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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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No! I insist you make it you own trademark, and keep adding it to all your posts! Seriously, your posts were hilarious to read, pal!

I'll consider it, pal. =P


I'm gonna add all my thoughts later, after Jonnas has posted the roles and any further thoughts he may have, but for now I'll let you all have this comic I made for Jonnas during one of the breaks. Super Mario 3D Land had been released around that time..



Turnabout... Tanooki?!

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Like I said, no one really questioned me about it so I never shared my full role. I never used my other powers anyway so didn't want to put a target on my head. Especially since people were all "omg there's a roleblocker going around and they must be evil!".


So no, you didn't know about my multiple powers cause you never asked. The info someone had said I would become more powerful the more I talked, so you could have figured it out from there really.


I thought as much.


But then why did the write-up sound like it had been common knowledge all along?! I thought: "Shit, did I miss something?!" :p


@Sprout: You are amazing! :D

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So no, you didn't know about my multiple powers cause you never asked. The info someone had said I would become more powerful the more I talked, so you could have figured it out from there really.


I'm an idiot...I thought that meant your power was talking at night, and each time you use your power you get more powerful = =

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Gah, and here I thought I had found a good angle, I could swear the info that was revealed here about Eenuh implied that she could do more than just protect!


I...I feel ashamed. Please forgive my blunder.



Edited by Jonnas
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I quite liked my role, but I wasn't sure really what to do with it. Jayseven died early (and so did another member of my team, whom I forget) and Dazz was clearly pointless, which left me with Sprout, Yvonne and mr-paul to redirect. Once I found out Sprout was useful, I redirected him, but I always felt like this was unfair on him as he would never get to choose his target. I also worried that redirecting a known investigator would make me look evil ("he's redirecting Sprout to everyone but the mafia!") but I didn't know what else to do!


For the first 3-4 days I made Sprout investigate other members under my control because I absolutely didn't trust all of them. I died before I got to mr-paul sadly :D


I also had a double vote and could stop votes, but seeing as I never had any real information, and none of the detectives under my control ever approached a lynch, I didn't use the latter much. Overall, I just felt kind of 'pointless' in the game, like I was there but I wasn't contributing a huge amount :( It was a shame!


Still, I kept reading til the end because it was a really interesting story. I don't know any of the characters either, so it was all a bit confusing for me, butI always enjoy your games Jonnas and this was no exception :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, without further ado, here is the list




Broadcast Yourself


The Townies


Dannyboy: Phoenix Wright



Profile: You are Phoenix Wright, defender of the innocent. Famous for your incredible comebacks, there’s no challenge too great, as long as innocent lives are in jeopardy. Will your abilities prove to be useful in this odd game?


Courtroom Power: At any point, during the day, you may quote a post casting a vote and answer it with an “Objection!†(yes, the image). The person being voted for cannot be lynched for the remainder of the day (this power works even after majority was reached). However, you can only use this power once per session (the judge can only put up with your comebacks for so long…)


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will protect this player from anybody attempting to target him/her.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Dannyboy, like Zell, could not defend the same player twice (though I intentionally left Danny in the dark, I thought he would hesitate to defend anyone if he knew);

-If he tried to defend someone a second time, the write-up would mention him "receiving a penalty" (flavour-only, of course);

-Dannyboy could defend someone after majority was reached (but only before I posted the write-up). If he did, the session would end right there, with no lynch;

-There is a mistake in his Break Power, which I corrected later: Dannyboy could only protect against deaths;

-Personally, I think this one of those roles that fits the original character perfectly. Dannyboy was chosen for this role mainly because of his avatar, but it actually fits Dannyboy playing style as well (he's usually so reluctant to lynch anybody)



The Peeps: Miles Edgeworth



Profile: You are Miles Edgeworth, pursuer of truth. Possessing a strong sense of justice and logic, you let no sentimentalities and preconceptions stand in the way of the truth. You may need to doubt your co-workers, your friends, your mentors and even your own father, if need be.


