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Flight of the Conchords


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In keeping with my always late to watch stuff trend, I've just finished the first series of this and have got the second series on order, though I've heard it's not as good. Some moments had me in fits of hysterics, like Bret accidentally throwing a TV out the hotel window and driving Murray's car into the swimming pool


Some great songs too. Love this. "I'm the Hiphopopotamus, my lyrics are bottomless......"



And this.



Any other fans?

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I didnt catch the original airing of the first series but I saw the second and then ended up seeing them afterwards. Maybe it's because I saw then out of order but the second series didn't seem notably worse to me. If I recall, I seemed to prefer the songs from the second series but it's been a while and I'm a bit hazy on it.


Still, yes, very funny if you "get" it and Murray is a legend!

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They're my favourite band/duo. I don't know if it's the rhythm, the lyrics or what, but they've just got the funk. Once someone at work was playing the album that accompanies Season One, so I poked my head in and gave him the thumbs-up. He agreed that the songs just get in your head like nothing else.


Season Two has got some great songs, so you can certainly look forward to that, Dog-amoto. I suppose it's just that Season One felt like more of a "project", as they'd already written a lot of the songs and found ways to incorporate (and improve) them.


My favourite song from Season One is Bret You Got it Goin' On. It's just so soulful, so beautiful and I dare say sincere. The rhythm might be the best and most funky I've ever heard. My other favourites are The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room, Think About It and Ladies of the World. I won't tell you my favourite songs from Season Two yet. Oh boy, you're in for some good ones!


Worth mentioning is their pre-TV stuff, such as the Folk the World tour. This is a bittersweet song from it. Give it a few listens and it really gets in your head. Again, it's all down to the brilliant rhythm and lyrics:



Hope you enjoy the DVDs.

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  • 11 months later...

I loooooove this show. It's got a lot of "awkward" humour to it, but it works. I love it.


I saw this scene yesterday and cried. Genuine tears of laughter.


Just the line at 0:49. It's gold.


This is my favourite song. Pure brilliance. You can tell that they were killing themselves laughing when they wrote it.

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I loooooove this show. It's got a lot of "awkward" humour to it, but it works. I love it.


I saw this scene yesterday and cried. Genuine tears of laughter.


Just the line at 0:49. It's gold.


I'm not surprised! I loved that bit too. The appeal of the duo in general is their music (just them on stage with their guitars works well), but Murray fleshes the sitcom out so much.

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