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I’ve played games for a very long time now. My earliest memories go back to something like ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ on the Atari, which was released in 1982. I’ve played games nearly every day of my life and even now as an adult nothing has changed. It wasn’t until my late teens that I began understanding games a lot more in terms of design etc. I’ve owned all major consoles and handhelds and have played every type of genre available, but to this day there has been one thing that has always bugged me. No matter how many websites you go on or how many forums you scan, the term “Hardcore†is generally used to describe someone who plays games a lot. But what does “Hardcore†actually mean? Not once in my twenty six years of gaming (give or take a year or two ;P) have I described myself as a Hardcore gamer. So what type of gamer am I? Am I just simply a gamer? But what does that imply? Am I a casual gamer? What does that imply? Below I’ve listed what I believe are the categories people fall into when trying to decide what type of gamer you are and as you can see, I’ve added a new category, one that I place myself in.


None Gamer

Someone who has heard about videogames but doesn’t really play them or has played one or two games a long time ago.

Casual Gamer

Someone who knows little if anything about the industry.

Someone who plays games occasionally but only as a momentary past time.

Someone who has no real opinion about games apart from uneducated reviews about the games that they have played.


Someone who plays videogames as a hobby and past time.

Someone who knows about the industry in general sense.

Someone who has played many genres.

Someone who reads and/or watches the occasional magazine, website or videogame related media.

Hardcore Gamer

Someone who plays videogames constantly.

Someone who sticks to certain genres and IP’s.

Someone who constantly reads and/or watches videogame related media.

Someone who op’s for a certain design choice over others i.e. graphics, sound, controls etc.

Someone whose opinion can be one minded and sometimes ignorant.

Truecore Gamer

Someone who knows about the games industry whether it’s generally or excessively.

Someone who appreciates all genres and designs even if they don’t appeal to themselves.

Someone who plays games whether it’s casually or excessively.

Someone whose opinion is open minded and informed.

Someone who reads and/or watches videogame related media whether it’s casually or excessively.

Someone who’s open to change and gives constructive criticism and/or opinions.


Now, like with all things these are only my opinions and views. They are neither correct nor incorrect, they are just opinions. You don’t even have to fit into every category listed underneath the main titles. So what type of gamer would you class yourself as? Please by all means give your own opinions on my choices and thoughts in each category. Argue about some, agree about some or just go meh lol.

Since my late teens I’ve classed myself as a Truecore gamer. I dislike football games like FIFA and Pro Evo, but I appreciate and understand as football games go they are great for people who like football, so as football games they are the Zelda’s of that genre. I have no favourite genre as all of them and even those that can’t technically be classed in any genre, have great games within them. I loved Halo 1 but disliked the rest, but can understand why people continued to like them.

When people say Nintendo games are just for kids, they are simply being ignorant to the games design. Donkey Kong Country Returns is for all ages but trust me, I struggled to complete that bad boy and I love to see a kid fully complete that game. When I saw the Wii-U for the first time I didn’t get upset or excited, I was merely like ‘ok Nintendo now have a HD machine with a controller that can pretty much everything, let’s wait and see what they do with this machine’, then my mind starting creating potential new designs and evolutions of current designs; that’s when I started to get excited.

I could go on forever about many games, genres etc etc but I’d love to hear your opinion. Are you fed up of being stereotyped as a Hardcore gamer who do you simply just not care lol let me know people.


That's a nice post there, if I was to class myself I'd say I'm a "Truecore Gamer". I love gaming, I like keeping tabs on the industry and I do appreciate all games (Racing Sims are not for me but I can see why people love them... same goes with pretty much most RPG's, especially those that have a turn-based battle system).


I'd make a longer post if I wasn't posting off my mobile, but as I say; nice post man!


That's one thing I forgot to mention, good point Coolness Bears. In some ways i'm contradicting myself. I mention I hate being classed as a "Hardcore gamer" as it's a form of sterotyping yet i've still created a list designed to be put people in a certain catagory.

