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Guest Stefkov

I was gonna post before editing my other suggestion (harvest moon pleease :heh:) how about a pokemon one.

With Levels and experience, just to add flavour.

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Yeah, how 'bout this|


0-100 - New trainer

100-200 - Rookie trainer

200-500 - frequent gym leader

500-1000 - N-europe pokemon fanatic

1000-2000 - Pokemon aficionado

2000+ - N-E Pokemon master

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Yeah, how 'bout this|


0-100 - New trainer

100-200 - Rookie trainer

200-500 - frequent gym leader

500-1000 - N-europe pokemon fanatic

1000-2000 - Pokemon aficionado

2000+ - N-E Pokemon master


If you want a pokemon forum go to serebii.net


("frequent gym leader"? are there part-time gym leaders? And why would a fanatic be above a gym leader?

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What about using the order of the Ninty consoles?







...or something similar...just an idea...


Edit: no that's actually kinda gay. But something ninty related.


Maybe the various forms Mario can take?



Super Mario

Fire Mario etc?

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If you want a pokemon forum go to serebii.net


("frequent gym leader"? are there part-time gym leaders? And why would a fanatic be above a gym leader?


I joined a nintendo forum. Nintendo make Pokemon. Voila.


Although, I like Conzers idea of Mario and all his upgrades.

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Here's an idea: why don't we have a system for members to nominate people, and a specific title for them (let's say each member can only have one nomination ever, or per year), and then the mods decide on it.


I also propose we drop the subject. If anything is going to happen it's going to be that the mods may do something very moderate, like what I suggested, and that's only if they've had a bit to drink already...

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Why do you all care so much about a little title under your name, anyway? You can write loads of stuff in your sig, which people are more likely to notice. It's not like a higher ranking makes you a better person.


you'll never get a fancy blue one in a different font like me, anyway

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Dear Fishins. You're a bit prententious or obnoxious or both.


Is there any chance of a theme that stretches all the way across my browser? I have a lot of grey space to the left of my screen. My monitor is 1280x1024 btw

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Can we please have avatars bigger than 18.3kb? It's a ridiculous size, even for 56k (which nobody uses anymore anyway!)


50kb or even 100kb would do the trick.


Not suggesting we change the dimensions, though, they're alright as they are.

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As I've said at least three times in this thread alone. We don't need any bigger file sizes for avatars. Stop being so lazy and lower them on photoshop (or free internet jobbys which do the same). Theres no difference in the quality to the eye.

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As I've said at least three times in this thread alone. We don't need any bigger file sizes for avatars. Stop being so lazy and lower them on photoshop (or free internet jobbys which do the same). Theres no difference in the quality to the eye.


though that sometimes depends on how good you monitor is.


I think they should be at least a round number like 20

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Wasn't it a bit pointless to split the online boards in 7 or 8 different boards? Wouldn't just Nintendo platform online and PC/other online boards do? It's not like it was hard to find stuff anyway. If you're gonna do that then you should do the same for RPGs, Casual and all the other stuff in Wii and other console boards.


It also seems to be exactly the same as sub-forums, which I swear the staff said they were against, just with annoying big pictures on them. Some of the boards just have one or two threads in aswell, who really thinks it's a good idea?

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