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Arrested Development Season 4


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Ive got mixed feelings at the moment about the way I powered through all 15 episodes in one day. On the one hand I feel like I should have left time between episodes for it all to sink in but on the other there are just so many injokes and call backs that I wonder if I would have missed some of the links if the other episodes hadnt been so fresh in my mind.

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I don't think season 4 would fare so well as a weekly watch. It really does need to be watched one episode after the other to truly appreciate a lot of the details - some jokes don't have a punchline until several episodes after for example. I'm sure this season will be elevated to god-tier once fans have rewatched it and identified all the subtle jokes and themes that have been nestled away as with all the previous seasons.


I still have six episodes to go, but I've really enjoyed it so far. Definitely better than I expected.

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Some of my favourite jokes from this season:


Lucille's prison number is 07734 which is 'Hello' upside down, which of course was Annyong's name.


Lucille's line "I've not had an orgasm outside of my bath tub in over 30 years" because it was so left-field.


The expression "ninja please", which apparently isn't original to the show but I hadn't heard of it before.


The pan out during when Pastor Veal said the name of the church (Holy Eternal Rapture) and there was just a giant 'HER?'.


The continued Ann/And/Bland/Egg jokes.


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Finished it a little while ago. Overall it was extremely satisfying, especially the way it sets up further adventures of the Bluths. I just hope whatever they do next will put more characters together for scenes and storylines. They handled it pretty damn well considering the circumstances, but everyone felt extremely segregated at times and some characters don't function quite so well on their own.

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So far i've only seen 5 episodes, but i've immensely satisfied with it. It may not be quite as laugh-out-loud funny as previous seasons, but the over-arching story seems a lot more complicated and clever, which i like.


Not looked at any spoiler tags yet, but my funniest moments up to now have to be:

When Lindsay disowns Maebe in the Estate agents office, and they pull the camera out and Maebe is stood there, i lost my shit.


Also, when Tobias is caught by the 'To Catch a Predator' team, and he says something like 'Oh yes, my baby girl is nineteen, Maebe?' It was hilarious.


The continued discussion of the four person vote for the room when Michael goes to the airport was good too 'Obviously P-Hound was going to vote for you!'



Also, every so often, during a flashback, there is a watermark across the screen that says 'Showstealer Pro - trial edition' or soemthing...is that a joke i just don't get or is it an error?

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Finally finished series 4 tonight. I thought it was great but I did miss having the family all together. Michael felt a bit dumbed down and out of character in my opinion but overall it was obviously fantastic.


I think the biggest laughs for me came from Tobias and Lindsay's episodes but even as I type that I'm remembering jokes from all the others. It'll be good to re-watch the whole thing again at some point now that I've seen it all. There's bound to be some hidden gems that require a second play through!

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Yeah, I absolutely loved season 4, I thought a lot of the episodes were absolutely hilarious, and I was riotesly laughing in places. Loved The Thing how to catch a predator, with "Come and help daddy get his rocks off" and "Daddy's thing" being my favourite lines.


Egg 4 LYF.


I thought the plotting was immensely clever and it was a joy seeing it unravel.

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Not read the thread.


Loved it, no it didn't live upto the series, but it couldn't possibly, not the way they actors were available. It was still great though.


Now I'm off to eat my Parmesan and Mustard....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really enjoyed how the character plots and jokes interleaved with each other between episodes but it was a shame that because of the cast's other commitments that new characters had to be introduced for a couple of episodes. Gob, Buster and the Fakeblock aspect of George Michael's story were my favorite episodes.


Like others have said, I would have liked for there to be more interaction between the family; I was expecting the final episode to be more like the original seasons. However, with the limitations they had to work with, the writers have done a really good job.


Also liked the small homages to the minor characters too such as the Richter brothers, Gene Parmesan & Annyong. My only complaint is they did the 'Mr.F' joke one too many times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think they worked a narrative around the inability to bring everyone together pretty well (by having the family torn apart during the "great dark years"), but would like to see them back together trying to sort themselves out.


He did a bit, nowhere near as good as he used to look in Sabrina the Teenage Witch.




I like to think he was in fact Gene Parmesan in disguise throughout that show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's definitely coming back apparently. Unsure yet if its for another season or a movie, but either way:


"Definitely...I kinda go back and forth between (a movie) and a series. But here’s the most important thing, whatever we do, I want to get the cast all together and not do another anthology thing, and that’s why I keep thinking about kicking off with a special or a three-part show and then going into a series."



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