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Ugh it went terribly, I bottled their test and then in the talk after me and the interviewer mutually agreed that I wasn't what they were looking for. Think it's time I move on and accept a mundane job.


Sorry to hear that man, chin up and things will sort themselves out. To be honest, it's best to be rejected rather than have them give you the position because they are desperate and then a month down the line they say "Actually, you're so terrible we'd prefer no-one did the job."


Which is PRECISELY what I've had to say to the last few teachers we've tried out.

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Just had a phone interview with Lloyds. I think it went well, although it was still nerve-wracking.


Luckily my brother is a manager in the same department so he went over things with me and everything he'd asked for I had an answer prepared. Hopefully they were good answers. I didn't actually seem to talk much. The interview went on for about 20 minutes, although about half of that was him explaining the role and training. Even within the 10 minutes of my interview, every time I answered he followed up the answer or reinstated what I said in his own words, so I didn't actually do much talking. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.


EDIT: Well I've been invited to a face-to-face interview, which consists of tests, a case study, an interview, and I have to give a 15 minute presentation.


Fun times.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Yeah but I never said I liked presentations.


There's one simple secret to presentations. Practice it again, and again and again. If you don't like doing them it will really show and make you look nervous. Do it in front of your mirror, in front of your parents, in front of your mates.

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Be careful what you wish for, Moog-Moog!


I wish you would start applying for jobs.


There's one simple secret to presentations. Practice it again, and again and again. If you don't like doing them it will really show and make you look nervous. Do it in front of your mirror, in front of your parents, in front of your mates.


Yeah I will. University has made me a lot better with presentations. Although I need to write it first. I have to come up with a strategy for improving the way banks distinguish between those who are unlikely to repay their mortgage borrowings and those who are likely to repay.

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Yeah I will. University has made me a lot better with presentations. Although I need to write it first. I have to come up with a strategy for improving the way banks distinguish between those who are unlikely to repay their mortgage borrowings and those who are likely to repay.


I don't know much about it but I think there will be loads of information on that online. Do you get slides to present with? Keep the slides succinct but expand upon them with speech. It will keep them interested in what you have to say (remember how boring those lectures were).


Everyone will be doing the same presentation so they'll have heard it a hundred times already before you get there. Make it interesting.

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I didn't know where to say this or ask for any tips so I'll post it here:


I have a job...kind of. The only trouble is, it's a job I've never done and possibly, it's a job I'll never get asked to do again in a hurry. It's a manager's job, which I'm absolutely happy about but I'm a bit scared and nervous!


The thing is, I don't really have the foggiest what to do. Well, I get the gist of it but as I said, I've never actually been a manager before. I'm afraid I won't deliver. Tomorrow is the final interview for it but I've never really had any experience of doing it before. Has anybody else here? What do you do exactly?


I mean, I might not get the job anyway but just in case I do, have any of you ever been managers and if you have, what did you have to do? Could you cope? (Sorry, just a bit nervous right now, lmao)


I've also been offered an interview for another job but it's on the day of my CBT and it's a four hour shift which isn't guaranteed I'll get it since there's 15 others wanting it too.


Any help would be VERY MUCH appreciated! :)

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I ran Game for a while (well co-ran but we did the same job). And when I say a while it was about...a year. I forget the specifics.


Although don't know if I can be much help as I moved up to that role so I knew what I was doing but suppose day-to-day running of whatever you're doing, people management (i.e. hiring, firing, training etc), stock/money/etc control if appropriate.


Good luck!

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Hey, so I went today and, as expected, I never got the job. I'm not overly upset about it as some things never added up anyway and was quite worried about them. However, from one leap to another, I'm going to be selling things on eBay...yay!


I also have an interview for a restaurant as well as a part-time job for a shoe shop so all is okay for the moment. Just want more hours is all. :)

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The more I keep adding to my presentation, the less time it seems to take to read it. I've been timing myself reading it (in my head), when I had 600odd words it took about 5 minutes. Now I have 896 words and it took me 4:14. Surely 896 words should be taking around 8 or so minutes? I think I need to print it off and do a practice run.


