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Pokémafia 11 : Gold and Silver


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The mafia had manipulated their way to the top, and with an inactive and sometimes bewildering-choice-driven town members, the outcome became clear.


The mafia members and Qwilfish gathered around Houndoom, and they struck.




Zell is dead. He was Houndoom, with his powerful embers he could ward off roleblockers. He was a member of the town.


Qwilfish blushed, and returned to its hut.


Later that night the mafia came out in full force. Dragging the town members out one by one, they flung them into a pit that was spaded out/dug earlier that evening. Poison spores were shot out into the pit and the Pokemon inside were given a painful and slow death.




heroicjanitor/formerly Chairdriver is dead. Vileplume could sense it when people disturbed his spore protections and identify who targeted him.




martinist is dead. Qwilfish was able to puff up and protect players, but he was also so small and unnoticed that indirect attacks proved unsuccessful.




mr-paul/formerly Paj! is dead. Pichu could spark a player and increase the power of their ability and also found protection from roleblocks when eating berries.




Jonnas is dead. Feraligator could investigate a player and discover their alignment. His final stage evolution gave him powerful tough skin, and although it made him unable to feel refreshing powers it gave him a strong defence against negative attacks.




Dazz is dead. He was Sentret, and simply needed to gather 6 berries to win the game.





EEVILMURRAY is dead. He was the Shiny Legendary Dogs. Each with their own attributes he could prevent roleblocks, hyperactivate players and conjure a potent and mystical second vote in the day phase.



The mafia laughed and joked as the fallen town members and neutral alike coughed, spluttered and ultimately let go of life. The mafia were very sadistic on this occasion, but there was also work to be done. Having gathered the information that Cybernetic Mewtwo required on berries, Venusaur powered up his Pokedex and triggered a time event. A message from Cybernetic Mewtwo was received, and instructions were given.


"Weather. Day and Night. These are powerful tools." along with some co-ordinates. The five mafia members disappeared in a flash of light and arrived elsewhere and elsewhen.




Diageo was Celebii. With the psychic power of influence he could redirect players and persuade them to send their votes elsewhere.




MadDog was Chikorita, born killing machine. With a powerful magical leaf attack it could bipass protectors on special nights, and could identify incoming attacks.




EddieColeslaw was Sunkern. With its array of spores it could manipulate berries and remove players from the write-up in a storm of spores.




Ellmeister was Shiny Bellossom, and could roleblock players using irritating spores, anyone targeting the roleblocked player would also find themselves irritated.


PREVIOUSLY ON THE POKEMAFIA - What you didn't see! (but the clues were there!)


Venusaur witnessed the attack, and launched a powerful Solar Beam attack, but it did nothing. Tentacruel was too powerful and shook off the attack....extending its tentacles to Venusaur. The two Kanto Starter Evolutions wriggled in agony as Tentacruel's grip grew tighter.


Jynx approached. It raised its hands, and a torrent of ice boulders appeared from a pink portal above. Tentacruel finally let go and evaded the falling debris.




The Peeps was crushed. He was Venusaur. With his keen sense of smell he could sniff out alignments, and had a powerful defense to roleblockers. He was a member of the town.






Tentacruel turned around. Venusaur pushed a rock aside, its head had been struck so hard it now had amnesia.


Tentacruel commented into his tech "Strong one this. I can sense his mind is easily moulded.....he will serve us well."




Several days passed again. The mafia had hidden the doomsday device, to return to it in the future. Attaching Ash's Pikachu to a device in an underground bunker adjacent to the doomsday device, they had completed ll that needed to be done in Pallet Town. Tentacruel readied the time travelling device, and after three distinct flashes of green light, the Pokemon were gone.





The Peeps reprised his role as Venusaur, with his heavy durability he required all town members to vote for him to be lynched, and with his Pokedex he could identify players.





And...the Pokemafia will continue in...



Pokemafia 12 : Ruby and Sapphire

Edited by ReZourceman
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He wasn't unkillable, he had a 40% chance of negative effects not working and got lucky.


