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Bravely Default: Flying Fairy


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Funny that people are suddenly talking about this again...


I'm playing it for the fifth time now, trying to speed-run it.


I managed to finish it on New Game +, Normal difficulty, True Ending in just over 7 hours. I'm sure I could do a hilarious time if I do the Alternate Ending on Easy and really commit.


My team build feels like I'm cheating. It makes mince meat of anything. Everyone has ribbons because they're awesome!


Tiz - Freelancer with Performer skills. Use My Hero followed by 3 Mimics for loltastic turn boosts. High stats with Dual Shields make him impossible to kill.


Agnes - Spiritmaster with White Mage skills. Token Healer with that Salve-Makers ability that doubles HP recovery. Making the party immune to elements when needed.


Ringabel - Dark Knight with Sword Magic skills.

Use Drain sword magic, spam Rage. Lol at results! Add Adversity ability for extra broken.


Edea - Ninja with White Magic skills. Emergency reviver, just in case. Mostly uses that move that makes her dodge a physical attack. Combine that with Transcience for counters, Comeback Kid for stat boosts and Turn Tables to get an extra BP. Dual Katanas with Katana lore is also funny.

Possibly even harder to kill than Tiz!


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I'm near the end of Chapter 4 and you can feel the threads starting to unwind from Chapter 3 onwards where there feels to be substantial lulls in the game. By all accounts, it only gets worse, which is a shame given how fresh and unique it feels at the start. It needs to build up that goodwill at the beginning to make you see it through to the end. It does seem that reviewers tended to gloss over this aspect, or certainly downplay the impact it has, but there seems to be a quite vocal group of people online who've had issues.


Doesn't sound great. :( I dare say some reviewers might not have played it long enough to hit the downhill half of the game.


It has hints of greatness, it truly does, but the pacing kills it at times. There is a lot of unnecessary banter that happens and some of the sidequests take you back and forth between areas which becomes a bit of a slog.


The soundtrack is sublime though, which makes the game more enjoyable.


The game has it's moments but it could have really done with being trimmed down a bit.


I've yet to reach chapter 5 and by all accounts that's when a lot of people become annoyed with the game and give up. I'm intrigued to find out why...


Great music in RPGs is a must.


BD reminds me of FF:4HoL, which also took a dive in quality later on, imo. So much so that I haven't finished it off so maybe it gets good again for the end game.


Funny that people are suddenly talking about this again...


I'm playing it for the fifth time now, trying to speed-run it.


I managed to finish it on New Game +, Normal difficulty, True Ending in just over 7 hours. I'm sure I could do a hilarious time if I do the Alternate Ending on Easy and really commit.


My team build feels like I'm cheating. It makes mince meat of anything. Everyone has ribbons because they're awesome!


Tiz - Freelancer with Performer skills. Use My Hero followed by 3 Mimics for loltastic turn boosts. High stats with Dual Shields make him impossible to kill.


Agnes - Spiritmaster with White Mage skills. Token Healer with that Salve-Makers ability that doubles HP recovery. Making the party immune to elements when needed.


Ringabel - Dark Knight with Sword Magic skills.

Use Drain sword magic, spam Rage. Lol at results! Add Adversity ability for extra broken.


Edea - Ninja with White Magic skills. Emergency reviver, just in case. Mostly uses that move that makes her dodge a physical attack. Combine that with Transcience for counters, Comeback Kid for stat boosts and Turn Tables to get an extra BP. Dual Katanas with Katana lore is also funny.

Possibly even harder to kill than Tiz!


I've only played the BD demo but I read your spoiler anyway. You're immense. :awesome: This game must have amazing replay value! You played many other RPGs?

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Doesn't sound great. :( I dare say some reviewers might not have played it long enough to hit the downhill half of the game.


I've only played the BD demo but I read your spoiler anyway. You're immense. :awesome: This game must have amazing replay value! You played many other RPGs?


I love RPG's! Probably my favourite genre in gaming.


The complaints about the second half of the game are founded. It's a very clever concept, but it was executed poorly.


