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Dyson the reason some people are seeing your sig as bigger is probably due to non-stretchable schemes having it over two lines of text.


Christ, of course :D It's weird to think that N-E isn't in this scheme for most people. I'll just be easy to deal with and remove the text. :heart:

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Wha...? Shoutbox sucks ass


We should just give more publicity about our IRC channel (if im not mistaken, we have one, right?)


IRC is the best way to interact.


If you want to do a shoutbox, tough, i reccomend one of those in which we can see the posts that keep getting posted, like (random dialogue):


Maase: Ahahah, you suck Jayseven

Jayseven: You suck too

Blender: Will it blend?

Maase created the topic "Jayseven sucks"

Jayseven posted in the topic "Jayseven sucks"

Jayseven created the topic "Maase sucks"


Get what i mean? Those shoutbox's are awesome, i don't have to refresh the page to see every new post that comes, its really an awesome way.


I still prefer IRC, tough :\

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Im saying that IRC is better


But that, if you're going to decide on Shoutbox, choose one which also shows when someone created a topic or posted in a topic.


Got it?

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