Courtroom Power: At any point during the day (and only once per session), you may quote two or three statements previously made in the thread, and respond with an “Eureka!†(yes, the image). In doing so, you will discover the hidden truth that links these statements together. However, should these statements contain no relation whatsoever, you will discover nothing.


During break: Each break, you will drink tea. Like a proper gentleman.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-So, a very experimental role. The theory behind it was that it would be capable of making a leap of logic in the right direction, and that leap would only be as good as the statements chosen. However, I feel that I ended up giving more information than I should, at times, making it a bit overpowered. I still like the idea behind it, though;

-The Peeps was chosen for the role because I wanted a player I knew would be active, and other players who filled that requirement were already chosen for other roles.



Tales: Franziska von Karma



Profile: You are Franziska von Karma, prodigious prosecutor from Germany. Being part of the famed Von Karma family, some despise the success you’ve achieved from a young age (this certainly is not helped by your bossy behavior in court). Still, this mafia game will be nothing but another star in your impressive career.


Courtroom Power: At any point during the day (and only once per session), you may quote someone and post “Take That!†(yes, the image). In doing so, you will give them a whipping so severe, they will be roleblocked during the next break.


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will ensure that this player is not wrongfully arrested (that is, killed) during the night (a protection, if you will). You cannot use this power if you have used your “Courtroom Power†during this session.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Like with Dannyboy, there is a mistake in Tales' Break Power, as he was the one who could protect against everything;

-Tales never used his Courtroom Power. Maybe it would simply be a better fit with another role;

-Usually, I don't allow such protectors to protect themselves, but I decided to make an exception for this game. Probably a mistake, a townie who consistently protects himself is most likely not a mafia, and Tales could easily prove that he was protecting himself;

-Tales is usually an aggressive player, I thought Franziska would be a good fit for him. I was right, I really felt like he was in character, most of the time :heh:



Dyson Heroicjanitor: Klavier Gavin



Profile: You are Klavier Gavin, young prosecutor and famous German rockstar. Unlike your brother Kristoph, you are extroverted, outspoken, and like to pepper your speech with German terms. Herren und Frauen, let’s dust these mafia scumbags, ja?


Courtroom Power: At any point during the day (and only once per session), you may quote someone and post “Einspruch!†(yes, the image). In doing so, you will cancel any day powers they might have used.


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will ensure that this player is not wrongfully arrested (that is, killed) during the night (a protection, if you will).


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Truth be told, this role was added somewhat hastily after there turned out to be more players than expected. Klavier's powers were generally badly done. After some thought, it would be far more appropriate if he didn't have a Break Power, and his Courtroom Power was a better version of Yvonne's (see further below);

-Dyson was one of the few (or even the only one) for whom there was no good reason to attribute a role. I gave it to him because he was one of the "unexpected players".

In the end, Herojan was a better choice due to his sense of humour and interactions with "Apollo" Diageo. Klavier was suddenly so fun to include in write-ups.




Eevilmurray Cube: Jacques Portsman



Profile: You are Jacques Portsman, young, talented and cocky. Despite your sports-loving personality, you have been quite successful in your career. This is probably because of your energy drink, which gives you strength to win cases! …Or maybe it’s the illegal bugs you use to listen to the opposition’s plan, who knows?


Courtroom Power: At any point during the day (and only once per session), you may send me a PM with the name of a player that hasn’t yet spoken since the start of the session. You will secretly plant a small microphone on this player, and hear their actions during the night.


