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Well transferred my 3DS data over to my FE edition, didn't take very long and everything seems to have copied over. Re-downloading the digital version now, but not sure if I'll just keep using the cart for now.

  -Dem0- said:
Here are my married couples so far:

  • Chrom & Sumia
  • Avatar & Tharja
  • Gaius & Cordelia
  • Stahl & Sully
  • Miriel & Lon'qu
  • Donnel & Cherche


So far I've married Chrom to Olivia as apparently their child is awesome. Somewhat difficult to marry the two though as Olivia only appears in the same chapter as Chrom's forced marriage.


Also married Donnel to Nowi, and Sully to Virion.


i married the Avatar to Tharja heh heh heh she is awesome a hilarious proposal with an extra cut scene!


where are you guys getting the second seals from? ive got loads of masters just little to no second seals and i want to switch classes for abilities


it is a shame that the prices for the extra downloadable content is such a rip off! The music in the free map is amazing. Surely these maps should be a pound extra maximum?

  Agent Gibbs said:
second seals from? ive got loads of masters just little to no second seals and i want to switch classes for abilities


Mostly from the special shops.


I really should actually start chapter 10 at some point instead of just playing the challenge maps. ;)


Chapter 10's music is so good.


Chrom and Sumia destroyed that map pretty much on their own.

  Ike said:


Chrom and Sumia destroyed that map pretty much on their own.


I know that feeling, i could play the game using Chrom/Sumia, Avatar/Tharja and Nowi/Donnel although i've recently discovered taking lissa through to a Dark flying makes her suddenly awesome I'm on chapter 10 myself, grinding challenge maps to get people good abilities through job switching, or at least to a point where i can switch their jobs IF i get some more second seals, master seals are easy to get now

  londragon said:
What chapter do I have to reach before I can download the free DLC? I'm currently on Ch.4, but have yet to start it.


As soon as you clear chapter 4.

  Agent Gibbs said:
I know that feeling, i could play the game using Chrom/Sumia


That's the power of love


  Reveal hidden contents

Wait, you have to finish four chapters before you can download the DLC? I was considering getting the game while the DLC is still free, but I wasn't planning on actually playing the game any time soon, so never mind, then. :blank:

  Magnus said:
Wait, you have to finish four chapters before you can download the DLC? I was considering getting the game while the DLC is still free, but I wasn't planning on actually playing the game any time soon, so never mind, then. :blank:


You can download it from the eShop instead, but you won't be able to play it until after Chapter 4.



They really should have kept this in. It's not very European to be prudish/Puritanical about sex. The Japanese meant this as risqué humour (which Fire Emblem is known for), and to remove it takes away a lot of the charm.


I'm not sure why she's talking about that guy's testicles.



  -Dem0- said:
You can download it from the eShop instead, but you won't be able to play it until after Chapter 4.

Oh, good. Maybe I'll still buy the game, then. :p

  Grazza said:
They really should have kept this in. It's not very European to be prudish/Puritanical about sex. The Japanese meant this as risqué humour (which Fire Emblem is known for), and to remove it takes away a lot of the charm.


Yeah, thought it would have been the US version to get censored rather than ours. The original conversation makes more sense as well.


That chapter would be great for leveling weaker units if it wasn't for the fact the enemies have counter. They have 50 luck and all/most have miracle which leaves them with 1hp, always end up killing myself from counter though.

Posted (edited)
  Agent Gibbs said:
I know that feeling, i could play the game using Chrom/Sumia, Avatar/Tharja and Nowi/Donnel although i've recently discovered taking lissa through to a Dark flying makes her suddenly awesome I'm on chapter 10 myself, grinding challenge maps to get people good abilities through job switching, or at least to a point where i can switch their jobs IF i get some more second seals, master seals are easy to get now


After Chapter 13, you can buy all the Second and Master seals you want if you have the cash. The merchant will still appear on the map though and have them for better rates so keep you eye out for her.



