nickelodeon today though and quite fancied a few actresses i saw. Turns out they are only 17!!! :o I feel the shame...... :hmm:




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In terms of celebrities I absolutely adore Karen Gillan.


In real life, there's this girl who works in a cafe in the same building as me. She changes her hair/clothing style constantly (including different hair colours). Some days I find her hugely attractive, some days somewhat attracted and other days not at all.


Of course, there are other girls I know who I find attractive, but I thought she was worth a mentions because she's....confusing.


Edit: Is it wrong that I instantly knew from the name that Jav has been watching iCarly?

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As far a celebrities go, there aren't many that go beyond the usual "ooh pretty", but I'm quite fond of Dominique Persi from Stolen Babies.









As for people I know, there are 2 sisters that I work with who are just awesome. They never stop smiling. They're pretty much identical, except one is blonde and one is brunette. It's uncanny. They even act the same. They look like a smiley, happy version of The Veronicas, except they're not twins. To me they're the definition of beautiful. Although it would probably never work with me and either of them as we have very little in common. But still, they make a dull day pass quickly and I don't think I've ever walked away from either of them in a bad mood.

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I've never had a strong 'crush' on someone, either celebrity or real life. There have been famous people I've seen who I guess I can trace back to an important 'moment' in sexual development (ew), but then they are meaningless and aren't actually relevant to the event in any way.


[i do remember the first time I was consciously aware of the idea of sexuality/the idea of the body being this center of pleasure for others and yourself/ [i]A THING[/i] was the Beautiful Stranger video by Madonna. Also the first video of hers I remember seeing. When I was...7? 8? When she peels back her top on stage. I didn't understand, but I did. Of course I did.]



Madonna being my first inkling of sexual awakening explains so much. :love:


But yes, I've NEVER actually felt attraction strong enough to affect me emotionally until relatively recently. But to be honest, that was just incredibly heightened physical attraction mingling with other feelings.


I can feel it in my bones...


Such an anthem.




Yeah I feel like I'm destined to marry the night at the moment. But then that's my ish right now. It's not the weather - hand me my leather.




I just had to realise that when you lose weight and dress nicely, people take more of an interest. Which also means you can pick and choose (even if you could before, you didn't know, and now do cause of added confidence). But I'm too disinterested. I should be given no leeway and forced, otherwise I'll forever.


Also, I'm now really over ugly people. I think actually experiencing beautiful people has made me want to seek it out more rather than just accepting ugliness [that isn't my own, for example].


shutUP!already. Damn... [/Prince - 'Housequake']



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No, no, you misunderstand - I don't want to scare her off. :heh:


Anyway, it's a bit more complicated than that. What bothers me is that while we're compatible in many areas, there are some areas where I'm worried we might not be, and if that's the case I'd be perfectly happy to just stay her friend. I care too much about her to risk damaging my current relationship with her if I know already now that it won't work out due to key differences.


That or I'm just being a big wuss. Hard to say, really. :heh:

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