I would have actually made the whole "awaken the crystals over and over again" go on forever and the only way the player can stop it would be to disobey Airy and destroy the crystal.


You see, on my first playthrough, I started to get very suspicious of Airy when chapter 6 started. So I tried to destroy the crystal. When it actually worked and I was sent on to the final dungeon, I literally shouted "This is genius!"


I think if that was the way to get the true ending, people would have a much kinder view of the second half.


The actual final boss was very epic though, and that music was amazing!


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Read your spoiler anyway. :heh: Sounds like that would be a smart and different way for an RPG to go. The 4HoL lacked a little something despite all its charm, I thought they would have knocked it out of the park with BD so its a pity they haven't.


What other RPGs d'you like?

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Want to know one big fuck up in the game's plot?


Destroy the crystal in chapter 5, the game clearly assumes that the player will only get suspicious during chapter 6 and the final chapter plays out exactly the same, despite some reveals that only occur in chapter 6 and Ringabell's memory will also be complete (despite the fact it shouldn't)


Played the game three times, thank god For The Sequel added extra saves as I only had one slot initially


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You are right about it being a good opportunity to get some levelling up done. :awesome: How's the game going? I've read up on it and apparently it falls apart spectacularly towards the latter chapters. So much so that people have ended up not liking the game at all in spite of its good/great start. :(


Yeah, that's a very accurate description.


Also, personally, I began to really dislike the combat system. The game encourages you to "Brave" for random battles, ie. attack 4x in a row, which can also be set for Auto-Battle. You have a team of four, so that's 4x4 = 16 pre-set moves.


The problem is, the tactics from one battle to the next can be the complete opposite of each other, so you end up walking around with 16 inappropriate commands. For example, let's say you are using ice swords, and the enemy you encounter has an ice resistance - you will actually heal it by attacking, rather than the ice simply being ineffective. So, you change to fire swords, and then encounter an enemy with fire resistance. And so on...


What at first seemed like a very well-judged homage to classic Final Fantasy is unfortunately so much more tedious and irritating to play.

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The combat is what killed the game for me. Got tired of it halfway through that continent with the civil war(or something like that). You either spend time inputting up to 16 commands, or make no commands at all. Neither is a great combat system nor fun.

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The problem is, the tactics from one battle to the next can be the complete opposite of each other, so you end up walking around with 16 inappropriate commands. For example, let's say you are using ice swords, and the enemy you encounter has an ice resistance - you will actually heal it by attacking, rather than the ice simply being ineffective. So, you change to fire swords, and then encounter an enemy with fire resistance. And so on...


Fair point, but I quickly realised that elemental weapons are not worth the hassle and just never used them, made things way easier.


The combat is what killed the game for me. Got tired of it halfway through that continent with the civil war(or something like that). You either spend time inputting up to 16 commands, or make no commands at all. Neither is a great combat system nor fun.


That's a shame. Because the combat really shines during the late-game optional bosses.

Some of them are geniuinely difficult and had me rethinking my entire strategy. (Until I discovered the team build I use now)


What other RPGs d'you like?


Oh man, where do I start?


Well, in case it wasn't blatant. I'm a huge Pokemon fan. Black 2/White 2 are my favourite mainline games, while PMD: Explorers of Sky is one of my favourite games ever.

Final Fantasy is an obvious inclusion, my favourite is 6. I've only just recently finished 7 for the first time. Overrated, but still great. I've also finished 1-5.

All 3 Golden Suns.

Skies of Arcadia.

Dragon Quest 9 was a load of fun too.

Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss (3DS Version)

Radiant Historia is one RPG I think everyone should play, shame it never came out over here...

Breath of Fire 2 (GBA) was one of my first non-Pokemon RPG's.

Every single Mario RPG (Sticker Star is still fun, damnit!)


Xenoblade Chronicles is easily one of the finest I've ever played as well.

And I think that's all the ones I really liked...



Anyway... here's that hilarious time I said I'd do! 2 hours, 19 minutes and 45 seconds.




Here's a link to the Miiverse page, in case you need proof it's me.



