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NGC reveals Zelda TP WILL use rev controls


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Besides remember NGC reporting that capcom would release Resi Evil DS, but most believed it was fake? Well it wasn't and this was a month or so before any site :p.


That's exactly what sprung to mind when I saw this. I would be very suprised if this wasn't legit.


It's great news, I just hope TP isn't delayed too long because of it - I want it for the summer, not in the autumn when Revolution launches! Cube will well and truly be dead by then.

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Another thought, if this is true, and I still don't see any reason for us to think it is, would it be the first game in which Link is ambidextrous? Or would we have to hold the Revolution remote in our left hand (the hand Link usually uses for his sword)?


Maybe it might not even matter if your left handed or right. If you used your right hand to use the remote, I guess you could have Link to swing his sword left by just using your right hand to swing left (start on the far right with your right arm and swing in to your left) as opposed if you wanted to swing right you could start on your far left, Swinging the remote around to your right. If you want you could try out that thought by holding your tv remote and see imagine it to see for yourself.


it doesnt seem like a problem when you think of it, either way im fine as i am Left handed but even more the reason why I dont think its a bad idea.

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..maybe you'll get to select which hand to equip the sword in..


..and for some reason, when I was thinking about what the revolution controller could be used for in mini-games, I remembered the bowling from Ocarina of Time with the bomb thingies (can't remember the name) but it made me really think about the possibilities for other games (not in Zelda) that hadn't even crossed my mind before.. like actual bowling, a snooker/pool game (which nintendo consoles have been pretty bereft of) where the controller is ur cue (maybe even with a little darts game thrown in where u are in complete control of what u do with the dart).. and maybe those were crappy ideas.. but I'm actually pretty excited by the endless possiblities :) ..


..and zelda looks amazing!

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Great news.


Even though i was sure TP would sell more than a million on the cube i was a little pissed of that it wont get the recognition it deserves.

With this title on the revolution as well, it will become a 'must-have' .....the buzz will be huge.

It will also be a perfect showcase that tight controls, amazing gameplay, and massive amounts of style and art direction far outweighs the importance of that techinical jargon.

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Here are the NGC magazine scans, I found them on other site and went to the work of "thumbnailing" and re-hosting them, as imageshack images tend to get too much traffic thus being removed when they first appear, I did them for the other thread, so I might aswell post it here...



(click on the images to enlarge)


Pretty good read... I honestly can't wait for this game, hope they still release it in spring tough.... but obviously... not rushed, I want enhanced graphics for revolution tough (I'm such a graphics whore)

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Excuse me for for the ignorance but are they the first actual in game screenshots? and also there going for the same top right corner display for the items so how on earth is that going to work with the revo-mote? even though the pictures are a bit blurry it does seem to look good enough to be the kinda next- gen game it's probably going to be touted as.

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This news doesn't surprise me at all really. Wasn't there an interview ages ago where Miyamoto or Aunoma said that Revolution Zelda will build upon the new ideas used in Twilight Princess. If that's the case then it seems Nintendo are trying to get people used to using the new control style, while also having the option to use standard, before they change the control system completely for the next console.

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would be more logical to just hold up zelda, upgrade the graphics further..add some stuff and have it as a release title for the rev. I wouldnt mind have a killer launch title then
why hold it? the game already seems next gen, and judging from games from other generation passed onto the next, the graphics are never "really" next gen, they should use the extra power the revolution has, but that's all... not remaking the game. Zelda is a curent gen game, a gamecube one, and nothing is going to make it a real next gen game, i'd rather see them using the extra power for extra eyecandy.


extra bump mapping, better textures through a path, all this is possible and should be done.


as for it to run on a gamecube, that's the system it was supposed to, I was to buy a xbox for kameo and they canceled it and putted it in xbox 360, I was so pissed the game was near finished, it would be better to release it and make a sequel for x360... i'm not going to pay 420€ just to play kameo, luckily the other day I played the game and hated it... but you get the point.


Also bare in mind that nintendo provides two Zelda games for each generation, "zelda 1 and zelda 2" on NES, "OoT and MM" on N64... "WW and TP" on gamecube... i'd rather have this one on gamecube and two this gen exclusive for revolution... than the other way around, 3 zeldas in a generation for the same console would not only look too much as nintendo are probably not willing to go against tradition... I want two zeldas on revolution, and the "new" gamecube one :P

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I dont read NGC instead I read NOM. so i dont know how reliable NGC are! But i wish this is true...it would be awesome!!!


Well i rember when ngc reported that there would be a resi ds, then nom 1 month latter said it was all lies , then the issue after they were showing all the pics.


nom allways get the news last, it will be better when future takes over, and i won't miss nom's crappy jokes.

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How will they tackle the spinning attack and the jumping downward thrust...





If this is confirmed to be true then I think it's a good move on Nintendo's part. It'll give the game a greater replay value (play it through again with an entirely new take on control! awesome!) and it for those who don't own a Cube but that get a Rev, it won't seem as much as an "old" game!

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You all seem to be forgetting one of the things said about this game that TP would be the last time zelda would be played like a regular game, or something to that effect.


To be fair though there plans could have changed, i.e. Revo won't launch last, but if that thread in the other's console section is true, they will be last. So it could be the last game to play with conventional controls in terms of on the gamecube, and the revo control is only put into play on the Rev so its still true to some extent. But like the dude above me i'm not really expecting full blown controls for some reason, it'd be a great bonus, but this game will be amazing regardless.

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