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I second that, I wanted to add more characters to the 'Draw the Characters you want in the next Smash Bros' thread, and not just Lloyd Irving!


Still, this is incredibly good fun! Enjoying everyone's pics, keep them coming!!


I third that, I also wanted to draw Fawful and Professor Layton!

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It's amazing with all the talent here. I wish I could draw just half as good as some of you guys. I've got the Art Academy First Semester application from the eshop but never really got around to try it. Perhaps I should.


Anyway, it's really a treat with all those amazing drawings/pictures/messages. Cheers to everyone for your great contributions.

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I'm not saying :wink: You'll kick yourself when you figure it out though.
Ok guys how the hell did ye get the rainbow pen?
Yeah, one cannot simply be told about the rainbow pen, its secret must be uncovered by each individual, like the secrets of the Monado. :heh:

Too much Xenoblade for me I think. :laughing:

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Anyone else only just revived @Rez 's cock ictures from before Christmas?


yeah, got them yesterday.


Somehow I knew @ReZourceman would be the first to do that... though surprised it wasn't on the first day of the Letterbox, haha.


How come only got them yesterday though ... did he back date them?




Also this rainbow pen thing is doing my head.... even Google fails me in trying to get info

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yeah, got them yesterday.


Somehow I knew @ReZourceman would be the first to do that... though surprised it wasn't on the first day of the Letterbox, haha.


How come only got them yesterday though ... did he back date them?




Also this rainbow pen thing is doing my head.... even Google fails me in trying to get info


No, I remember him asking if people had received them, must have been something dodgy with it! Maybe the pics had to pass Nintendos censors!

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Like everything NIntendo does, letterbox is floored to buggery, I have so many issues and problems with it; how do Nintendo release such flawed stuff all the time? Well, maybe because there's al title magic in there like there always is with them. Effing frustrating though!

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