Yeah, so difficulty was set to easy, and I got the alternate ending. I realised that I didn't even use Cure at all. Hilarious!

I had a bit of a scare when fighting Alternis. I miscalculated an attack and Ringabel got killed by Minus Strike. (How appropriate...) But immediately, he came back to life through the power of dialogue. (He had to shout about how Grandship couldn't take it anymore) Funny stuff!


Anyway, here's the team I used.






Freelancer with Singing command - All jobs mastered to take advantage of Late Bloomer.




Shield Lore (Knight Lv 7) - Used to maximise effectiveness of Dual Shields

Dual Shields (Knight Lv 11) - There's not much point in Tiz attacking, so this makes him a ridiculous wall. Allowing him to spam My Hero.

M.Defense 10% up (White Mage Lv 2) - Self-explanatory.

M.Def Specialize (Spell Fencer Lv 13) - Tiz has so much Defense, he can afford to give up 25% of it. The 50% boost to M.Def this gives makes him almost invincible!

Armour Lore (Templar Lv 13) - It's obvious, really. More Defense from the Crystal Mail.




Dual Aegis Shields, Ribbon, Crystal Mail and Heike Gloves.


The tactic here is to save up at least 2 BP, then spam My Hero followed by 3 Mimics to give everyone quick and easy BP. Because there's no need to attack, it's all about Defense.






Spiritmaster with White Magic command.


Spiritmaster mastered.

White Mage - Lv 13

Red Mage - Lv 9

Salve-Maker - Lv 9

Knight - Lv 7

Conjurer - Lv 2




Steady MP Recover (Conjurer) - Constant MP recovery is great for healers!

Shield Lore (Knight) - Agnés is a tad frail, she needs the boost. Shield Lore with Aegis Shield gives more of a boost than Armour Lore with Crystal Mail.

BP Recovery (Red Mage) - OK, this might seem a tad pointless when the Ribbon blocks status effects, but hear me out. Some of the more annoying bosses make your party weak to elemental attacks. This actually activates BP Recovery, allowing Agnés to quickly use Enigma to block said attacks before big trouble happens.

Healing Lore (Salve-Maker) - Doubles the effectiveness of recovery moves. 'Nuff said!




Demon's Staff, Aegis Shield, Ribbon, Crystal Vest, Heike Gloves


The staff is purely to increase Mind for more healing. Agnés is the token healer, but can also use Enigma to block elemental attacks. If things go sour, Stillness can give you breathing space to recover at will.






Dark Knight with Sword Magic command.


Dark Knight mastered.

Spell Fencer Lv 11


Yeah... That's all you need. But for speed run purposes, I also recommend...

Freelancer - Lv 4

Pirate - Lv 9




Gloom (Dark Knight) - Rage is a dark move. This boosts Dark moves. Therefore, awesome!

Sword Magic Amp (Spell Fencer) - Because Sword Magic Drain is the foundation of this setup. Spending an extra 8 MP for an extra 25% attack is well worth it. Awesome!

P.Attack 30% up (Dark Knight) - More Attack = More Awesome!


But for a speed-run, I substituted P.Attack 30% up for...


P.Attack 20% up (Pirate) - It's still awesome, just a bit less awesome.

Dungeon Master (Freelancer) - This lets me run through traps with no fear of being hurt. Allowing for a number of shortcuts. Awesome!




Ama-no-Murakumo, Aegis Shield, Ribbon, Crystal Mail, Heike Gloves


Pay attention now...


1. Save up BP (Or get Tiz to use My Hero)

2. Use Sword Magic Drain

3. Spam Rage

4. Laugh


Normally, Rage drains your HP until you're almost dead, making it dangerous to use. But with Sword Magic Drain, Ringabel recovers any HP he loses, allowing him to deliver 5 powerful attacks at once with no downsides!

What's even better is that every 25% HP lost activates Adversity, which boosts all stats by 25%! Doing over 40,000 damage at once is child's play. Who needs Bravely Second?

(This doesn't work against undead enemies, but how many bosses are undead? I think it's about two.)






Ninja with White Magic command.


