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The new anime and manga thread! [Use Spoiler Tags!]


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What's everybody's opinion on Avatar? I was initially thrown back by the idea of it being originally in English but I've heard great things about it.


Don't know why I stopped right near the end of the show, but fast-forward 5 years and now I can finally say that I finished Avatar: The Last Airbender.




Absolutely amazing show. I'm just surprised that something this great managed to come from Nickelodeon post 90's.


I'm ready for The Legend of Korra now.


I can safely say that I deserved this response, as I am now well into the second season of Avatar: The Last Airbender and really enjoying it. Great series :D I was right though, it definitely finds it's feet about 1/3 of the way into the first season.


Two word summary: Highly recommended.

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Ten episodes of FMA:B left.


Outfuckingstanding. Best anime I've seen by a country mile. Man I hope the end of this doesn't shit the bed.


So glad you are enjoying it. It just gets sooo crazy with the amount of fights that go on. Don't worry, the end doesn't disappoint. :D


FMA:B is just FMA but following the manga right? Is it better than the manga?


Yeah, Brotherhood is just the manga in anime form. I never read the manga so I can't compare them but the anime is well worth a watch. It's sooooo much better than the original series that was churned out.

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FMA:B is just FMA but following the manga right? Is it better than the manga?


I find the manga better for a couple of reasons.


-The first 15 episodes (the first 30 or so manga chapters) are rushed, because they were covered by the previous series already. So, certain scenes seem to come out of nowhere as a result (Ed's sudden outburst against Greed springs to mind).

-Brotherhood's attempts at humour are...weird. In the manga, jokes are used at the end of dramatic scenes, but the anime just puts jokes (hyper-deformed face and everything) in the middle of said scenes while serious music is still playing (though this subsides as the series goes on)


But other than that rocky start, both are recommended.

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Once I learned that the original anime split off from the manga, and was immensely depressing, I never finished it. But I stuck with the manga and loved it until it ended, which wasn't all that long ago really. I think I might just leave it there and not worry about Brotherhood or the first anime :p

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Well I've started part 1 of Robotics; Notes (Part 2 next month), I have to say it's really good, the first 5 episodes are pretty much build up (Good build up mind) but it's started the whole conspiracy stuff up and it's getting really good, I was hoping to make it last but I can't stop myself from watching at times, until it gets really late because I watch anime DVD/Blu Rays just before bed time. I hope it doesn't end on a cliffhanger like Steins; Gate did (Though fortunately I started it after I got both parts in that instance so no waiting for me).

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Just finished FMA, godly.


I didn't want it to end, I want to keep watching these characters and see how everything plays out for them in the future.


Did you like Mustang then? What about Scar? Greed?


When Mustang finally gets a hold of Envy...man, that moment is just awesome. *click*BOOM!*click*BOOM! The fact that he melts Envy's eyes is hilarious.


Speaking of eyes, I was so angry when the SOBs took Mustangs sight. Still didn't stop him from fighting though. :D


What about when Scar is fighting Wrath and you think he's beaten but then BOOYA constructive tattoo on the other arm, bitch!


Ed vs Pride: Kimberly showing up and sorting him out from the inside. Genius.



There's so many good moments and fights in this series. I need to rewatch this!

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Loved the team up of Kakashi and Obito. Guy showing up at the end was a bit random but very welcome. We are still no further forward in finding out who the hell that was approaching Sasuke.


Really not enjoying Obito's sudden talk no jutsu change. Everything he did can not be forgiven, and now they're working with him and he's going to save Naruto?...


Was really hoping the title - The Two Mangekyous meant we'd see who approached Sasuke. I'd fooled myself into hoping it was Itachi.



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Once I saw that pointless Rin-filled flashback begin, I knew Mr. Foot was going have to wait for at least another week. But at least we now know that Guy is going to go all-out next week which is a big plus in my books.


Anyway Sawyer's review was better than this weeks' chapter in my opinion.



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So, the latest chapters...




Usopp you pussy, what did you do for 2 years?!!!


Also, only got the last 5 episodes of FMA Brotherhood left to watch. I have thoroughly enjoyed it but think it's not as good as some make it out to be. Still very good mind!


Also reading Kingdom, managed to get through all 340 chapters in a week, whilst keeping up to date with so much other stuff too. Really enjoying it, it's worth a read.

Edited by Kav
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I know it's mostly Naruto manga fans here, but anyone still watching Shippuuden? There's a filler arc on right now which, and I don't think I've ever said this before, is actually pretty good.


I've really enjoyed this filler, until last weeks episode which was poor. Although there's potential to tell Tenzo/Yamato's back story which could be interesting.

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So, the latest chapters...




Usopp you pussy, what did you do for 2 years?!!!


I thought it was good this week. We finally get to see Mr. Foot.


Guy had some good panel time, Lee came back and that will surely mean that Tenten will make a fighting return (most likely with those legendary weapons).



The past few chapters were pretty solid but this week was great in my opinion.


Luffy, Zoro & Law! missed those guys!


Franky has been going solo for this entire arc and it's great to see it continue.


We finally know what Kinemon was doing now, oh man, him disguised as Doffy with Ussop running away had me laughing! Although, I think he'll definitely make a brave return.


Oda has kept us in the dark with Sanji & co and I can only see that leading to something HUGE! He must surely be saving up a massive chapter for that!


Some of my highlights of this chapter:




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