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England Riots


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Watching it on the bbc news, the images in croydon are horrifying, people houses on fire, not enough police, etc, something need to be done ASAP.


What happened to the days of tear gas and water cannons to disperse crowds, get a few rubber bullets thrown in for good measure as well.


There's a few problems there. Firstly, the police are badly outnumbered. Secondly, there's far too many bystanders around. They don't want to turn this in to a war, and they don't want innocents caught in the middle. Over the past 10 years the police have been hit hard with criticism when innocents get caught in the crossfire and this is the result.


There's been a lot of call for no mercy policing in this incident, but as soon as some bystander dies from a rubber bullet to the eye there'll be outrage. People conveniently forget that they wanted a crackdown.

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Sky news are just reporting that the PM has finally got off his arse and is flying back from his holiday overnight, hosting some meeting in the morning to 'talk'.


What are you expecting him to do? Grab a hose and do it himself?


He's getting back to hold a crisis meeting to sort it out in the early hours once he lands, it isn't like he was on holiday and just turned his phone off and ignored it all???

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What are they even burning these buildings for? What are they planning to achieve with it? They're peoples homes and businesses, not government buildings. It's just violence, no point. I hope they send these people down and make an example of them.

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You forget these people don't think like we do, in our minds eye this is stupid, idiotic and disgraceful and dangerous.


To them, I can only imagine it proves a point or is fun, I don't pretend to understand.


I hope people are ok, I've heard it's in Birmingham and starting in Leeds as well?

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I've been watching it live on Sky News and BBC, been trying to find out more about the Birmingham one but kinda hard to get information.


These really do seem pointless, as was mentioned above most of the places being burnt aren't even government owned - what is their point exactly?

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These really do seem pointless, as was mentioned above most of the places being burnt aren't even government owned - what is their point exactly?


I thought it was obvious that at least some of the rioters aren't actually protesting anything, they're just out to cause trouble? I think I read something about gang business being involved as well?

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The media aren't covering it, but it's kicking off across Birmingham apparently. If this goes on through the night and the police can't crack down on it then Parliament needs to be recalled tomorrow and they need to think seriously about declaring a state of emergency. The police are clearly outmatched. Their dawn raids plan might be effective at getting arrests, but it's not doing anything to quell the unrest. They need help.


The police aren't outmatached. The days of softly softly politically correct policing are here. What we need is tear gas, water cannons and some batons meeting with skulls.

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I thought it was obvious that at least some of the rioters aren't actually protesting anything, they're just out to cause trouble? I think I read something about gang business being involved as well?


The press seem to be reporting at the moment it's most just groups of individuals without any organization so it doesn't seem gang related. Question is how long will it take until one of these idiots has a rush of blood to the head and knows a friend who has a some kind of weapon? Frightening stuff, I hope any people nearby are safe.


Weather should be nice tomorrow apparently.

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What are you expecting him to do? Grab a hose and do it himself?


He's getting back to hold a crisis meeting to sort it out in the early hours once he lands, it isn't like he was on holiday and just turned his phone off and ignored it all???


Erm no?


The PM is the leader of the country is he not? And when something 'big' happens i feel that they should be seen and make a statement of sorts, condeming what has happened, calling for calm etc even on his holiday he can do that. It has taken him almost three days to come to this decision. All i have seen on the news on the first day was a local MP calling for calm. It isn't a lot but he should have been seen to be doing something. imo.


And yes i know he is coming back to hold a crisis meeting but my point was we havn't heard anything from him at all, unless i missed something?

Edited by Mike1988uk
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If this starts to spread all over the country then we will be in major trouble. Other forces such as mine (cheshire) do not have the number of riot trained officers available to handle such things.


I really hope the birmingham ones is just a isolated incident and wont spread elsewhere. :(

Edited by Mike1988uk
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If this starts to spread all over the country then we will be in major trouble. Other forces such as mine (cheshire) do not have the number of riot trained officers available to handle such things.


I really hope the birmingham ones is just a isolated incident and wont spread elsewhere. :(


If it spreads, this country is buggered.

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These images have finally appeared in our news.


An isolated riot is one thing. It's embarrassing, but we can at least trust that it is a one time thing, and everyone becomes ashamed of the event.


But you're telling me the riots are continuing? In different parts of the country? What the fuck is this? I knew British hooligans were uncivilized pricks, but to this extent? Is there even a point?


Or have the savages gotten into their heads that the police or the judicial system can't stop them?

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If it spreads, this country is buggered.


If it does, then the army will have to be called in, i can't see any other way.


I'm still watching sky news and there is a reporter on the phone watching stuff going on in Hackey where places are being kicked in etc and it sounds like there is simply not enough riot police available to get there, scary stuff!

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You can always count on there being idiots to do things like this.


I don't get why the riots are being likened to protests and terrorism though - in both of these cases, the whole idea is to put across a point, but the motive of the rioters seems only to be opportunism.

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