During break: During the break, you will listen to your target carefully. And maybe take an energy drink, exercise, do some push-ups…the usual.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Eevil looked evil when investigated, due to his illegal methods;

-One of the town's flavour investigators. I thought this one was the most powerful and accurate, hence the limitation. I thought it generally worked pretty well;

-Jacques Portsman isn't associated with illegal wires or microphones, but none of the lawyers are, and I wanted this role in. It would be either him or Callisto Yew, and I went with him because he had a bigger variety of amusing sprites (which I never got to use, unfortunately. Eevil never had much presence in discussions, and the returning Cube didn't fare much better);

-Eevil was chosen for this role because I thought his blunt personality would fit well. Eevil himself never spoke much, unfortunately.




Cube: Manfred von Karma



Profile: You are Manfred von Karma, the most ruthless prosecutor alive. To you, only victory matters. That “Guilty†verdict should be attained by any means necessary, forging evidence is but a means to that end. Your philosophy will not change in this mafia game.


Courtroom Power: At any point during the day (and only once per session), you may post “Take That!†(yes, the image). When you do this, the majority needed to lynch the player you’re currently voting for will be reduced to half of the real majority (rounded up). This is accomplished by showing incriminating, forged evidence into the judge’s hands.

Also, due to your impeccable career, your vote counts for two.


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will secretly visit this player’s room, and will be able to read the PM they might have received at the end of the break (via eavesdropping, rummaging through their notes, etc.)


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Cube looked evil when investigated;

-It is quite obvious, but Cube was supposed to look as evil as possible. Perhaps it was mean of me, but I felt the power to essentially guarantee a lynch, plus reading others' PMs was enough to justify this;

-Cube was fitting of this role, because he's the first person I think of when it comes to Mafia winning streaks/most wins, to go with Manfred's undefeated 40 years (Checking this out later, Zell actually had the most wins :heh:)




EddieColeslaw: Mia Fey



Profile: You are Mia Fey, kind attorney respected by all. You have gained quite a reputation, being able to read people and notice details others don’t. Not many know about the true nature of your talent: the Magatama, a mystical jewel, passed down in your family for generations…


Courtroom Power: At any point during the day (and only once per session), you may send me a PM, highlighting a particular post. You will use your Magatama to examine this post and detect how much of it is a lie (in a scale of 0 to 5).


During break: Each break, you will drink coffee. It refreshes your spirit.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-I'll be the first to admit this role was overpowered. Eddie should've used that Magatama openly with a "Take That!" and maybe even a picture of the Magatama;

-Eddie was chosen for the role out of instinct more than anything else. It was easy for me to envision her as Mia Fey. She ended up reminding me more of Maya, but hey, younger Mia :heh:




Yvonne: Lana Skye



Profile: You are Lana Skye, the chief prosecutor. Possessing a strong sense of justice, you have worked with Damon Gant to strengthen the relations between policemen and prosecutors. Recently, however, you feel that this relationship has become a bit one-sided...


Courtroom Power: Being one of the best lawyers available, you may utilize any of the courtroom powers seen thus far. At any point during the day, you can PM me with the power you wish to utilize for that session, and post the necessary command (usually, an image). You can only utilize each power once, though, and only one per day.


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will follow this player, and find out who they may have targeted.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Like I mentioned in Klavier's notes above, Lana's Courtroom Power should've been better than this. It was supposed to go along with ReZ's similar day power, but it should've been done differently, with Yvonne knowing which powers were available from the start;

-However, Lana still needed to be a tracker available to Damon Gant. While it makes sense for the Chief Prosecutor to have an amazing Courtroom Power, it would be better, gameplay-wise, if she had Klavier's "counter" power;

-Yvonne was chosen simply because I felt the personality would match.




Nintendohnut: Damon Gant



Profile: You are Damon Gant, chief of police. Despite your kind and friendly demeanor, you can be stern and intimidating when the situation demands it. Every detective nearby is under your command. They are:


-mr-paul (Ema Skye)

-Rummy (Tyrell Badd)

-Sprout (Dick Gumshoe)

-ReZ (Luke Atmey)

-Jayseven (Jake Marshall)


Considering how well both of your departments have been working recently, Chief Prosecutor Lana Skye (Yvonne) may also help in some way…


(Note: You cannot communicate with any of them outside of the thread)


Courtroom Power: At any point during the day, you may control the votes of one of the 5 detectives. Send me a PM with the intended vote (Ex.: I want Rummy to vote for Heroicjanitor). This is done by sneaking a note to the judge. Just remember that said detective can change or remove their vote afterwards.