Full roles and targets.....Night One is missing as it has been lost to the void of my old PC.


Berry Mechanic Rules

In this game all GRASS type Pokemon stash berries on their person. The berries are ample in quantity and certain Pokemon have berry game mechanics specific to their roles.


Poisonous berries give players a messed up result on their night powers.



Mafia Rules

- The mafia can target a player to be killed in the night phase. Whichever mafia member makes the kill, sacrifices their night power to do so.


Celebii (Mafia Don) (Psychic Persuasion, Pheremones, Corrupt Vote) Celebii can redirect one player to target another player, they will not be aware they were redirected. If Celebii is investigated, it will trick the investigator into thinking it is good. Celebii can control one player each day phase and control who they vote for to lynch.


Chikorita (Magical Leaf, Detect, Tactics) On even nights if Chikorita targets someone to be killed the attack will be succesful even if the player is protected. If Chikorita is targeted in the night phase by a positive or neutral effecting attack (e.g. investigation), Chikorita will be informed what happened to it. If Chikorita is targeted by a negative effect (e.g. roleblock) Chikorita's power will be enhanced for the following night (and the attack will have no effect).


Sunkern (Sticky Spores, Rainbow Berries) Sunkern can target two players at night and douse them in a huge amount of sticky spores. This will remove them from the write up. When using Stick Spores Sunkern cannot be tracked (track results will show no targets). Sunkern can also target a player to be poisoned each night. If that player has got berries, their berries will become poisonous on that night.


Shiny Bellossom (Stun Spore Roleblock, Sweet Scent) Shiny Bellossom can douse a player with stun spore. That player and anyone else targeting that player will be roleblocked. Shiny Bellossom tricks all investigators, trackers and lie detection type players. Results will show up good/townies, no targets and truthful.


Venusaur (Heavy, Pokedex Investigator) Venusaur can only be lynched if all remaining town members vote for it. Venusaur was given a Pokedex by Cybernetic Mewtwo and can target a player at night and find out which Pokemon they are.




Totodile (Investigator) Totodile can search through peoples posessions and discover their true intentions. Target a player at night and you will receive a PM back confirming their alignment.


Croconaw (Investigator, Hard Skin) Croconaw can search through peoples posessions and discover their true intentions. Target a player at night and you will receive a PM back confirming their alignment. Croconaw has hard skin and there is a 40% chance that negative abilities will not effect it.


Feraligator (Investigator, Tough Skin) Totodile can search through peoples posessions and discover their true intentions. Target a player at night and you will receive a PM back confirming their alignment. Feraligator has tough skin and and there is a 60% chance that negative abilities will not effect it. Feraligator is also immune t roleblockers, however it can also not feel refreshing abilities.


Cyndaquil (Ability Name Investigator) Cyndaquil can investigate a target at night. You will receive a PM back stating the name of one of the targets powers.


Quilava (Ability Name Investigator, Amateur Berry Juicer) Quilava can investigate a target at night. You will receive a PM back stating the name of one of the targets powers. Quilava accidentally discovered that toasting berries releases their potent juices. When you have the juice from three berries you will gain a berry potion to give to one player and enhance their power for the following night.


Typhlosion (Ability Name Investigator, Advanced Berry Juicer) Typhlosion can investigate a target at night. You will receive a PM back stating the name of one of the targets powers. When you have the juice from two berries you will gain a berry potion to give to one player and enhance their power for the following night.


Hoppip (Tracker) Hoppip can hover above the ground and follow someone as they complete their night task. You will be sent a PM back confirming who that player targeted.


Skiploom (Tracker, Flying From Berries) Skiploom can fly to the skies and follow someone as they complete their night task. You will be sent a PM back confirming who that player targeted. Skiploom is too high up to be effected by berry abilities.


Jumpluff (Tracker, Soaring Berry Presents) Jumpluff can soar above the clouds and follow someone as they complete their night task. You will be sent a PM back confirming who that player targeted. Jumpluff can send out powerful soaring spores to give out and collect berries. In addition to tracking, Jumpluff can target a player each night to receive a berry.