*feels stupid talking to himself out loud*

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I actually am :P technically I wasn't hired because I couldn't do the shifts they wanted, but actually they found out I only had 6 months on my visa -- and they advertised the job as 'school hours', and later said they wanted me to work from 3pm-midnight. Which I think they made up simply because they couldn't just not hire me due to my visa (could they? Probably could, to be fair).

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Naa, you must be too over qualified for them!


This isn't directed at you, but being overqualified means that they think you're going to use them as a stop-gap until you can find something more appropriate for your degree/qualifications.


Hiring people costs time and money to do so they don't want to be rehiring all the time.

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This isn't directed at you, but being overqualified means that they think you're going to use them as a stop-gap until you can find something more appropriate for your degree/qualifications.


Hiring people costs time and money to do so they don't want to be rehiring all the time.


Ah right, just noticed Jays reply it looks like that is pretty much the case but from his visa perspective and leaving the country rather than looking for another job.

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EDIT: Well I've been invited to a face-to-face interview, which consists of tests, a case study, an interview, and I have to give a 15 minute presentation.


Fun times.


Had my interview yesterday. God it was horrible. Mainly because of the case study. I had an hour to do a general statistics exam and a SAS exam for none SAS users (although apparently non-SAS users just means you don't have experience with SAS, but do with programming in general). Those weren't too bad, though I certainly didn't ace them. The presentation and interview went ok I think. But the case study was horrible. I was given 10 minutes to look over a series of graphs about Lloyd's loan portfolio performance, and had to present my findings and recommendations to 3 interviewers. I didn't have a clue what the graphs meant, and felt so stupid. It was horrible.


Anyway he said I should find out early next week. So at least I don't have to wait too long to be put out of my misery.

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I had a job interview for subway' date=' and they turned me down.


That's pretty depressing, right?[/quote']


I was once turned down by Subway and I have no idea why, they never informed me. SOLIDARITY YO!


In better news, I have a job interview with Morrisons on wednesday. It could be a little complicated though because I leave for university in October and I have a two week holiday in Cyprus at the start of September. What effect do people think this will have on my chances?


It's pretty annoying because I filled the app form out all the way back at the very end of June and they've only just got back to me. Seems a bit strange.


Still though, for the time being: It's an interview, it's better than nothing.

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I was once turned down by Subway and I have no idea why, they never informed me. SOLIDARITY YO!


In better news, I have a job interview with Morrisons on wednesday. It could be a little complicated though because I leave for university in October and I have a two week holiday in Cyprus at the start of September. What effect do people think this will have on my chances?


It's pretty annoying because I filled the app form out all the way back at the very end of June and they've only just got back to me. Seems a bit strange.


Still though, for the time being: It's an interview, it's better than nothing.


Are you going to have to leave the job in October when you start Uni?


If I were you I just wouldn't tell them when it comes to around that time ask for a transfer to your Uni city.


Think of it from their point of view, they are going to have hundreds of people applying for jobs and other people almost as good as you (if they decide on you over someone else). Why would they give it to you if they were going to have to rehire again in a few months time?

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Are you going to have to leave the job in October when you start Uni?


If I were you I just wouldn't tell them when it comes to around that time ask for a transfer to your Uni city.


Think of it from their point of view, they are going to have hundreds of people applying for jobs and other people almost as good as you (if they decide on you over someone else). Why would they give it to you if they were going to have to rehire again in a few months time?


Yeah that's exactly what I was worried about.


That said, my sister says a lot of shops are prone to hiring students on the basis that they act as seasonal staff - they can always work when the holidays roll around. That would be sweeet.

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Yeah I don't think your chances are great; you may be better off contacting them ahead of time to check that it's still worth doing the interview. I've had an interview which started off as a group interview - after the introduction I raised my hand and said "I'm not going to be able to start 'til May. Will that be a problem?" And of course, it was. They feel the need to come up with all sorts of mumbo jumbo as if you'll sue them for not giving you a fair go, but yeah, it was a waste of time!

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