Ninja mastered

White Mage - Lv 13

Templar - Lv 13

Red Mage - Lv 4

Swordmaster - Lv 3




Transience (Ninja) - Ninjas are good at dodging. This lets them counter after evading.

Comeback Kid (Ninja) - Raises attack by 25% for 3 turns after evading an attack. This can quickly turn Edea into a powerhouse.

Turn Tables (Red Mage) - Gives Edea an extra BP when she evades an attack, allowing her to set up Utsusemi again for more evading shenanigans!

Katana Lore (Swordmaster) - Katanas are the best single hand weapon, end of.

Armour Lore (Templar) - On the rare occasion Edea gets hit, you wanna make sure she can take it.




Dual Ama-no-Murakumo, Ribbon, Crystal Mail, Heike Gloves


Basically, I always have Utsusemi up so Edea can dodge attacks and activate Transience, Comeback Kid and Turn Tables for instant awesome. When Utsusemi is already up, I use Default until Edea has 3 BP. Then I attack 4 times.

Rinse and repeat.

I gave Edea White Magic, just in case Agnés dies or is unable to use healing magic for some reason. The mind stat doesn't matter when you use Arise.


And there you have it! That team should carry you through any bosses you struggle with. (Except one optional boss in Chapter 8 that may be tricky thanks to bloody Qada! If you've fought them you'll know what I'm on about!


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Oh man, where do I start?


Well, in case it wasn't blatant. I'm a huge Pokemon fan. Black 2/White 2 are my favourite mainline games, while PMD: Explorers of Sky is one of my favourite games ever.

Final Fantasy is an obvious inclusion, my favourite is 6. I've only just recently finished 7 for the first time. Overrated, but still great. I've also finished 1-5.

All 3 Golden Suns.

Skies of Arcadia.

Dragon Quest 9 was a load of fun too.

Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss (3DS Version)

Radiant Historia is one RPG I think everyone should play, shame it never came out over here...

Breath of Fire 2 (GBA) was one of my first non-Pokemon RPG's.

Every single Mario RPG (Sticker Star is still fun, damnit!)


Xenoblade Chronicles is easily one of the finest I've ever played as well.

And I think that's all the ones I really liked...



Good list. Needs more Kingdom Hearts, TWEWY, Final Fantasy: Crisis Core, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy VIII & X and Ni No Kuni.....I could go on for ages. :D


I love the genre to bits. A part of me hates how it's been relegated to handhelds but at the same time it's the perfect hardware to do some grinding while watching the TV. One of the reasons why I love the PSP is due to the sheer amount of JRPGs that are on that system. It's nuts.


There's still a bunch I want to play, such as Baten Kaitos Origins ( had it sitting on my shelf since the US release ) Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve, Dragon Quest VII ( Come on S-E/Nintendo sort it out ), TitS and Xenogears to name but a few.


I would love to get into the Persona series but I have tried playing Persona 4 but got bored before anything even happened.

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Good list. Needs more Kingdom Hearts, TWEWY, Final Fantasy: Crisis Core, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy VIII & X and Ni No Kuni.....I could go on for ages. :D


I've played Kindom Hearts 1, 2, 358/2 days, Dream Drop Distance and Chain of Memories (GBA)

They're OK in my opinion. But it really does say a lot that Chain Of Memories is by far my favourite KH. That and Dream Drop Distance are the only ones I would say I "like". It keeps drawing me back. Curse my Disney filled childhood!

TWEWY I remember having a bloody confusing combat system. But so many people like it, I feel like I owe it a second chance.

Final Fantasy 8 is next on my list, when I'm in the mood. You see, my first Final Fantasy was 1 & 2 on GBA. I've played every single one up to 7 for the first time in order, so I'm keeping it like that. (Except for 11, because online, you know?)

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I've played Kindom Hearts 1, 2, 358/2 days, Dream Drop Distance and Chain of Memories (GBA)


They're OK in my opinion. But it really does say a lot that Chain Of Memories is by far my favourite KH. That and Dream Drop Distance are the only ones I would say I "like". It keeps drawing me back. Curse my Disney filled childhood!


