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Pokémafia X : The Tournament of Champions


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Yeah EEVIL, I am having the exact same problem. I can name quite a few from the top of my head and I can tell you what they look like even but unfortunately, I don’t know the later Pokemon at all. I am not really familiar with any of them even though my favourite games are Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon Diamond. I have not played Pokemon Black or White yet but I plan on playing them. Maybe it would be a good idea for me to play them and maybe then I would get an idea of what kinds of Pokemon could be in this game.

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No Diageo, I am not making this up. I really hate having to type posts like this into Microsoft Word and thinking up of extended sentences to say just to make them longer but I suppose it is all apart of the fun, right? I was not saying that whoever did this to me is Mafia per se but I would say that if they are Town, they were reckless in just picking someone random. If it was me, I would have waited until I knew or suspected somebody was Mafia. However, I’m happy to say that my curse is now lifted considering I have made 5 posts with at least 100 words.


I can save myself anyway, I can still post as much as I want to! Besides, I'll be busy tomorrow and I'm sure ReZ said that the day lasts 48 hours so I'm doing it all now and then I won't have to worry about it.

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Ohhh, I thought he was highly flammable in the sense of being a pokemon on fire! Now I get it, he's probably a plant type or something weak to fire. Certainly seems interesting that we may have two killers. You aren't by any chance Burned are you Ese? Dunno if ReZ has ever used status effects but could be some sort of hindering power.


Plants aren't flammable, are they? I was thinking more about one of those asshole Pokemon who like to use Self Destruct.


So basically I have been attacked by someone and now I have this curse that I have to make a post that has one hundred words in it five times. It’s rubbish because I don’t really have a lot to say considering that I have targeted nobody, not one single bloody person so I think that this is Mafia work. The reason why I say this is because, thinking quite logically, if I were this person and I had a power such as this, I would be very careful as to not use it unless I knew it was somebody I knew for sure was Mafia. If this is the work of a Town or something, then I can not really see their tactic or their motive behind this.


They could be town, and forced to use the power every night/can't not target anyone in the night? Or indeed mafia, and used it on someone they knew was town just for awkwardness.

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Plants aren't flammable, are they? I was thinking more about one of those asshole Pokemon who like to use Self Destruct.




They could be town, and forced to use the power every night/can't not target anyone in the night? Or indeed mafia, and used it on someone they knew was town just for awkwardness.


I think they are flammable in the games and get a critical hit so I'm not entirely sure.


Also, I was just about to post what you just said after sleeping on it. They could have been forced to do it but I find it somewhat unlikely.

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Plants aren't flammable, are they? I was thinking more about one of those asshole Pokemon who like to use Self Destruct.


Plants are flammable, meaning they can catch fire. Fire type is super effective against bug and grass pokémon who I would class as highly flammable :)


Esequiel, are you a bug or grass type?

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Someone tried to kill me last night. I feel like ReZ the second.


No idea what stopped it, just that I was lucky. And yes I am apparently highly flammable.


The gods showed me mercy and I survived. Sounds like a kill to me.


My target was dyson.


Elsewhere a small highly flammable Pokémon was lucky to survive its fire based ordeal.


Doesn't sound non-threatening. Can you tell us more?

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Putting a townie in the game who must force another player to talk every day sounds exactly like something ReZ would do.


It doesn't really make sense to me that a normal type is described as highly flammable ... I want to hear more from you, Esequiel. Why are you described as highly flammable?


Paj, if you were indeed the attacker, you don't exactly sound like you have good intentions, but it could obviously be one of those "is good, but appears nefarious" roles, even though ReZ said he hates them and finds them incredibly unfair. Still, if you truly were nefarious/evil, I don't see why you'd admit to it, unless it's some ballsy double-bluff. Basically I'm clueless.


So you were roleblocked, how did that help you survive?


I think he means that he was apparently lucky to survive the attack/roleblock/whatever it was.

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