Tangela (Tickle) Tangela gets aroused from tickling people. You must target a player in the night phase to fulfil your sex drive. They will be roleblocked but also feel happy and invigorated and their power will be dramatically increased in potency the following night.


Parasect (Messenger, Berry Connoisseur) Parasect can spin cotton spores and write text. You can send a message to a player at night (it must be sent to me first to pass on to them). Parasect has a keen sense of smell for berries. It will be informed if it smells any berries near its target.


Vileplume (Mirror Tracker) Vileplume can spout out spores and surround its body. If Vileplume feels a disturbance in the spores then someone will have targeted you. You will be told who targets you in the night phase. (Leaf stone trigger)


Houndoom (Ember Guard) Houndoom can target a player at night to have a ring of embers ignited around them. The embers will ward off roleblockers. (Fire stone trigger)


Qwilfish (Protector, Unnoticed) Qwilfish can suck in air and become a large rubbery bouncy mass. Target a player at night and they will be protected from being killed. Qwilfish cannot be the target of indirect abilties . (Water stone trigger)


Pichu (Spark Perk, Berry Blitz) Pichu can target a player at night to be supercharged. Their power will be improved the following night. Pichu gets a burst of energy from eating Berries. If Pichu targets a player with a berry, then on that night Pichu will be immune from roleblockers.


Skarmory (Protector, Bird Feeding Instincts) Skarmory can target a player at night to be protected from kills. If Skarmory targets a player with berries it will take one to hide in its nest. When Skarmory has three or more berries in its nest it will feel confident that it can provide for its young and will put more energy into its protection, protecting from kills and roleblocks. Skarmory will be informed at the end of each night phase how many berries remain in its nest. Other Pokemon may take the berries.




Sentret (Berry Collector) Sentret is a hungry Pokemon and it craves berries. You must target a player in the night phase and search them for berries. You win the game if you gain five berries from different Pokemon.


Shiny Entei, Shiny Suicine and Shiny Raikou (Cycle, Ember Guard, Ice Mirage, Post Surge) (Shiny Rules : Shiney Pokemon are immune to Post Restriction Type Attacks) At the beginning of each Day Phase (or the end of each Night Phase), choose a Pokemon to leave the hut. This Pokemon will carry out all actions until the following Day Phase. Each Pokemon must be used once before a used Pokemon can leave the hut again (cycling).


Shiny Entei can target a player at night to have a ring of embers ignited around them. The embers will ward off roleblockers.


Shiny Suicine can create an ice mirage in the day phase, enabling a second vote. To use the second vote, a second "Vote : " bolded sentence must be made, but coloured in blue. This vote can be used on the same player or a different player.


Shiny Raikou can target a player in the night phase to be surged. Feeling hyperactive, that player will be forced to post at least 5 times in the following day phase, and that players posts cannot be below 100 words. If the player breaks the rule they will be severly hindered.

The Shiny Legendary Dogs win the game with the town.






Pichu/mr-paul SUPER CHARGE Feraligator/Jonnas (FAIL)

Sentret/Dazz BERRY COLLECT Sunkern/EddieColeslaw

Qwilfish/martinist PROTECT Feraligator/Jonnas

Chikorita/MadDog KILL Sentret/Dazz

Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister ROLEBLOCK Pichu/mr-paul

Celebi/Diageo REDIRECT ZellTO Feraligator/Jonnas

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw STICKY SPORE HIDE Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister ANDChikorita/MadDog

Sunkern/EddieColesla RAINBOW BERRY POISON Vileplume/heroicjanitor

Venusaur/The Peeps POKEDEX INVESTIGATE Houndoom/Zell


Send PM to mr-paul stating sticky balls roleblocked.

Send PM to The Peeps stating Zell is Houndoom.