TWEWY I remember having a bloody confusing combat system. But so many people like it, I feel like I owe it a second chance.


Final Fantasy 8 is next on my list, when I'm in the mood. You see, my first Final Fantasy was 1 & 2 on GBA. I've played every single one up to 7 for the first time in order, so I'm keeping it like that. (Except for 11, because online, you know?)


Haha. I think CoM was the worst by a mile. The best one for me is a 3 way battle between the original, the second one and BBS. :)


I'm intrigued to hear what your think about FFVIII. A lot of people hate on it but it's my favourite of the whole series.


The ones I have yet to finish from the mainline games ( not including the online ones ) are FFII, FFIII ( started years ago on the DS but it didn't draw me in ) and Lightning Returns. :shakehead:heh:

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It has hints of greatness, it truly does, but the pacing kills it at times. There is a lot of unnecessary banter that happens and some of the sidequests take you back and forth between areas which becomes a bit of a slog.


The soundtrack is sublime though, which makes the game more enjoyable.


The game has it's moments but it could have really done with being trimmed down a bit.


I've yet to reach chapter 5 and by all accounts that's when a lot of people become annoyed with the game and give up. I'm intrigued to find out why...


Completely agree. I fully completed the game and while there were several areas that showed promise, it wouldn't be unfair to say this is one of the worst RPGs I have ever played. And I have played an awful lot.


The battle and job system is one of the stronger points, but I agree with whoever said the ridiculous amount of stacking you have to do of commands before actions happen really bogs it down.


The story is absurd. I won't spoil, but it utilises a very cheap story mechanic and totally ruins any enjoyment you might have otherwise had from the story. A complete disappointment, and a total waste of time.


Towns are barren. There is literally nothing to explore when there could have been loads. You mostly just visit the same weapon and item shops, which you don't even enter. Compare this to something like FFIX, where there is so much going on.


The main crystal sanctuaries are cloned from one another.


The characters are all pretty boring and there is no real depth to them. You don't really know much about their past and I honestly felt like if one of them died, I wouldn't have cared less. Again, a total contrast to something like PS1 Final Fantasy games.


Crystals. Minus a million points.


Fuck, such a disappointment.

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Completely agree. I fully completed the game and while there were several areas that showed promise, it wouldn't be unfair to say this is one of the worst RPGs I have ever played. And I have played an awful lot.


Ouch, harsh... I mean, I've played Sonic Chronicles, I know bad RPG's!

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The story is absurd. I won't spoil, but it utilises a very cheap story mechanic and totally ruins any enjoyment you might have otherwise had from the story. A complete disappointment, and a total waste of time.


One of the reasons why I love the genre is because of the stories that are told and I think this is where this game falls flat. I think the characters are quite good ( Ringabel is hilarious ) but the story isn't engaging enough to keep you going. It's probably why I stopped playing it a few months ago as there was nothing driving me forward.


I agree the crystals thing is just boring and cheap at this point. I can tolerate it in the earlier FF games because they didn't know any better but the genre has come along way in terms of story telling and the simple crystal hunting story just doesn't cut it for me anymore.

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Radiant Historia is one RPG I think everyone should play, shame it never came out over here...

One of my favourite RPGs on PS2.


There's still a bunch I want to play, such as Baten Kaitos Origins ( had it sitting on my shelf since the US release )


Play it. It is as epic as the original.


Haha. I think CoM was the worst by a mile. The best one for me is a 3 way battle between the original, the second one and BBS. :)


BBS is by far the best KH spin off. I actually kinda liked CoM though :p

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Radiant Historia is one RPG I think everyone should play, shame it never came out over here...


One of my favourite RPGs on PS2.


I think you're thinking of Radiata Stories?


I'm talking about this glorious masterpiece of DS RPG goodness!



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I think you're thinking of Radiata Stories?


I'm talking about this glorious masterpiece of DS RPG goodness!




Haha, damn, got fooled back when the DS game got announced too, thinking it was a sequel to Radiata Stories. The names are so similar and they both never came out here :p


They're both awesome games though.