So you make a valid point Coolness Bears, you don't have to be classed under any of these tiltles, you could just purely like playing games without affiliating yourself with such common used titles.

  Coolness Bears said:
I wouldn't be so concerned with labels personally. :)


I play and like games, I don't care what type of gamer people may think I am.


You're a player, Coolness. Not a gamer. ;)


I agree. Labels are not good. I don't use them either.


Me, I don't like labels. I like playing games, I like the games and genres I like, and that's it.


If anything, I'd rather be described as someone who likes/loves videogames and stop there.


  DemonHunter said:

Someone who knows about the games industry whether it’s generally or excessively.

Someone who appreciates all genres and designs even if they don’t appeal to themselves.

Someone whose opinion is open minded and informed.

Someone who’s open to change and gives constructive criticism and/or opinions.


These aren't the marks of a "Truecore Gamer"...


These are the marks of an intelligent and pleasant person :)

(though your wording requires them to also have a certain amount of knowledge of videogames)


I'm a gamer who looks forward to the credits for it usually holds some sort of medley/epic piece of music and sometimes even refelcts upon all the things you have encountered during your game.

I'm a gamer who went from Sony to NINTENDO and never looked back.

I'm a gamer who cries when the game is over (credits music sometimes has this effect on me)

I'm a gamer who thinks it's sad that games such as Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, Rhythm Paradise, Chrono Trigger, Metroid Prime Trilogy, and a whole bunch of other works of art get overlooked by the masses.

I'm a gamer who wets himself when Reggie/Iwata announces yet another iteration of one of their popular franchises.

I'm a gamer who hooks up his (3)DS to an audio installation and blow myself away with epic tunes of a new game I just got.

I'm a gamer who thinks that there's not enough balance between classic franchises, new innovative software, and realistic games.

I'm a gamer who sees games as a form of art.

I'm a gamer who appreciates innovative tech in the business, such as Kinect or the WiiMote.


and, most of all...


I am a gamer who simply adores NINTENDO!

Posted (edited)
  Coolness Bears said:
Wow! how come you went from Sony to Nintendo?


I could not see you as anything else but a nintendo lover. :p


As I am 19 years of age, it is impossible for me to have experienced the NINTENDO/SEGA wars, or even the launch of the NES/SNES.


So my gaming tale began with PC gaming.

I do not remember all the titles I played in the DOS-era, but one of my favourite titles from those times is Maniac Mansion: The Day of The Tentacle

A great point-and-click game with witty dialogue and time travel mechanics. This particular game also taught me a lot about the English langauge. Ah, I still remember me asking my parents what words such as 'push', 'pull', or 'coöperation' meant.


As time went by, I got into the whole GameBoy/Pokémon craze. I became one with all the secrets of Pokémon Blue, and with other games for my GameBoy (ported Donkey Kong Country 3, Tetris) but I still had little to no affinity with the NINTENDO brand.


I believe that at my primary school a SNES was stationed, and before hours started, kids could have a go at Super Mario World and the like. Never really had a thorough go at that though; 't was always too crowded. This was, however, the first time I properly got to see a sidescrolling Mario game.


Further along my timeline I see my older nephew showcasing his Playstation with Crash Bandicoot at my grandma's. This probably influenced my purchase of my very first home console, you guessed it, a Playstation. Boy did that thing grand me some great times with games like Crash Bandicoot, MicroManiacs(one of my all time favourites!), Tekken 3, and some cheap/crappy games if I look at them now, but then they were alright:blush: HEY LISTEN! I didn't have a lot of money those days:laughing:

I sure am glad to have been able to play MicroManiacs though. I think that no game to date has ever touched the concept that game boasted. (You should google it)


Now I did get a bit of NINTENDO puddin' during those days, for a friend of mine who lived next door had a N64 on which we played the likes of Pokémon Stadium, and ........probably Mario 64. I don't remember a whole lot of playing with that thing, because this friend preferred to play outside ....:nono:


Now let's see, where was I, oh yeah: Playstation. After a few years with that thing, naturally, I upgraded to a Playstation 2, and that thing brought me joy after joy after joy.

