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Sedative Adorable Animals Thread


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...And people wonder who'll ever be able to replace David Attenborough! :wink:


"And here.. we have... the naked mole rat.


Unlike most.. subterranean desert rodents... the mole rat did not evolve to live underground due of the cooler climates......... but instead... because of the shame.. of looking like a giant dildo!"




You know, it's remarkably easy to imagine David Attenborough saying that actually! :heh:

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Woodlouse is pretty cute. More so in real life big pictures up close make them look wrong. I love how it falls from a great height like its no big deal and just gets back up again. DETERMINED.


I watched one for ages once trying to traverse this great vertical challenge everytime he got half way he fell off but he never gave up.


I want an Exoskeleton. :D

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I can remember many a childhood hour playing with woodlice. They always seemed so innocent.


My sister ate one.


Yeah yeah yeah, they just seem to get on with their lives. I'm trying to become less scared of the creatures that I've been programmed to be scared of.


Wasps I am defintitely better at but Spiders still give me the willies. Not as much like I was lying in bed and one was right above me and I cba to move but then I realised it can fall down onto my face via its extreme thread. So yeah they are not cuddly.


Did she like it? how old was she? :)

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She was probably about 6. Did it because we had rabbits and ate nesquik cereal and she though it would be funny to pretend to be silly.


I ate a snail when I was 2.


Used to be fine with Wasps/bees until I got stung and watched My Girl.


Spiders, after Arachnaphobia, are split beween the tiny/cute/spindly and the hairy/big/canseetheirpincersandeyes. The latter are scarier but overall it's... yeah. I'm cool with pidgeons but seaguls have the evil faces.

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I have been attacked many times by many a gull. Also! Outside my attic window (where I bed) there are two families of gulls that I've watched grow. it's kinda cute to see them with their toys and their play. But pigeons.. I have a wiggle-finger to lure them in. I will show you at the next meet (we should go pidgeon hunting).


I also prefer guinea pigs to most other pet rodents. Rats are pretty good too. Hamsters and gerbils are too small, insane and scared.

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Raining again your cats are adorable! I love their collars, our cat Tetley can't wear collars any more, last time he wore one he somehow got his paw stuck in it!


Is that Whiskertington? :3 Cute fellow. Reacted well to being kidnapped by an evil Scotsman.






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I enjoy your bug eating stories Jay! :D


Seagulls, I have a vendetta against seagulls. After they stole my KFC. not amusedness bears.


I don't think I like how quick spiders can move and DISAPPEAR.


Agreeeeee. But this is not the place for scary bug/insect/arachnid stories, it is a thread for adorable cuteness!



I also prefer guinea pigs to most other pet rodents. Rats are pretty good too. Hamsters and gerbils are too small, insane and scared.


I would sort of tend to agree, though our guinea pigs used to be a bit scaredy. Plus that hamster I posted up top is just...not scared. She's quite nice, but can also get a bit boring once you've acquired her cos she just sits there.






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Raining again your cats are adorable! I love their collars, our cat Tetley can't wear collars any more, last time he wore one he somehow got his paw stuck in it!


Thankyou ^_^;


Beanie (the bigger one) hates his collar as well!! We had a fancy name tag done for him and he managed to pull the collar off the dopey bloody cat :p Betty (the baby) hasn't worked out how to pull hers off yet!!

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I love the way rodents clean themselves. Just smooshing their faces. [/weird comment of the day]





round ears ^_^



All along the watchtower



Not so camouflaged






Hey listen!



Judging you



And of course:


This post was mostly for me...I'm feeling meh ^_^

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