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Job Hunting


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From what I've heard it's not even worth trying to get a job unless you know someone who can secure you a job personally.


It'd probably be best for the UK if more people just went on benefits for a while anyway. Maybe then society would realise how utterly moronic the entire system is and fix it sooner rather than never.


Please indulge us with where you 'heard' that? I have what I believe to be a great job lined up to start soon and no-one helped me except myself as I'm sure many others will believe the same for themselves as well.


Also, the system is being looked at...

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Well in the creative industry it is a lot about who you know (hello networking events!) but I wouldn't say just give up all together.


Indeed, some of it is pure chance, my job with Jagex for example was mostly myself, I had already been told I had the job when my friend put in an extra good word for me - bless him.


Otherwise it's pot luck, sometimes you just look good on paper others you don't, but being so pessimistic won't get you anywhere.

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Please indulge us with where you 'heard' that? I have what I believe to be a great job lined up to start soon and no-one helped me except myself as I'm sure many others will believe the same for themselves as well.


Also, the system is being looked at...


I said FROM what I've heard. I.e. no-one can get a job at the moment.


The system is nonsense. It needs to be destroyed and started again. Partly due to the EU, mostly because of previous UK Governments.

I don't expect the Tories will do anything but make the system even more unbalanced, or ignore the problem while paying overpaid "specialist" pen-pushers to "look into it".

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Looking for a job at Tt games eh? :p


Hehe, I've applied a few times, but I've never heard much of a reply from them, which is a shame, their branch up north I live right near so it'd be perfect. Plus lego ftw.


Anyway, applied for a few web developer positions, it's not ideal, but it'd be fun to do for a while.

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Applied for two jobs and an internship today. And also received two rejections today. :(


Want to do three more applications tonight to keep up with my five-a-day but have stuff to do for the site. And should rest. And I'm so sick of this process already :(


Oh tits. Had a few tabs open with jobs to apply for tomorrow. Had to force quit the browser and accidentally started from home page rather than last session. D'oh!

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I said FROM what I've heard. I.e. no-one can get a job at the moment.



Now, you see, I'm hearing the complete opposite. Most people I've kept in touch with who have graduated in the last couple of years have gotten jobs, and only a couple of them are crappy retail.


I'm just thankful I've got two more years of uni (MEng boom.) so I can put on the job hunt for another year.

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Now, you see, I'm hearing the complete opposite. Most people I've kept in touch with who have graduated in the last couple of years have gotten jobs, and only a couple of them are crappy retail.


I'm just thankful I've got two more years of uni (MEng boom.) so I can put on the job hunt for another year.


This year there's only a handful of people graduating, but I'm the only one without a job, which is quite good, given I technically had one a week ago!


Shame so many people were put off gaming by the course, lots of them have ended up in other things like IT tech and such.

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Well today seems to be going a bit better.


Last night my housemate was speaking to some media advertising people. They're looking for a graduate (pref. postgrad) to seemingly do two jobs - media sales and flash scripting. I assume its mostly just making banners and stuff but it sounds like it could be interesting. Anyway going to meet for a beer some point next week. Although it really sparked the neurosis in me. I emailed him and he responded fairly quickly and said the guy who knows better is away until Monday. He asked if I had a portfolio site and I said not at the moment but I shall get it to him before Monday (as I've not got any examples of ActionScript stuff but can get basics done, they did say they would train) and then he didn't respond. Urgh, just paranoia.


And I got an interview for Website Customer Service Assistant at Uniqlo next Wednesday.


Aaand got offered an interview for an Internship tomorrow. Which is annoyingly last minute notice (as I was planning on staying in and doing the aforementioned ActionScript stuff). Its Community Management so I think most of it will be what I do here but I applied thinking I may learn more about how to build on social networks. Its one day in the office three days at home for six weeks. The logic part of my brain is saying "go, see what the internship is like (i.e. if I'll learn anything) and then judge" but...meh :p I think I'll ring them in the morning actually and ask if its possible to do next week. They have only just emailed me at 10pm after all. Oh wait looking they supplied a questionnaire. Seems to be either some point tomorrow or Monday afternoon, I think that'd be preferable if they can do that.


</talking to self>

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How do you know 'what' to do? You seem to be applying for quite different things. Are some just short-term need-money jobs and the others, I suppose, more in line with what you want to do?


That's one tricky thing about job hunting. Feeling a bit like the job you're going for tomorrow may not be as good as the one you've got coming up next week.

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I have no idea what to do. I'm punching around aimlessly :heh:


Although I've gone for nothing creative (or at least animationey) yet. I just don't feel like I'm suitable ATM and want to work on my portfolio but at the moment my money (or lack thereof) is forcing me to focus on jobs. But I am thinking short term to raise some money then move into things. Actually I do want to work towards games (in some regards) and a lot of those seem to be in Brighton/not in London. So maybe spend the next few years here developing my skills/portfolio/CV then move to that beachy place.


Anyway I'm mostly going for administrative stuff (mostly educational as I've worked in unis and would prefer it) and website/content management stuff as it's what I do here.

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Urgh neurosiiiiiiiis.


Last week my housemate was out for a drink with some guys from a company they deal with. They said they were looking for someone "fresh out of uni, pref postgrad, can do flash, creative, preferably gaming enthusiast and female". Apart from the last one that's me. So she told them about me and they said to send them an email which I did. Seem to be trying to merge two roles, a sales (online sales as in selling adverts I think not "would you like a carrier bag for an extra 1p?") position and a flash/actionscript one. Problem is looking at the listings I'm not super suitable for one and okay with the other and I could train up, I'm just okay for both. I know I would commit to the role and would love to do it but its convincing them that.


Anyway upon their request I've sent a CV, portfolio site and salary expectations (always hate that too). But I tried to sound flexible/"give me a chance" without underselling myself. They've said we should meet for a drink, I've only got to hope that they don't look at it and think "what the fuck is this kid thinking?" and ignore me. I think I could come across better in person and if they seem to be wavering will throw in a "give me a week to train and send you more stuff and you can then assign me with a real task and if I fail then fine".


So yeah there's the long and short of it - the over-the-beer person spec is me. The on-the-site person spec not so much.


Buuuut at least I got an internship today. And interview on Wednesday.

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The trip home I thought might allow me to get to the meet last month has finally happened and I'm just about over the time difference. Currently staying with my parents but today I'm having a day trip back down to London to meet with some guys running a start up about a potential role later in the year when they're a little larger.


I already know one of the VP's there and these guys are hugely respectful in the industry. Add on the fact I'd love to work for a startup and I'm pretty damn excited about seeing them.


Fingers crossed then, I'm not hugely happy in my current role, so this is coming up at potentially just the right time. Hope I'm not too rusty at selling myself.

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