Totodile/Jonnas INVESTIGATE Sunkern/EddieColeslaw

Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY EMBER GUARD Totodile/Jonnas

Houndoom/Zell EMBER GUARD Totodile/Jonnas

Sentret/Dazz BERRY COLLECT Chikorita/MadDog

Qwilfish/martinist PROTECT Pichu/mr-paul

Chikorita/MadDog KILL Feraligator/Jonnas (40%)

Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister ROLEBLOCK Sentret/Dazz

Celebi/Diageo REDIRECT Pichu/mr-paul TO Qwilfish/martinist (fail)

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw STICKY SPORE HIDE Pichu/mr-paul and Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY

Sunkern/EddieColesla RAINBOW BERRY POISON Chikorita/MadDog

Venusaur/The Peeps POKEDEX INVESTIGATE Qwilfish/martinist




Send PM to Jonnas stating Eddie is mafia.

Send PM to Dazz stating he was attacked by sticky spores and roleblocked.

Send PM to Diageo stating unsucessful

Send PM to The Peeps stating martinist is Qwilfish.





Totodile/Jonnas INVESTIGATE Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY

Pichu/mr-paul SUPER CHARGE Feraligator/Jonnas (FAIL)

Houndoom/Zell EMBER GUARD Feraligator/Jonnas

Sentret/Dazz BERRY COLLECT Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister

Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY POST SURGE Sentret/Dazz

Chikorita/MadDog KILL Feraligator/Jonnas (40%)

Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister ROLEBLOCK Pichu/mr-paul

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw STICKY SPORE HIDE Chikorita/MadDog AND Houndoom/Zell

Sunkern/EddieColesla RAINBOW BERRY POISON Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister

Celebi/Diageo REDIRECT Vileplume/heroicjanitor

Venusaur/The Peeps POKEDEX INVESTIGATE Sentret/Dazz



Send PM to Jonnas stating EEVILMURRAY is Neutral.

Send PM to mr-paul stating he was knocked to the floor by tiny balls.

Send PM to Dazz stating he got a berry, but it was poisonous, on way back struck 5x100

Send PM to heroicjanitor stating Diageo attempted to target him, glowing but nothing happened.

Send PM to The Peeps stating Dazz is Sentret.





Skiploom/Tales TRACKER Qwilfish/martinist

Totodile/Jonnas INVESTIGATE Qwilfish/martinist

Sentret/Dazz BERRY COLLECT Qwilfish/martinist

Qwilfish/martinist PROTECT Venusaur/The Peeps

Houndoom/Zell EMBER GUARD Totodile/Jonnas

Celebi/Diageo REDIRECT Totodile/Jonnas TO Celebi/Diageo

Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister ROLEBLOCK Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY

Chikorita/MadDog KILL Skiploom/Tales

Venusaur/The Peeps POKEDEX INVESTIGATE Totodile/Jonnas

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw STICKY SPORE HIDE Totodile/Jonnas AND Houndoom/Zell

Sunkern/EddieColesla RAINBOW BERRY POISON Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister

Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY POST SURGE Venusaur/The Peeps

Totodile/Jonnas EVOLVES


Send PM to Jonnas stating martinist is good (redirected to Diageo) and has evolved.

Send PM to EEVILMURRAY stating he was unable to complete night action.

Send PM to The Peeps stating Jonnas is Totodile.






Skiploom/Tales TRACKER Sentret/Dazz

Totodile/Jonnas INVESTIGATE Venusaur/The Peeps

Tangela/Nintendohnut TICKLE Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister

Qwilfish/martinist PROTECT Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY

Sentret/Dazz BERRY COLLECT Houndoom/Zell

Houndoom/Zell EMBER GUARD Totodile/Jonnas

Celebi/Diageo REDIRECT Sentret/Dazz TO Qwilfish/martinist FAIL

Chikorita/MadDog KILL Tangela/Nintendohnut

Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister ROLEBLOCK Vileplume/Chairdriver

Venusaur/The Peeps POKEDEX INVESTIGATE Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw STICKY SPORE HIDE Houndoom/Zell and Skiploom/Tales

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw RAINBOW BERRY POISON Venusaur/The Peeps

Totodile/Jonnas EVOLVES



Send PM to Tales stating Dazz targeted Zell

Send PM to Jonnas stating The Peeps is Evil and he has evolved.