Furthermore, you yourself possess a double vote, due to your position.


During break: Each break, you may redirect Yvonne or one of the detectives, by sending them orders with your cellphone (not a real one, of course, you just send me a PM). Furthermore, they will report their findings to you.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Another experimental role. I wanted a "Townie Boss" of some sort, and thought this would be different enough to work. Dohnut receiving the results was perhaps too much, but like the general idea behind this role;

-Jayseven/Godot could not actually be redirected. Dohnut would not receive any results if he tried to redirect him;

-If mr-paul was doing anything other than reverse tracking, he couldn't be redirected, either;

-Nintendohnut was chosen due to long periods of not posting before making a big post/speech. Like Gant. Also, it would go well with his real-life friend Yvonne (Chief of Police and Chief Prosecutor, working together against crime).




Heroicjanitor: Shi-Long Lang



Profile: You are Shi-Long Lang, a charismatic, yet fierce Interpol agent who relentlessly hunts down criminals. This “Mafia†case has taken an interesting turn, considering how much you hate lawyers. This is a good chance to beat them at their own game, with your own rules.


Courtroom Power: At any point during the day, you may quote someone and post “Not So Fast!†(yes, the image). In doing so, you will arrest this person instantly (effectively killing them). You can use this power only once in the game.


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will roleblock this player using your handcuffs (they should be able to escape by themselves until the next session).


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-I was a bit bummed that Herojan was killed first. His Courtroom Power promised great shenanigans, if he ever used it. Plus, I like Lang as a character, so he kept appearing long (lol) after Herojan was dead;

-As for why I chose Herojan for this...instinct. I actually think both him and Eevil were good choices for this role, due to overall blunt personalities, but went with this because it felt right.




Sprout: Dick Gumshoe



Profile: You are Dick Gumshoe, an enthusiastic detective, pal. While your detective work is known to be sloppy, your heart, courage and enthusiasm have set an example for the rest of the force. But can you do anything to help now…?


Courtroom Power: You have no courtroom power, being just a lowly detective and all.


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will investigate this player and learn whether (s)he is good or evil, pal. Hopefully…


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-As was said before, Sprout was man of the match. Basic role in a game filled with tricky investigations, but he was crazy effective and reliable;

-Sprout seems like an honest person, much like Eenuh (She was actually the prime candidate for this role, but she didn't sign up), so Gumshoe was a no-brainer. And am I glad it turned out this way, pal! :grin:




Dazz: Luke Atmey



Profile: You are Luke Atmey, Ace Detective. You made a name for yourself after cracking the famous case of the Gentleman Thief (Zvarri!). As usual, your genius is needed in finding criminals. After all, you simply look at someone and…“Zvarri! The truth is revealed to me!â€


Courtroom Power: You have no courtroom power. You don’t need one.


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will investigate this player carefully and learn whether (s)he is good or evil (Zvarri!)


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Dazz was a paranoid cop. He got his results backwards. That's all there was to it;

-Dazz last theory was that he needed to send his target along with a "Zvarri!". That was not it, but it is a very interesting theory, actually.I wish I had thought of that :heh:;

-I was actually undecided between ReZ or Dazz to take this role. Dazz with a slight reprise of his Gentlemen's II performance, or ReZ filled with hot air and falling flat on his face? Eventually went with Dazz.




Jayseven: Jake Marshall



Profile: You are Jake Marshall, the cowboy detective who plays by his own rules, pardner. So this here mafia’s tryin’ to corrupt the system? Well then, you got yourself a plan... During the breaks, you will don a mask and a wig, and fight corruption as the suave and mysterious Godot.