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BBS is by far the best KH spin off. I actually kinda liked CoM though :p


I like CoM precisely because it isn't really like Kingdom Hearts.

Plus, you can't deny the FMV at the start has some of the most impressive GBA visuals out there.




That is a GBA screenshot! I'm still astonished that the console didn't explode!

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Completed this last night, phew, those last battles sure take their time. There seemed to be a few holes missing from the story (which may be due to a large gap in non-playage), I'll mention them when I get home from work.


Right then, see if any of yo' peeps can clarify this for me...


When Tiz is suddenly rocked by the revelation that he has a Celestial in him, keeping him alive? when the fuck did that happen?


And at the end he goes to the graveyard and talks about making good on a promise, releasing something (which I assume is the Celestial) and then falls down dead.


Or so I thought, I went on the interwebs and found out that he had entered a coma, which is what he was revived from after the credits and a ballache of gyro movings.



All in all, a nice game. But could've been better.

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Right then, see if any of yo' peeps can clarify this for me...


When Tiz is suddenly rocked by the revelation that he has a Celestial in him, keeping him alive? when the fuck did that happen?


And at the end he goes to the graveyard and talks about making good on a promise, releasing something (which I assume is the Celestial) and then falls down dead.


Or so I thought, I went on the interwebs and found out that he had entered a coma, which is what he was revived from after the credits and a ballache of gyro movings.



All in all, a nice game. But could've been better.


I might be wrong, but...


It's implied that he actually died when Norende was destroyed. In one of the alternate worlds you visit, Tiz is actually dead. It seems the only reason he's alive at all is because of that Celestial. You learn that if you go for the Conjurer job in Chapter 6.

I also remember Alternis' Journal saying that the fact he's alive is nothing short of a miracle.


So yeah, he was meant to die along with everyone else in Norende. But said celestrial probably kept him alive because he was, like, a chosen hero and all that.


Although how he's brought back to life in Bravely Second is beyond me. That better get explained...


Then again... If you want to really get Meta and weird. You could say that the Celestial is you, the player. Think about it, when Ouroboros says he can see the Celestial Realm, the 3DS camera activates and imposes an image of you in the background.


If you take that at face value. Then the moment Tiz releases the celestial is the moment you lose control of that character and he goes back to how he was before you started playing, dead.


And don't forget the opening AR movie. Agnés (The one that becomes the "Angel") is clearly praying to a celestial. Who's the only one watching this?


So perhaps the reason Tiz is back to life in Bravely Second is because the celestial came back? After all, that movie is done through Tiz's point of view.


If this is how you view things, then what Ouroboros was trying to do was literally make your life more excting!


How's that for Meta?


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Ouch, harsh... I mean, I've played Sonic Chronicles, I know bad RPG's!


Chronicles wasn't that bad... I do wonder what happened to the sequel sometimes.




I really need to play this as well hear nothing but good things. Judging by the rate the sequels are localised, I'm not in that much of a hurry. :laughing:

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@Glen\-i I don't see any harm in chatting amongst ourselves while the others finish their playthroughs and blog about it. Your RPG taste is good. I haven't had the chance to play Radiant Historia yet but its been on my radar for years. Just wanna grab a cheapish import copy sometime if possible.


All I've played of Kingdom Hearts is CoM (which I thought was decent enough. The FMV on GBA!!) and Dream Drop Distance, which is just a graphical wonder throughout, imo. I have 358/2 Days but am yet to give it a whirl.


Your Tiz spoilers above remind me of Baten Kaitos. Sounds like Bravely Default has some pretty deep ideas - well atleast you make it sound that way. :heh: There could be something to this game if @Debug Mode has replayed it too. What about you @EEVILMURRAY, feel compelled to start into a NG+ since wrapping it up?


There's still a bunch I want to play, such as Baten Kaitos Origins ( had it sitting on my shelf since the US release ) Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve, Dragon Quest VII ( Come on S-E/Nintendo sort it out ), TitS and Xenogears to name but a few.


You want to play with a bunch of TitS?

Don't think we haven't spotted this thinly veiled confession.

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