Send PM to Diageo stating He was unable to redirect Dazz to martinist

Send PM to Chairdriver stating Ellmeister targeted him/

Send PM to The Peeps stating Ellmeister is Shiny Bellossom








Celebi/Diageo REDIRECT Totodile/Jonnas TO Tangela/Nintendohnut

Celebi/Diageo REDIRECT TARGETS TO Cyndaquil/Cube

Chikorita/MadDog KILL Celebi/Diageo

Venusaur/The Peeps POKEDEX INVESTIGATE Tangela/Nintendohnut

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw STICKY SPORE HIDE Venusaur/The Peeps AND Hoppip/Tales

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw RAINBOW BERRY POISON Houndoom/Zell

Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister ROLEBLOCK Vileplume/Chairdriver

Qwilfish/martinist PROTECT Hoppip/Tales

Hoppip/Tales TRACKER Sunkern/EddieColeslaw (NO TARGET)

Pichu/Paj! SUPER CHARGE Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY

Totodile/Jonnas INVESTIGATE Chikorita/MadDog (REDIRECTED)

Houndoom/Zell EMBER GUARD Cyndaquil/Cube

Sentret/Dazz BERRY COLLECT Vileplume/Chairdriver (roleblocked)

Cyndaquil/Cube ABILITY INVESTIGATE Hoppip/Tales

Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY EMBER GUARD Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY

Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY EMBER GUARD Celebi/Diageo

Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY EMBER GUARD Venusaur/The Peeps

Hoppip/Tales EVOLVES



Send PM to The Peeps stating Nintendohnut is Tangela

Send PM to Tales stating EddieColeslaw seemed to have no target and he evolved.

Send PM to EEVILMURRAY stating two dogs can act the following night.

Send PM to Jonnas stating MadDog is good.

Send PM to Dazz stating he was covered in sticky balls, preventing him from completing his action.

Send PM to Chairdriver stating he was targeted by Ellmesiter, unsure of what he wanted.







Celebi/Diageo REDIRECT Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY TO Sentret/Dazz

Chikorita/MadDog MAGICAL LEAF KILL Skarmory/heroicjanitor

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw RAINBOW BERRY POISON Cyndaquil/Cube

Sunkern/EddieColeslaw STICKY SPORE HIDE Totodile/Jonnas and Tangela/Nintendohnut

Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister ROLEBLOCK Hoppip/Tales

Venusaur/The Peeps POKEDEX INVESTIGATE Pichu/Paj!

Houndoom/Zell EMBER GUARD Sunkern/EddieColeslaw

Qwilfish/martinist PROTECT Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister

Skarmory/heroicjanitor PROTECT Totodile/Jonnas

Totodile/Jonnas INVESTIGATE Houndoom/Zell

Hoppip/Tales TRACKER Shiny Bellossom/Ellmeister

Pichu/Paj! SUPER CHARGE Celebi/Diageo

Cyndaquil/Cube ABILITY INVESTIGATE Celebi/Diageo

Tangela/Nintendohnut TICKLE Shiny Entei-Raikou-Suicune/EEVILMURRAY



Send PM to Tales stating he was roleblocked by spores

Send PM to The Peeps stating Paj! Is Pichu

Send PM to Jonnas stating Zell is town

Send PM to Cube stating Diageo has “Psychic Persuasion”

Send PM to EEVILMURRAY stating he was assaulted but his power for tomorrow will be increased in potency, he will be prevented from roleblockers himself and can target 2 players.




My thoughts will come - currently a bit knackered.

Edited by ReZourceman
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I called Eddie as mafia after the first proper day(asked Rez nicely to kill her) and was protecting Jonnas on the first night and the night I was killed. Ergo I played well! :p


It was impossible for town to win when I took over from chairdriver :( Diageo was an obvious mafia too. Disappointing that the mafia just had to kill the handful of active players early and coast. They got no townies/neutrals lynched.