Courtroom Power: You have no courtroom power, pardner. Sorry ‘bout that.


During break: Godot does many different things. Each break, you will possess a different power. I will PM you at the start of each break detailing which power you have.

Furthermore, since you are attempting to do things incognito with a secret identity, it will become hard for other people to investigate you during the night.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-I really liked this role, shame that Diageo "Gotcha!"'d him so early (he got some cryptic clues that Supergrunch quickly deciphered);

-Investigators could not get any results if they ever tried to investigate him during breaks;

-And you're probably curious about this: Jayseven was the one who handcuffed mr-paul back on Break 2. He had a roleblocking power for that break.




Rummy: Tyrell Badd



Profile: You are Tyrell Badd, veteran among detectives. You mostly keep things to yourself, not speaking much, but you are more than a capable detective, as very little escapes your vigilant eyes.


Courtroom Power: You have no courtroom power. Courtrooms are more for lawyers, anyway.


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will investigate this player, and learn something about their powers.

Furthermore, you carry a concealed mirror with you at all times. If anybody targets you during a break, you will know.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Somewhat basic role, though I was curious to see how the mirror power would affect things;

-I don't remember why I chose Rummy for this role (I think because he tends to only post once in a while due to time constraints, making him "quiet"?), but The Bard was right, he would be more fitting of Wendy Oldbag (Nintendohnut too, actually) :heh:



MadDog Eenuh: Wendy Oldbag



Profile: You are Wendy Oldbag, the bailiff. So you’re being accused after all the years you worked for them young people these days are so disrespectful after all elders were respected in your time maybe not by you but I’m sure somebody did so this is an outra-*gaaaasp*.


Courtroom Power: You have no courtroom power. Of course we didn’t have anything like that in my time I swear young whippersnappers these days and their day powers in my time there were night powers for two people only and w-*gaaasp*


During break: The power you have during break depends on how much you’ve spoken during the previous session:


-If you have posted a 50-word paragraph, you will be able to protect somebody during the night (by scaring off assailants with your jabbering);


-If you have posted two 50-word paragraphs, you will be able to protect or roleblock somebody during the night (by keeping them busy with tales of youth);


-If you have posted three 50-word paragraphs or more, you will be able to protect and roleblock somebody during the night (by locking them in some room)


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-This experimental role turned out pretty well, even if it was more Eenuh than MadDog;

-MadDog was chosen for the role to see if he would post some more. Increase activity, you know? He eventually dropped out of the game, anyway (and thinking about it, he was a good candidate for the quiet Tyrell Badd);

-The rules were changed for Eenuh, who is more talkative. The goalposts became "50/100/150 words in a single post made during the day" instead of the paragraphs thing you see up there, which worked better, I think.



Darksnowman: Larry Butz



Profile: You are Larry Butz, at the wrong place and wrong time, as usual. You are innocent, seriously! And now you’re involved in a battle of wits with lawyers and detectives and criminals? Whhyyyy?


Courtroom Power: You have no courtroom power. So unfaaiiir…


During break: Well, you can’t just sit still and do nothing! Each break, you may target someone. You will steal something from their belongings. Maybe you can find something like this..?


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested


-Yet another flavour investigator. He was supposed to be "hit or miss", depending on the character he stole from, but I have a feeling he was actually more useful than I originally gave him credit for;

-Originally supposed to be Kay Faraday, but then I realized how easy it would be to find the thief :heh: Larry was a good substitute due to how amusing he is, but Darksnowman had little presence;

-Darksnowman was chosen because he hadn't been in a mafia game for so long, he would be like a fish out of water, like Larry Butz being the defendant. It was very fitting indeed, too bad that Darksnowman had to pull out.



The Mafia



You are The Mafia, a group of corrupt law-enforcers who manipulate evidence and results to achieve their goals. The Judge managed to corner you with this plan, but you’re not ready to give up just yet.