I discovered the Ratchet&Clanck series (still have a spot reserved for them in my heart), the GTA series, Gran Turismo (which helped me discover that I am not a fan of serious racing games), Tekken 4, and probably more which I can't remember.


Mind you, the Playstation 2 wasn't my only source of gaming pleasure. I did managed to upgrade to a GameboyColour (with Pokémon Gold, I thank you, and a cartridge with 11 smaller games on it, though it did also hold Pokémon Pinball) and I still hadn't let go of PC gaming, which held my interest with Battlefield: Vietnam(a game that had to fill the void that was left after the best days of my online FPS life I once had with the Medal of Honour series), and a little gem Ubisoft liked to call Rayman: Hoodlum Havoc. Another game which is up there in my top 10.


Now I know what your thinking: When, OH WHEN!, did ol' Fusedy jump on board the S.S. NINTENDO ?


: peace:I'll tell you all about it right now!: peace:


The S.S. NINTENDO was eagerly awaiting my arrival, but had to wait a little while longer just yet.


As I had dropped out of football I was looking for a new sport to take part in, which eventually became badminton. (bear with me)

Now it just so happened that an old friend living near my house was a member of a local badminton club, which was a reason for me to approach him and tell him that we could head to upcoming training sessions together.

We sort of became friends again ('sort of', in the sense that he was quite the annoying character) and eventually I ended up in his household where a Gamecube was stationed.


And there it was.


The first ever NINTENDO Home Console that I would soon grace with my attention from time to time, for it wasn't mine of course...


Now, this 'friend' wasn't really all that passionate about Gamecube gaming, he preferred to collect figurines for his Warhammer hobby. That's why I only got to play/see Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart: Double Dash, and Mario Tennis as representatives of NINTENDO's new console. Now keep in mind that most of the other franchises probably already had an outing on the Gamecube, but this 'friend' wasn't really that up-to-date when it came to that.


Now, what I am about to tell you might just induce a slight giggle, or even an outburst of laughter within you.


The Gamecube games I experienced had that which I later learned to be called 'NINTENDO charm'. It was this particular charm that made me think that I would be better off if I just sold my Playstation 2 along with its games and buy myself a shiny purple Gamecube.

Nothing funny about that, I know, but here's the punchline: The game that I remember to be responsable for me choosing the path of NINTENDO

was, ....

in fact, .......




To this day I still do not recall exactly why, it also might've been a cumulation of all that NINTENDO charm, but this particular game provided me with so much fun, that I knew I had to have a Gamecube and discover more of this so-called NINTENDO magic for myself.


Thus, I sold my Playstation 2 along with all its games, and switched to the Gamecube, which was now probably in its final year before the Wii.


Now you can imagine that I had quite a vast array of games to choose from, and you're absolutely right! However, I still didn't get around to buying some of the classics such as F-Zero or StarFox

Notable games that I did get were:

  • Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door (made me an enthusiast for Mario RPGs ever since)
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker
  • Mario Kart: Double Dash
  • Goldeneye: Rogue Agent (I had the time of my life with this game and friends comparable to what most people say they experienced with the original Goldeneye on the N64 with friends:laughing:)
  • Mario Party 6
  • Mario Party 7


Great times, great tim- oh, I just heard your thoughts again: What about the regular upgrading on the portable front? WHAT ABOUT THE GAMEBOY ADVANCE, FUSED?!?!?!


Well, ....

I once made the fortuitous mistake of declining an offer by my parents to buy a Gameboy Advance for me at the airport before we went on holiday. I did this, because the last thing I heard was that the GameboyColour was the next big thing, so I kind of thought I would be the odd one out if I came back with a Gameboy Advance to show to my friends:laughing:

Of course, this wasn't the case, but why this was a fortuitous mistake I shall tell you now.


If I didn't decline their offer, I would probably have spend a lot of money on absolutely ace Gameboy Advance games. Being stuck with the GameboyColour, this pushed me to look for alternatives to play games like Pokémon Sapphire, Mario&Luigi: Superstar Saga, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, Advance Wars series, and even The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

The alternative presented itself to me in the form of an emulator on my PC.