5 mafia in a game of 16 is a bit high too. I presumed it was 4 until I thought ellmeister might be one. My only gripe about the game's setup really.


Also congrats to Eddie on her first win! (I think?) I know I sound bitter but that is because I am :p JK, well done mafia too.

Edited by heroicjanitor
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(I agree that was my only gripe too....although it was 17) so I tried uber powering the town. Essentially I really didn't want to cut any mafia roles, but even so I think it was fairly well balanced.


It is a little disheartening when SUCH a high amount of the town are inactive. I basically begged Paj! and Chair to join, so they're excused to a certain amount, but (naming names) martinist, I don't know what he was doing. Or EEVIL. Surely around the day 6 mark it became clear that the mafia were inches from majority? When Jonnas' vote got removed I thought "Oh, EEVIL will definitely utilise his additional vote now" (which would have been unaffected by Diageo's redirect) but alas it was never used.


Tried mixing it up a little with (heavy grass Pokemon), no double voters and the whole berry mechanics.


The good news is I am far from out of ideas, and Ruby and Sapphire will have a very nice meta game theme and an additional nice element (one of which not exactly a new element of course) as hinted at in the final write up.

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I hate how we spent far too long trying to lynch The Peeps. It bugged me, he was so obviously evil. And then no-one voted for Eddie! Well done to the mafia I suppose, but if the town got their act together we could have won easily. To lynch no-one was criminal.

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The game was pretty much won for the mafia before me and herojan were brought back. It really pisses me off when we consistently get killed first leaving inactive townies who don't contribute at all, don't take any risks - how clear was it there at the end that grass pokemon were mafia?!?, and maybe just pop up with the occasional vote.


It does look like the mafia had too many people but the town were crap. I feel sorry for Jonnas, the hardest working townie in this game.

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^^ Agreed. In fact I've been considering some kind of (but obviously it wouldn't work as simply as I am about to type it but something along the lines of) activity immunity.


Jonnas was a champion.


I was surprised Diageo got away with everything after his power was discovered....but the biggest WTF moment for me was;


- Cube comes out as power investigator.

- Diageo says he redirected the killer away from himself and TO Cube.


No one questioned why Diageo would redirect away from himself to Cube.


Also barely anyone asked for role claims, heck even quoting PMs was allowed.



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Venusaur can only be lynched if all remaining town members vote for it.


*sigh*, this is so unfair.


Seeing those roles: the above unfair power, plus 5 mafia for 16 players (combined with the great mafia powers you tend to give them) are the only flaws I'm seeing (that, and the Tangela sex).


Diageo was always suspicious, in everything he said, and I'm positive I'd work to get him lynched later on, even if I had to lie about my results (if we ever moved on from Peeps and Eddie).


It was inactivity that killed this game, which is a shame.

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In fairness, I did keep explicitly keep saying I couldn't be lynched and to move on but no one believed me =\




The town were very inactive which is a shame (I might have some small defence for this in my next game) because all we had to do at the start of the game was take out the more active players. I think I suggested killing Jonnas the very night he investigated me too :p


As soon as Cube's role was known we had to kill him, he would've been more troublesome than Jonnas by far I think.

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Yeah inactivity let the mafia win this really. If Eddie had been lynched or anything similar had happened it might have been a different story but nobody seemed to be playing. At the moment the best way to win the game as mafia members is to simply kill the more talkative players at the start then wait for inactivity to kill everyone else. I look forward to seeing a defense to this in your next game Peeps!


On a more game-related note, I have to say watching from the side I was pretty sure I had the mafia pegged early on. I wanted to ask Diageo more but didn't want to ask too many questions as it clearly wasnt going to lead to a lynch and it would have gotten me killed. In the end I guess it did, but as soon as Diageo claimed Celebi I was considering a grass mafia, and as more and more people revealed themselves as grass types i couldn't believe people weren't being lynched! I'll admit I didn't really think Peeps was maff until near the end, partly because he's so damn persuasive and partly because Rez has included a townie of the same type as the mafia in a previous game and I thought that might be the case here.