Mafia powers: Each break, you may send one of you to dispose of a townie by any means necessary (killing, severely injuring, framing, etc.). The one who does the deed foregoes any other action for that break.


In the same vein, one mafia member may be sent to roleblock another player, as long as they forego their usual power for that night.


Thirdly, “forging evidence†is another mafia power shared by all. This power will send a fake PM, to another player, replacing any PM they should have gotten that break. The PM may contain any information you desire (even specific wordings), and it will be written by me. As you might guess, using this power foregoes your usual action for that break.


-Zell is absolutely right, I should've been more specific with how the roleblocking power worked (maybe by giving them a choice of method);

-All things considered, I like how this "sharing powers among the mafia" business turned out, it just needs some fine tuning;

-Like I admitted earlier, the mafia was underpowered in relation to the town. It's something I'll have to pay attention to, if I ever run a game again.





Zell: Gregory Edgeworth



Profile: You are Gregory Edgeworth, respectable attorney, famous for his admirable conduct, or so it seems. Disillusioned with the failures of judiciary system, you started to utilize forged evidence to achieve just results. It has now gotten out of hand, but it’s too late to go back, now…


Courtroom Power: At any point, during the day, you may quote a post casting a vote and answer it with an “Objection!†(yes, the image). The person being voted for cannot be lynched for the remainder of the day (this power works even after majority was reached). However, you can only use this power once per session. Also, you cannot defend the same person twice.


Alternatively, you may quote a post that isn’t casting a vote and post “Objection!â€. In doing so, you will cancel any day powers they might have used. This power also works only once per day.


During break: During break, you may drink tea, like a proper gentleman. Or maybe use one of the mafia abilities.


-I think Zell's powers weren't bad by themselves, but in this environment, perhaps they should've been buffed a little;

-Gregory himself is surrounded with spoilers, so at the risk of saying too much, I won't say why I chose Zell to be him. More attentive readers may figure it out, though.



Supergrunch: Kristoph Gavin



Profile: You are Kristoph Gavin, an attorney known for his kindness and calm, rational demeanor (unlike your famous brother). This is all a façade, you are actually cold and calculating, always looking to move up in your career, always planning your next move like a capable chess player. Your ultimate goal is to change the flawed judicial system governing the country.


Courtroom Power: At any point, during the day, you may quote a post casting a vote and answer it with an “Objection!†(yes, the image). That player will be forbidden to vote for the remainder of the day. You can only use this power once per session.


Furthermore, you have incredible acting skills. Will they ever come in handy…?


During break: Each break, you may target another player. You will ensure that this player does not steer off his/her intended path (basically protecting them from roleblockers and/or redirectors).


-Supergrunch was the weakest member of the mafia, saddled with powers that would benefit it, but simply moderately. In retrospect, perhaps he should've shared a courtroom power with Zell, or maybe simply using his Courtroom power with a PM would've sufficed;

-Why Supergrunch chose to claim being an investigator when his protection power seemed innocent by itself, I don't know. Probably an effect of his mafia inexperience;

-As Zell said before, the mafia knowing what his "Acting Skills" were all about would've been for the best;

-Supergrunch was chosen to be Kristoph due to elegance, eloquence and loquaciousness.



Diageo: Apollo Justice



Profile: You are Apollo Justice, a young rookie who has just started his career. Your capable eye soon noticed something odd with your mentor, Kristoph Gavin. After discovering his involvement with “The Mafiaâ€, you were intrigued, and offered to join the group not too long ago. Who knew you could prove your worth so soon?


Since you haven’t been involved in any cases of corruption so far, you will look Innocent when investigated.


Courtroom Power: At any point, during the day, you may quote somebody and post “Gotcha!†(yes, the image). You will use your hyper-sensitivity to gain information on this player’s abilities.


During break: Each break, you may drink coffee and practice your manly voice. Or maybe use one of the mafia abilities.


