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Thoughts on Castlevania 3DS

Fused King

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Right, I've been meaning to create this thread for a while now, mainly because of my utter astonishment of there being no official word about anything Castlevania related in this year of its 25th anniversary(The same could be said for Metroid)....:blank:


I totally love this series to death, primarily because of its music and simple yet tough gameplay. Not to mention the style, visuals, story and mythology!

I've only played the the last 2 for the GBA and all of the DS titles, but Castlevania has been firmly estabilished within me as one of my favourite game series.

I sadly had to miss out on Lords of Shadow because I don't own a PS3, but I'm perhaps more interested in if Castlevania will indeed go 3D on the 3DS and if that might evolve the franchise....maybe, ....maybe not.....


So, ....


Is it coming?

What style would you guys like to see?

Should the Belmonts return?

Should the game go back to its 'roots'?

Something completely new perhaps?




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I only played the first DS Castlevania game but I really enjoyed it. I have often thought about picking the others up but they seem to a bit of a nightmare to find brand new and quite pricey.


I'm sure Konami mentioned something about it's anniversary. Just checked around and yeah, they have something planned.


When E3 concluded there was a sense of sadness and the beginning of anger amongst Castlevania’s fanbase. That was due to a lack of any sort of announcement for the series’ upcoming 25th anniversary. We didn’t get any new game announcement or a reveal of any compilation to celebrate the occasion, all we got was the revelation that Harmony of Despair would be making its way to PSN.


Since then fans have been left wondering about this total lack of acknowledgement. Has Konami completely disregarded the milsetone of one of the most respected franchises in the world of interactive entertainment? I’m glad to be able to tell you today that Konami is in fact working on something for the series’ 25th.


Speaking with Konami earlier today over this matter and regarding the current uprising of Operation Akumajo which aims to follow the footsteps and dedication of the ongoing Operation Rainfall, I was told: “We are going to do something, we are just going through final approvals on exactly what that is going to be.â€


So, what type of project will this end up being? Speculation still won’t cease over this but it’s satisfying to know that we are indeed going to be receiving a game to celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary. E3 may have been quiet in regards to this project but we still got Gamescom and Tokyo Game Show left. Let’s also not forget that we may not end up getting anything directly on time for the anniversary, but perhaps in the months to follow.


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I've never played a Castlevania game! :blank:


I didn't have a SNES... then it wasn't on the N64 (really), Gamecube, Wii etc...


The GBA would really have been my first chance to get into it, but I kinda felt I didn't know enough about the series/story.


Like @Hero\-of\-Time it's definately a series I've thought about getting into... and would like to give the 2D games a try, so hopefully yeah it might come to 3DS... and when I get around to getting a PS3 I might look into giving Lord of Shadows a go, it looked pretty good from the trailers.

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I've never played a Castlevania game! :blank:


I didn't have a SNES... then it wasn't on the N64 (really), Gamecube, Wii etc...


The GBA would really have been my first chance to get into it, but I kinda felt I didn't know enough about the series/story.


Like @Hero\-of\-Time it's definately a series I've thought about getting into... and would like to give the 2D games a try, so hopefully yeah it might come to 3DS... and when I get around to getting a PS3 I might look into giving Lord of Shadows a go, it looked pretty good from the trailers.


Lord of Shadows is a great game, I highly recommend it. I also enjoyed the Castlevania brawler on the Wii, it looked a little rough but I found it fun to play.

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I started out with Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow on the DS in 2006 and it remains my favourite to this day :smile:


Since then, I have cleared Portrait of Ruin, Harmony of Dissonance, Aria of Sorrow, Super Castlevania IV and Rondo of Blood and am at the final boss of Circle of the Moon.. though seriously underpowered :eek: I am also nearing the end of Order of Ecclesia :grin:


Needless to say, I'm a fan of the series :smile: However, it is starting to become a little repetitive considering most of the handheld versions are similar in many ways. The only 3D Castlevania I have played is the N64 game but it was never really anything special :indeed:


I'd really like them to do something different with a 3DS version.. but I'm not sure what ::shrug:

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Hopefully the 25th anniversary thing will be downloadable on every platform. It would be silly to have it exclusive to the 3DS.


As for the game itself, id be happy with a new one but this has ''Collection'' written all over. Either way, im all over it!

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I've never played a Castlevania game! :blank:


I didn't have a SNES... then it wasn't on the N64 (really), Gamecube, Wii etc...


The GBA would really have been my first chance to get into it, but I kinda felt I didn't know enough about the series/story.

Evil forces (mainly Dracula) try some bad shit. You make sure their shit gets ruined. That's the jist. Now buy a game :D



I remember when Ashley asked me for clarification on that when I used the term in a review, good times. Very appropriate description too.

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Super Castlevania IV is my favourite. Such a great, iconic game. :grin: The Metroidvania ones are all well and good but theres something about a good old straightforward, get from point A to point B 'vania.


As for those, Aria of Sorrow on GBA is my favourite. I haven't played the Soma Cruz one on DS so it might well be better. I stopped playing Portrait of Ruin because I reached a bit where you need a random enemy drop to proceed. That has no place in Castlevania! :angry: (Though I should get back that some day...)

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I like the metroidvania games a lot but I'd much rather that Nintendo got their act together and made a new Metroid. Or... shock horror... OR let Konami make the next 2D Metroid game cos, you know, it's not like that haven't proved that they can do beautifully animated 2D Metroid type games already, is it?


I'd like to see something different from Castlevania on this gen of handhelds but they are in a tricky situation. The 3D games are well known (apart from the latest one) for being rubbish and I think that it will take some smart game designers to figure out how the series would work in 3D. Unless of course they want to do a Shadow Complex... but again, enough Metroid!

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  • 4 months later...

Sow, .....




.... Great Konami, you celebrated Frogger!

Truly the stuff of legends!

Still, I can't help but feel this void, this, ...hmmm...., vast emptiness of space, shelf space if you will, that was reserved for another franchise which your company has founded.

Can't really remember what it was exactly, and I'm not even sure if it was a series of any importance....., hmmmm....I do wonder....

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I loved Dracula X Chronicles on the PSP and Super Castlevania but I didn't really like any of the DS games. I'm probably in the minority here but I'd prefer it if they went back to the original Castlevania style instead of the Symphony of the Night/Metroid style

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First of all, I should say I much prefer sci-fi to horror, so I'm always going to prefer Metroid, if only by the theme. Secondly, I should say I've only played Circle of the Moon (completed) and Portrait of Ruin (gave up on). With that said, here are a few thoughts on what a new one should be like if they made it...


- Sprites. :)


- Metroidvania-style? Yes, indeed. One big map like Circle of the Moon.


- I'm not sure about keeping the EXP system. As much as I like RPGs, I don't think levelling-up suits action games as much. One reason is that you might encounter a boss and never really know what level you're meant to be at. Could be way too hard or way too easy. Much better to have specific power-ups like Metroid's Energy Tanks and Missile Expansions.


Well, that's it, only three points really! I can't pretend I wouldn'r prefer a new Metroid, but I hope you get your Castlevania, @Fused King.

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