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i think we should have "invisible moderators" lol my old forum that i went to had em, and i thought it was a pretty cool idea, since you never knew if you should be nice to a person or mean to the person since you didnt know if they were a moderator or not, anyway i thought it was cool i dont know what you think though...


Shouldn't you be nice to everyone though?

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I noticed a tendency that more and more people wrote columns. I'd like to write a column myself from time to time but there isn't an appropriate forum or subforum for it and especially because there isn't always time to read these things (and later you forget unless there are new posts) a seperate subforum could be justified so they don't get overlooked that easily.

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I noticed a tendency that more and more people wrote columns. I'd like to write a column myself from time to time but there isn't an appropriate forum or subforum for it and especially because there isn't always time to read these things (and later you forget unless there are new posts) a seperate subforum could be justified so they don't get overlooked that easily.


When you say columns, do you mean the rants/mini-rants that people sometimes do in gamecube or Wii discussion? Or do you mean the ones that the writers do for the main site?

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When you say columns, do you mean the rants/mini-rants that people sometimes do in gamecube or Wii discussion? Or do you mean the ones that the writers do for the main site?


I'm thinking of something like this:




or in the vein of the articles on the main site. Sorry if I didn't make myself clear.

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No need to be sorry, i was just making sure i understood you fully before i replied.


Basically, i think the way things work at the moment are fine in regards to people posting mini-rants. I like to rant every now and again, and i like it to be spontaneous. If you look in gamecube discussion, that thread makes a welcome change to other types of threads there at the moment. This is also a discussion board, so if we dedicated any entire board to these rants, we would have very little threads in the 'main' boards for discussion. Every now and again, we need threads like that to come and break the mould of the way things are working in the forums. It's also nice to have that mixture between news, rants, etc.


We've got various boards in terms of gaming. If you're unsure about it 100%, just post it in the forum which you think suits it best. The worst result would be that a moderator moves it to a more appropriate forum, and even then thats not a bad thing, so it shouldn't really be an issue of "there isn't anywhere for this to go." I think the bases are covered well.


If you feel that maybe your thread might get overlooked, you could even ask an admin or moderator to possibly "sticky" the thread to the main page. If its an important article/rant, it could be a distinct possibility that this will happen anyway.


Anyway, i hope i have answered your queries. Anymore questions?

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In addition to what Link said (or maybe he did say it and I just didn't see it), if we had a thread/board dedicated to rants we would have a load of 5 line 'rants' which, to be blunt, shouldn't really be called a rant. After a few of these people would stop reading them and then the good rants wouldn't be seen at all. If you want to have a rant, just make a new thread wherever you think is the best place.

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I don't see why all topics for a specific game are lumped into huge mega-topics. I know I would participate a lot more in discussions on Zelda:TP or Smash Bros Brawl if I didn't have to wade through the 1,000 to 2,500 posts. If these topics are so popular, why don't they each get their own mini-forum or something.


Huge topics may make this place look popular, but they certainly turn me off from participating. I really don't want to read the literally hundreds of posts consisting of repeated information (because casual posters can't be bothered to read all the previous posts) and idle banter (such as who can kick whose butt in Smash Bros. Melee).


While I post from time to time in the smaller topics, I would really like to see mini-forums for the more talked about upcoming Wii games. That way I could ignore the topics such as "is snaking a cheat or a feature" or "anyone who uses Marth sucks at Melee" and get to the new rumors or information about the game. For instance, a topic on destructible environments was recently closed in order to add it to the SSBB topic. I would have enjoyed discussing the pros and cons of destructible environments, but there is no way I'll look through topiczilla for a few pages just to find a couple of related comments.


So, while I understand that going back through and breaking up the great pangaea topics into subtopics is too much of a bother for anyone to do, I would like you to consider not locking topics about a specific rumor/news tidbit just because that rumor/tidbit is about Zelda/SSBB/etc.

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As I have said before there is no mandate saying you have to read the whole topic. If you wanted to look for something particular use the "search this topic" feature. If you wanted to discuss something you could bring it up again, im sure nobody is going to say "WE HAD THAT DISCUSSION 47 PAGES AGO. JEEZ!!"


And your point about destructible arenas proves my point. It is a new rumour and thus won't have been discussed before, meaning you don't have to wade through the whole thread.

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I was just saying that even after the discussion is started there will still be people posting about other discussions that had been going on before, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there are a lot of off-topic posts and side conversations that clutter up those larger topics, making intelligent conversation about a newer rumor more difficult.

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Would it be possible if we can get an anime board so we can have different threads for different animes? It would make it easier and meaning people won't be talking about different animes in the same thread?


I second this, mostly because I think a lot of board-worthy topics get crammed up in General. Not that my support will get you anywhere with this - instead it'll probably just get you nowhere. I'm very sorry.

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I second this, mostly because I think a lot of board-worthy topics get crammed up in General. Not that my support will get you anywhere with this - instead it'll probably just get you nowhere. I'm very sorry.


What do you mean by that? Trying to play the sympathy card, eh?:heh:


The last thing we want is to seperate topics into different boards. If we did go ahead and create an anime board, we'd have complaints that there should be a sports board or a music board. Then, we'd get complaints saying football and rugby ain't the same thing, so we should have a seperate board for that, too! It'd never end. :heh:


To be honest, i don't think the boards are particularly being crammed at the moment. It's better to have one buzzing board rather than having many boards which may not see people visiting there much. In order for general chit chat to really be balanced, and for it to be general, we're going to need all these different kind of threads. :)


Nothing's stopping you from creating these sorta threads in general, so by all means do it.

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