-Apollo would get mainly clues and hints about other player's powers. Simple, but worked well;

-Diageo deserves an honourable mention here, for being the best mafioso, being found by sheer luck and Tales' deadly paranoia. A shame that he got found like that;

-When I started this game, I hadn't played Apollo Justice properly yet, and I had the impression that Apollo himself was as brash as Diageo. Not quite, but Diageo played his role really well.



ReZ: Winston Payne



Profile: You are Winston Payne, formerly know as the “The Rookie Killerâ€. You have recently been suffering through a series of blunders and losses in court, and your credibility and career have recently hit rock-bottom. Gregory and Kristoph have since recruited you, promising to help you put your life back on track. Well, it can’t hurt to try…


Courtroom Power: If there is anything you were ever good at, was copying other people’s tactics. At any point during the day, you can PM me with the power you wish to utilize for that session, and post the necessary command (usually, an image). You can only utilize each power once, though, and only one per day.


During break: Each break, you may eat a snack, all alone... Or maybe use one of the mafia abilities. It should be noted that, because you look so insignificant and boring, other people will have a hard time noticing you during a break.


-ReZ could only be investigated by Dazz and Sprout. Other investigators would not yield any results;

-ReZ's Courtroom power worked better with the mafia, since they had a better perspective of the day powers, so I don't think the tuning mentioned in Yvonne's notes would be needed here;

-Like with Luke Atmey, I was undecided between ReZ and Dazz for Winston Payne. Dazz kind of sounds the part, but ReZ was complaining about losing too much around the time I started this, so I went with this;

-REZ, WHY U NO DEFEND YOURSELF? No need to get that much in character!



Mr-paul: Ema Skye



Profile: You are Ema Skye, a young, bright and enthusiastic forensic scientist. Your older sister has always taught you the value of responsibility and good conduct, but in practice, you noticed the enormous amounts of flaws and hurdles involved in taking the “correct†path. You have now joined the mafia with the goal of moving up in life.


Courtroom Power: You have no courtroom power. That’s such a lawyer thing.


During break: Each break, you may target another player. With your forensic kit, you will examine this player’s surroundings, and find out who else might’ve targeted him that night.


-I was curious to see how this role would work with the mafia. I still don't know what to think;

-mr-paul also played well, up until he lied about not noticing Zell during that break. I think that was one occasion where I gave Peeps too much info (I hinted that the info itself was fake, not necessarily mr-paul lying, but I shouldn't have said mr-paul was the one with fake info in retrospect);

-mr-paul was chosen for Ema Skye, not only because he was active enough to fit the personality, Sarah Chalke in his avatar is also wearing a white coat



You are The Mafia. You are Guilty. You win once you reach majority.




Aaand that's all. I was thinking of doing an epilogue of sorts, but I'm tired :heh:

Edited by Jonnas
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Whaddaya mean, "if" :shakehead


These games take much time, when I do them like this (what with the huge write-ups and such), not to mention planning the roles and theme beforehand.


Though the write-ups are really fun to make, and take little time, compared to everything else. I suppose co-hosting a game could work...Who knows?


The amount of effort you have put into not only the game itself, but also the characters and story is what makes you my favourite mafia GM! :D I loved that the roles were partly chosen because of the player's personality traits. :)


In this game, starting with flavour and working from there was actually very easy. Figuring out what sort of roles could work or not was the tricky part.


But usually, I tend to give equal importance to both flavour and "gameplay".


(In Nintendohnut's role description, shouldn't it say "Dazz" instead of "ReZ"?)


Why, yes. Yes, it should :heh: That was actually a last minute change, and that leftover slipped from my attention. I also made that mistake in the mafia roles I posted in their forum ("Dazz: Winston Payne"), and the mafia members briefly thought I sent the PM to the wrong person.

