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The Legend of Zelda 3DS


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Depends how they remake it really. Tbh an MM remake is surely a piece of piss given OoT's already been done? A 3D 'version' of LttP would be amazing to see though.


Or, indeed, just a whole new game.


Cube's right though, stuff like Minish Cap/Oracles...mmm!

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They need both really, not either/or, but it seems that's not a possibility. MM remake would be awesome if they do as good a job as they did with OOT. Didn't they outsource that game's development anyway? Can't they do that again, and have Nintendo primarily focused on something new?

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Does anyone else get the impression they put too much thought into Zelda nowadays? It's admirable they want to make the best game they can (if that is indeed their aim), but I wonder if they are trying to "reinvent the wheel" too much. The Zelda games that have taken the longest to make have not necessarily been the best, whereas Wind Waker was only two years after Majora's Mask (in Japan) and is rightly considered a classic. Two years!


I'm aware HD development takes longer, but the 3DS is not HD (in fact, it's not even SD). Recent Zeldas have obviously had a lot of work put into them and been polished to perfection, but I'm not sure if that's a substitute for a darn good graphics engine, a lot of exploration and a mesmerising tone. In other words, the Zelda we knew and loved. :blank:

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So they're still considering their options on Wii U and Still considering their options on 3DS!...


Great... no Zelda for 2/3 years then. :blank:


Also, are they saying the only options they're considering on 3DS atm is whether to do a remake of ALTTP or of Majora's Mask, and they're not about a new game right now. The Fuck?!


Personally I don't really want and probably wouldn't buy either!

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I don't know where @Fused King got the story from, but I think they may have put this in the wrong context. From the other places I've read this story, I gather Miyamoto is simply undecided about which remake to do next. Seems pretty simple to me:


Majora's Mask - Grezzo

Link to the Past (3D Classics) - Arika

New Zelda - EAD 3


At least that's what I hope. If they really haven't started on a 3DS Zelda, then...

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They need both really, not either/or, but it seems that's not a possibility. MM remake would be awesome if they do as good a job as they did with OOT. Didn't they outsource that game's development anyway? Can't they do that again, and have Nintendo primarily focused on something new?


Yeah, that's what I was thinking when I said it was a piece of piss, just hand it over to Grezzo again. How much have they really got to do given it's an extension of sorts of OoT? Most of the assets and stuff already exist!


Does anyone else get the impression they put too much thought into Zelda nowadays? It's admirable they want to make the best game they can (if that is indeed their aim), but I wonder if they are trying to "reinvent the wheel" too much. The Zelda games that have taken the longest to make have not necessarily been the best, whereas Wind Waker was only two years after Majora's Mask (in Japan) and is rightly considered a classic. Two years!


I'm aware HD development takes longer, but the 3DS is not HD (in fact, it's not even SD). Recent Zeldas have obviously had a lot of work put into them and been polished to perfection, but I'm not sure if that's a substitute for a darn good graphics engine, a lot of exploration and a mesmerising tone. In other words, the Zelda we knew and loved. :blank:


I think this is an excellent point. Then again, too little thought, and we'll just end up with lots of New Zelda Adventures Wii U 2.


I don't know where @Fused King got the story from, but I think they may have put this in the wrong context. From the other places I've read this story, I gather Miyamoto is simply undecided about which remake to do next. Seems pretty simple to me:


Majora's Mask - Grezzo

Link to the Past (3D Classics) - Arika

New Zelda - EAD 3


At least that's what I hope. If they really haven't started on a 3DS Zelda, then...


Nooo! LttP in a 3D engine!!

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I agree LttP in a 3D engine would be fascinating, but when Miyamoto's mentioned it in the past, he's made it sound like he mainly wanted to make use of the 3DS's stereoscopy. All those split levels would lend themselves to it - in other words, it sounds exactly like a "3D Classic". I wonder if they could get it running at 60fps? Could be the definitive version.

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The cartoony look has always suited the handheld games better and I think it's good to continue that universe, because I have a feeling that, while it won't look like the tech demo, Nintendo won't be able to resist making a more realistic, HD Hyrule for the WiiU.

As Spaceworld and eventually Wind Waker showed us, they are capable of resisting such an idea.

The most fun I had in Skyward Sword was skydiving onto the tiny islands, so I could size them up and work out how to fully explore them.

Most of them took up approx. 5 seconds to walk across. Then, disappointed you leap to call your bird, find another tiny floating rock. But this has some vines down the side to get to a Goddess Cube product. Didn't find that much fun myself unless:

A] I knew there was something from a Goddess Cube.

B] I was on my way somewhere and it was on a direct flight path.

Hmm... the thing is Skyward Sword proved what could be done with smaller locations... and fewer! I know people complain about retreading footsteps in that game but you rarely (if ever) returned to one of the three area's and did the same thing in the same place... in fact it was mostly a wildly different experience!