I was sad to die so early, who decided that one?


Also, good game Rez, shame I wasn't around to enjoy it for longer!

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Well I knew from the start that you were mafia. It was obvious.


Nintendohnut, that was the night I originally had Jonnas marked for death but Diageo thought it would look better on him if a townie grass pokémon died. Same night I was investigated :( worked out fine though :D it was great that I was the first mafia to be officially discovered as I couldn't be lynched. I'd forgotten about Diageo's day power too until he said it a day later.


We actually did quite well with our random targets. Redirected Jonnas when he investigated MadDog, poisoned my berries when Jonnas investigated me (didn't work for some reason), roleblocked EEVIL when he tried to surge my posts, poisoned Ellmeister's berries when Dazz collected one - and the next night we poisoned MadDog and Dazz would've been unlucky again had we not roleblocked him!


Did Jonnas not send a target for the last night?

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Surely around the day 6 mark it became clear that the mafia were inches from majority? When Jonnas' vote got removed I thought "Oh, EEVIL will definitely utilise his additional vote now" (which would have been unaffected by Diageo's redirect) but alas it was never used.

I had to use the other dogs first!


Plus I'm playing the real life defence.

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Oh and....I don't want to pick on people, but Dazz said he had 503 errors etc and so couldn't utilise his double target on a night.....but he made a post elsewhere on the forum 2 hours after I sent him the PM. But Dazz was really unlucky. He seemed to be avoiding all grass Pokemon, then when he finally targeted one he got roleblocked, then targeted the two people who were poisoned! Lol.


And Peeps/mafia, the poisoning of berries gives messed up results is only for berry players. I.e. if Pichu targets a grass Pokemon he gets a berry and is protected from roleblocks - if he targeted a poisoned mon' he would have been roleblocked.


I enjoyed martinists "Unnoticed" power getting utilised twice.


I also was mildly happy with how the berry mechanic works....might even take it forward to other Pokemafias. Did people like that concept?

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I like the berry concept because it's distinctive and worked well with the game, but I feel like you should maybe make it more...obvious, somehow (like the effects)? I kept wanting to see pictures of berries XD


Haha...you should incorporate Pokémon musicals in the next game :p (Just kidding. Don't do that.)

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Did Jonnas not send a target for the last night?


Actually, I kinda forgot to do it that night, yes :heh:


I like the idea of berries, though I share Eddie's sentiment of making it more obvious when they take an effect.

Edited by Jonnas
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I love the way people say I'm obviously mafia in the games that I win.


I said on my first day back that if no one had anything I wanted to take a punt on you.

I'm willing to vote for you because of your behaviour and role (force targeter). If people continue not helping I'm going to assume the mafia is more active than the town and see if I can take a punt on you, but getting votes will be difficult.

As you can see it did not work out. Due to it actually being impossible for town to win when I came back. I mentioned loads of times you were behaving mafia actually, even revealing my power because I thought you knew it and wanted the town to know as well.


I also was mildly happy with how the berry mechanic works....might even take it forward to other Pokemafias. Did people like that concept?


I had no idea it existed lol :p I knew my original pokemon had "defences against berries" or something (didn't want to go back and read it out of fairness).

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I kinda feel like I just fluked my way to the end. No-one really paid attention to me because I was so quiet. I'm glad I didn't join the Ace Attorney mafia because at the moment I really don't have the time to play them.


Sorry guys for not responding all the time/ helping to play the game, rather hypocritical of me really since I know I've moaned at the quiet non-helpers before :p

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I suspected you as soon as I started asking you questions, but I had no proof and it was just a suspicion at first. Sadly the lack of proof meant nothing could be done about it immediately, and I was dead soon after so I obviously could do nothing about it then. But yeah, I suspected as soon as you came forward as Celebi - something about it wasn't quite right.

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