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Monster Hunter 4!!!!


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Doesn't work on lostmarios phone. Besides, I prefer and have no issues with using my PS4. Most of us have one, takes zero effort to use and we know it works.


How can more people here have PS4s than smartphones? I really didn't think there were that many of us with access to one, I just assumed us PS4 people were the vast minority (which technically I'm not even a part of as the PS4 I use isn't mine). If mumble doesn't work on his phone, use teamspeak or ventrilo or C3. There's gotta be something that works with Windows Phone, right?

PS4 just seems like such a silly way to do it from my perspective as it limits you to playing in one specific place (which more often than not will be a common area), thus nulifying the very appeal and potential of MH4's portable nature (yeah, I wanna play in bed, don't judge me). All that notwithstanding, do most people really have one? Oo I wouldn't think Redshell or Mokong would ever possess non-ninty consoles (especially this early on in the gen).

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How can more people here have PS4s than smartphones? I really didn't think there were that many of us with access to one, I just assumed us PS4 people were the vast minority (which technically I'm not even a part of as the PS4 I use isn't mine). If mumble doesn't work on his phone, use teamspeak or ventrilo or C3. There's gotta be something that works with Windows Phone, right?

PS4 just seems like such a silly way to do it from my perspective as it limits you to playing in one specific place (which more often than not will be a common area), thus nulifying the very appeal and potential of MH4's portable nature (yeah, I wanna play in bed, don't judge me). All that notwithstanding, do most people really have one? Oo I wouldn't think Redshell or Mokong would ever possess non-ninty consoles (especially this early on in the gen).


Out of the people I played MH3U religiously with RedShell, Lostmario, Kav, Blade and S.C.G. all have one. The only person who doesn't have one that I used to hook up with is Mokong.


In terms of PS4 numbers, there's probably more people on here that own one than don't. Loads of us picked one up from August onward last year.

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I wouldn't think Redshell or Mokong would ever possess non-ninty consoles (especially this early on in the gen).
I've got a few non-ninty systems :heh: a C64, Dreamcast, PS3, and now PS4.


Wasn't actually planing to get a PS4 until later on this year, but a good deal in the January sales (£280+LBP3) and the realisation that I'd just end up adding to the backlog if I waited, saw me change my mind. :hehe:

Glad I did too, seeing as the next Wii U game I get might not be until May. :blank:

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Out of the people I played MH3U religiously with RedShell, Lostmario, Kav, Blade and S.C.G. all have one. The only person who doesn't have one that I used to hook up with is Mokong.


In terms of PS4 numbers, there's probably more people on here that own one than don't. Loads of us picked one up from August onward last year.


Plus while the PS4 is on you'll be playing other games between hunts on MH4U on the 3DS... ;)



...as opposed to playing other games on the 3DS between hunts on MH3U on the Wii U, I can just see it happening now. :heh:

'Hero? you ready to hunt?'

'Yep, just finishing this quest on Toukiden: Kiwami, be right with you!'




Fair play to you though, I admire your dedication to gaming. :bowdown:


In fact one night, if a party of four of us end up having both games - MH4 on 3DS plus Toukiden on PS4 - then we should definitely try to play both alternately, could be fun. :D

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Plus while the PS4 is on you'll be playing other games between hunts on MH4U on the 3DS... ;)



...as opposed to playing other games on the 3DS between hunts on MH3U on the Wii U, I can just see it happening now. :heh:

'Hero? you ready to hunt?'

'Yep, just finishing this quest on Toukiden: Kiwami, be right with you!'




Fair play to you though, I admire your dedication to gaming. :bowdown:


In fact one night, if a party of four of us end up having both games - MH4 on 3DS plus Toukiden on PS4 - then we should definitely try to play both alternately, could be fun. :D


The possibilities.....:D


I remember when playing Tri on the Wii I used to jump on one of the PSP MH games in between hunts. My nephew always takes an age to set up his equipment and do his shopping ( bit like Mokong lol ) so I had time for a hunt. :)

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My fellow N-E'rs... Freedom Wars > Toukiden. You guys need to try Freedom Wars, probably the best MonHun clone I've ever played.


I've heard mixed things from various podcasts and Gaf members. These type of games live or die by the community though, so unless I know people who have them and will sink a good amount of time into them, then I highly doubt I will play them.


This is why i'm excited for Toukiden on the PS4. Plenty of peeps on here have the console and also like MH. I imagine if it grips us like MH has done, then we will be in for good times.

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My fellow N-E'rs... Freedom Wars > Toukiden. You guys need to try Freedom Wars, probably the best MonHun clone I've ever played.


Like Hero, views I've seen on that game are mixed. Plus it being on Vita absolutely kills any community spirit that game might have had over here, on account of it being a far less successful handheld.


You're kinda misjudging the rest of this community here by suggesting that as what most people want here is to chat and play with each other while whacking monsters over the head. As nice an idea as setting up Teamspeak or something might be, if it's not seamless with the console I can see it floundering.


I'm looking forward to Toukiden to see what it's like to play in a good community.

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Ah, I see... I'll be honest, the community is never that important to me, as I really only have 1 friend who's a gamer (Hellfire... and we never play together anyway) and I've gotten used to playing with random peeps.


I've tried Toukiden and enjoyed it (it is good), the only reason I preffered Freedom Wars is that it's such a breath of fresh air when it comes to the theme and setting. To be fair, though... Touki 1.5 on PS4 will probably be quite a bit better than Freedom Wars is. I get why Japan is so obsessed with handhelds for this kind of game, but I personally feel they're much better fits for a home console.

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I actually already booked the week off agggggges ago in advance not even knowing that anything was going to be released within that time-frame let alone not one but two awesome games! :D


So I'll definitely be up for some hunts. : peace:


It'll also give me an excuse to turn on my PS4... :p

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I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into this and I'm really looking forward to using the Kinsect Glaive, I think it looks to be a fantastic weapon, bridging a gap between Long-Sword and Hunting Horn.




I must say, the Charge Blade looks to be amazing too...


Edited by Kav
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I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into this and I'm really looking forward to using the Kinsect Glaive, I think it looks to be a fantastic weapon, bridging a gap between Long-Sword and Hunting Horn.




I must say, the Charge Blade looks to be amazing too...



I can see the glaive becoming very popular online as the main way to topple monsters. And in single player it will surely come quite handy, as considering it only buffs you, one can assume most of it's buffs will be great for solo runs.


Charge Blade is very versatile and kicks all kinds of ass. Since it apparently tops the hammer as far as KO power goes, it will probably also become quite popular.

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My fellow N-E'rs... Freedom Wars > Toukiden. You guys need to try Freedom Wars, probably the best MonHun clone I've ever played.


I like you.


The game definitely has its faults, but that's nothing they can't fix with a sequel. They just need a bit more variety and a bit more planning in regards to item drops, but yeah, fantastic game.

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I like you.


The game definitely has its faults, but that's nothing they can't fix with a sequel. They just need a bit more variety and a bit more planning in regards to item drops, but yeah, fantastic game.


Don't worry, we'll most likely get a 1.5 version soon enough. It always happens with these games.

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