Gonna have to disagree here. True, the experiences may have differed, but it's the lack of exploration that disappoints here. With the flooded forest being a refreshing change, the rest were just shamelessly recycled. Take the volcano - your first visit is the best as you don't know where you're going, then you go back for the trial/when your weapons are taken away. I practically knew the place like the back of my hand. There was no danger. No fun.

The fact that you can cross the overworld in a few minutes always ruined the illusion of a big open world to explore IMO. I quite liked what Skyward Sword did, the surface world was enormous, as big as it should be if it were real life, but only small pockets of it were uncovered for you to explore. And each area was PACKED full of stuff to do and explore. Twilight Princess' overworld felt soul-less and empty, Skyward Sword's was alive.

I kinda cheated with world warping in Skyward Sword, if in a world and I needed to cross to the other side, I'd fly up then drop back down and choose a closer save point. It was genius.



You must be a big fan of Smash Bros. Brawl then.

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All I'd say about Skyword Swords setup was that the overworld/world/dungeons were an incredibly refreshing change for me, and as a result it's my second favourite Zelda.


Ocarina stays ahead on nostaligia and the fact it was my first ever Zelda so I was wowed by everything.

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I kinda cheated with world warping in Skyward Sword, if in a world and I needed to cross to the other side, I'd fly up then drop back down and choose a closer save point. It was genius.


I think this was just lazy from Nintendo. Sure, it's more "realistic" that you fly up to the sky (by touching a statue...) and then land where you want, but regarding the ease of gameplay, it's moronic. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to warp straight to any other statue without the hassle of going up and down every single friggin' time...

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Depends on the place, really. If you're on the other end of the desert, it's a bit longer than just a 5-minute walk to the other end...so yeah, area-specific instant warping would've been nice. Flying up and to different regions I was totally fine with.


What comes to remakes...I have two copies of Majora's Mask (N64 & GC), and have bought Alttp three times already. So no more xD

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As much as I enjoyed Skyward Sword, the three areas still felt a little too much like a glorified Level select Nintendo seem obsessed with these days. Likewise with Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, lots of mini areas all separated by a traveling mechanic. (Wind Waker was one big world, very different to PH). I really hope they get back to the massive landscape to explore, Wind Waker felt like an adventure because of it. Tiny boat, enormous sea, every island holding a new secret. The small islands in the sky in Skyward Sword were a total joke.

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Most of them took up approx. 5 seconds to walk across. Then, disappointed you leap to call your bird, find another tiny floating rock. But this has some vines down the side to get to a Goddess Cube product. Didn't find that much fun myself unless:

A] I knew there was something from a Goddess Cube.

B] I was on my way somewhere and it was on a direct flight path.


I'm not a big fan of Skyward Sword by any means, I just thought that was the best gaming mechanic it introduced. :( Of course the very small islands were boring, but what I'm saying is that the more compex small islands made you think about which angle to approach them from. If you landed on the wrong part, you couldn't get into certain tunnels. Sure, it wasn't fantastic, but it was a more solid mechanic than the way you landed in the main town, as you couldn't control which bit you arrived in.


I agree with @Ville about warping. There's just no reason not to have it, once you've already found an area "properly", of course.


Anyway, the last thing I want for Zelda 3DS is for it to be anything like Skyward Sword, Phantom Hourglass or even Spirit Tracks (which was a brilliant game given the limitations). Anything other than a full, 3D overworld like those in OOT, MM or WW would be a disappointment. We don't need the "level select" approach again.

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Sure, it wasn't fantastic, but it was a more solid mechanic than the way you landed in the main town, as you couldn't control which bit you arrived in.

You kinda could, you could determine which area of Skyloft you wanted to land in by jumping off over it, which was fine I thought.
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What comes to remakes...I have two copies of Majora's Mask (N64 & GC), and have bought Alttp three times already. So no more xD


Ah yes but, LttP...in a 3D engine? I'm trying to think if there's anything exceptionally 2D about it that could make a port tricky, but nothing springs to mind.

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This. I normally aimed for the Bazaar, because I'll be damned if I wanted to land next to the Knight Academy.
Yep, that or the area the other side of the river by the cave.

The ammount of control you had over where you would land on Skyloft was absolutely fine actually, considering the game had to load Skyloft. I did want the option to land on top of the floating waterfall island though, just so I could jump off! :p

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I didn't mind it having to load Skyloft when landing on it, but I did find it strange Wind Waker got by with no loading times at all, which was very impressive in particular when arriving at Windfall. And that was on a previous gen console. The seamless nature of travel and exploration added so much to that game, and games like SS, PH and ST are much poorer without it.

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Ah yes but, LttP...in a 3D engine? I'm trying to think if there's anything exceptionally 2D about it that could make a port tricky, but nothing springs to mind.


Only that it'd be changing to lock-on gameplay instead of the "up, down, left, right" control of a d-pad. I don't think they'd do it, to be honest.


I did want the option to land on top of the floating waterfall island though, just so I could jump off! :p


That's what I was thinking of. :heh: It wasn't a problem, just less impressive than the smaller islands in Skyward Sword and the whole of Wind Waker.

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