I did a bit of grinding early on trying to strengthen my bonds with units but I just ran into the situation whereby they became over powered for the regular maps and that's still the case but I have few side quests open at the moment and they are providing a good challenge - when a promoted enemy is using a forged killer weapons, you need to keep your eyes peeled but then going back to unpromoted iron weapon users is a joke. I criticalled a enemy for 156 damage the other day.


I also found a decent money making venture - giving Donnel Leif's Blade. His super high luck coupled with Armthrift means most attacks won't drain the weapons use (Armthrift activation is luck*2) and the sword drops small bullion (worth 1000G) on kill as a percentage equal to luck. It only has 4 base damage but it has a 30% critical chance which goes well with Donnel's Skill and Luck and Strength. Cha ching!!


I've started finding some of the kids now but I'm not sure whether I want to go to the trouble of using them or not. They seem a touch under leveled and I've grown attached to my current troops and have a compliment of 15 guys who have to get swapped in and out to fit the small unit allowance on maps as it is.


I wasn't very happy with Lissa's stats so when she hit 20, I reclassed her to a Troubadour - promoting to Sage seemed pointless as she has too low magic to be of real use as an attacking unit and too little Strength for War Cleric. The extra range movement is more useful than a potential offensive option.


I wasn't sure whether to have Cherche stay with her Wyvern or change to Griffon but I kept her with Minerva as the promotion gains for stats were better and she can use lances too. She might be weak to magic but she's proving to be a real heavy hitting tank. I've got her coupled with Gaius gong for that S rank.


  Emerald Emblem said:
This will be my first Fire Emblem game, I'm joining the bandwagon and looking forward to a memorable experience.


You're certainly in for a treat with this one. I've yet to beat it but it is certainly feeling like the most complete FE game to reach Western Isles to the point that going back might feel difficult if you aren't already used to the older designs. Whilst it tales elements from all the games and mashes them together, and has it's own, their inclusion has been handled with more skill than the games they were taken from originally.

Edited by Captain Falcon
Automerged Doublepost
  Miharin said:
Is that the only change in localization? Just one scene? I'll probably get this game next week. So much hype :)


I haven't seen a raft of complaints or issues raised about localization but the game hasn't been out long in Europe for people to check everything... and there is an awful lot to check. And stuff like the DLC can't be checked until it's available - such as with the image above.


Someone in game described a situation like "a fart in the wind" which I was surprised about - I'll admit it also did provoke a juvenile chuckle. Someone also used the word "arse" too which made me hit the R button to check the text log to ensure I hadn't just imagined it.

  Captain Falcon said:

I also found a decent money making venture - giving Donnel Leif's Blade. His super high luck coupled with Armthrift means most attacks won't drain the weapons use (Armthrift activation is luck*2) and the sword drops small bullion (worth 1000G) on kill as a percentage equal to luck. It only has 4 base damage but it has a 30% critical chance which goes well with Donnel's Skill and Luck and Strength. Cha ching!!


I've started finding some of the kids now but I'm not sure whether I want to go to the trouble of using them or not. They seem a touch under leveled and I've grown attached to my current troops and have a compliment of 15 guys who have to get swapped in and out to fit the small unit allowance on maps as it is.


That explains a lot. Couldn't understand why I got more than usual.


I'm using some of the kids, five of them I think. I found them to level quite fast and they aren't too weak for the maps unless you send them on suicide runs they should hold up quite fine.

  Captain Falcon said:
I haven't seen a raft of complaints or issues raised about localization but the game hasn't been out long in Europe for people to check everything... and there is an awful lot to check. And stuff like the DLC can't be checked until it's available - such as with the image above.


Someone in game described a situation like "a fart in the wind" which I was surprised about - I'll admit it also did provoke a juvenile chuckle. Someone also used the word "arse" too which made me hit the R button to check the text log to ensure I hadn't just imagined it.


Pair Donnel with Nowi to get Nah. When I got Nah her stats were nearly as high as a nearly L30 Manakete Nowi and she also has aptitude. The kids are the best characters in the game. :p

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