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Nintendohnut: Damon Gant



Profile: You are Damon Gant, chief of police. Despite your kind and friendly demeanor, you can be stern and intimidating when the situation demands it. Every detective nearby is under your command. They are:


-mr-paul (Ema Skye)

-Rummy (Tyrell Badd)

-Sprout (Dick Gumshoe)

-ReZ (Luke Atmey)

-Jayseven (Jake Marshall)


Considering how well both of your departments have been working recently, Chief Prosecutor Lana Skye (Yvonne) may also help in some way…


(Note: You cannot communicate with any of them outside of the thread)


Courtroom Power: At any point during the day, you may control the votes of one of the 5 detectives. Send me a PM with the intended vote (Ex.: I want Rummy to vote for Heroicjanitor). This is done by sneaking a note to the judge. Just remember that said detective can change or remove their vote afterwards.

Furthermore, you yourself possess a double vote, due to your position.


During break: Each break, you may redirect Yvonne or one of the detectives, by sending them orders with your cellphone (not a real one, of course, you just send me a PM). Furthermore, they will report their findings to you.


You are Innocent. You win once every member of the mafia has been arrested



-Another experimental role. I wanted a "Townie Boss" of some sort, and thought this would be different enough to work. Dohnut receiving the results was perhaps too much, but like the general idea behind this role;

-Jayseven/Godot could not actually be redirected. Dohnut would not receive any results if he tried to redirect him;

-If mr-paul was doing anything other than reverse tracking, he couldn't be redirected, either;

-Nintendohnut was chosen due to long periods of not posting before making a big post/speech. Like Gant. Also, it would go well with his real-life friend Yvonne (Chief of Police and Chief Prosecutor, working together against crime).


What does the last part mean? I don't know Yvonne in real life! (...do I?)


Still, I think if I hadn't received results I would've felt even more pointless, like I was just redirecting people and ruining their targets etc.


It's a shame I couldn't redirect mr-paul if he had killed. I was genuinely hoping that one of my deputies was in the mafia because I wanted to redirect the killer then go 'BOOM! XXXX is the killer' in the thread and feel important :)


Also I like how you've sort of noticed my play style! I don't do that on purpose, it's just I often have long periods irl that stop me getting onto the forum. When I do get on, I read through the whole thread and have a lot to say (like this very post!) so I make one long post to make up for the lack of any smaller posts in the rest of the day. If I can get online often I'll make smaller posts, but it's quite difficult now thanks to my job. Still, nice that you put so much thought into roles like this :)

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What does the last part mean? I don't know Yvonne in real life! (...do I?)


...You don't? I was under the impression you were the one who introduced Yvonne to the forums, hence, knowing him in real life. So, I was actually way off course?


Also, truth be told, you'd be more fitting of Wendy Oldbag or Wesley Stickler, as both are very chatty characters :heh: But your posting style is what reminded me the most of Gant's creepy stare (in the series, when other characters are finished talking, the music will stop and he'll stare at the screen for a few loooong seconds before suddenly starting to speak normally)

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It's fantastic to see someone put so much passion into writing a mafia game and for that you should be commended Jonnas.


Something I didn't mention: at the start of the game, our main targets for the night kill were the detectives. We figured that the detectives wouldn't have courtroom powers and would make up for it by having good night powers. I personally thought Gumshoe would be a dumb cop, but I guess that was too obvious and ironically Gumshoe was the star townie.


Also, Supergrunch deserves an honourable mention for figuring out that Jayseven was Godot. I think we killed him quite soon afterwards.

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Right, I wrote "paranoid", but I actually meant "Dumb Cop", my bad.


Basically, all you needed to do was switch your own result around. If you ever got a Good result, it was the same as Sprout getting an Evil result, and vice-versa.

Diageo was a special case because he looked Good under investigation. Similarly, Cube looked Evil when investigated (both of his characters, coincidentally)


Also, Diageo outright told you the nature of your power when he found out :heh: Probably to clear himself up.

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