So, as you can see, NINTENDO was now even infiltrating my PC.


Now the story is making progress.:hehe:


The last game I played on my PC was Company of Heroes; a WOII RTS. In fact, I played a few RTSs on my PC and have since been longing for some form of RTS from NINTENDO.

Pikmin came close, it has the NINTENDO charm, but it isn't an actual RTS as we all know.


Anyway, by the time the original NINTENDO DS came out, and the NINTENDO Wii a year later, I was a fully converted NINTENDO gamer; playing catch-up with all those iconic franchises NINTENDO and co. had pumped out over the years (Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Kirby, etc...) and I'm still doing so to this day.


Of course, I am cutting corners here and there, for I shan't commit myself to hunt down EVERY Kirby game in existence, nor would I do that for any of the other franchises. To discuss which games I have played and which games I have not is a whole other story for a different time:wink:


What I will show you though, are some of the games which I hold in very high esteem and also take up a warm place in my heart.:hug::heart:

Between the brackets is the system I played the game on for the first time.

In no particular order:


  • Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door (GC)
  • Mario&Luigi: Superstar Saga (emulator)
  • Micro Maniacs (PS1)
  • Crash Bandicoot (PS1)
  • GTA: San Andreas (PS2)
  • Rayman: Hoodlum Havoc (PC)
  • Little King's Story (Wii)
  • Modern Castlevania series for the DS
  • Resident Evil 4 (GC)
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker (GC)
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (emulator)
  • Maniac Mansion: The Day of The Tentacle (DOS)
  • Advance Wars series (emulator + DS)
  • Rhythm Paradise (DS)
  • Professor Layton series (DS)
  • Ratchet&Clanck series (PS2)
  • Medal of Honour: Allied Assault (PC)


And that, my dear children, is Fused King's gaming tale up untill now.


A tale of a man switching sides, and never looking back.


: peace:

Edited by Fused King

I think you've hit the nail on the head there Fused King; what type of gamer are you; there is a famous quote from Ghost in the Shell, which pretty much defines everyone.


"There are countless ingredients that make up the human body and mind, like all the components that make up me as an individual with my own personality. Sure, I have a face and voice to distinguish myself from others, but my thoughts and memories are unique only to me, and I carry a sense of my own destiny. Each of those things are just a small part of it. I collect information to use in my own way. All of that blends to create a mixture that forms me and gives rise to my conscience"


What type of gamer are you? No title is needed, you just simply are.


Amazing post Fused King, best I've seen this year. Thanks for taking the time to type up that EPIC reply. :D Since you have told me your tale I will tell you mine:


It might not be as dramatic as there was no switch from Playstation to Nintendo but as a fellow Nintendo Erectie I want to share my experiences with YOU!


My days of gaming began on the Sega Megadrive and the PC.


One of the first experiences is my next door neighbours Megadrive when I was about 3 and played Sonic The Hedgehog which is why I have a massive soft spot for his games even today including Sonic Heroes, the cheesiest of games. Also this game with a kid and magic books which I no longer remember the name of.


Meanwhile in my house on the computer I played Batman, This circus game and Rainbow Islands which blew my mind with its crazy tunes and colourful adventures! :grin:


I also had friends who had a whole host of consoles. Early on I was playing Virtua Fighter on the Sega Saturn on a black and white TV, Smackdown on the PS1, Sonic Adventure 2 on the Dreamcast and Goldeneye on the N64.


I was thrown into a love of games, I just found them all mesmerising to play., It was time I wanted a console of my very own!


So with my Birthday Money I bought a Gameboy Colour when it was first released! It was so shiny and new until I dropped it on the front doorstep just before I got in the house, I'd only had it for about half an hour. The chip still remains to this day. :heart:


It was here where I grew my love for Nintendo by sheer chance, I was recommended the game Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening. I had no idea what a Zelda was at the time and got very confused as to why you played a character called Link and WHAT WAS GOING ON? THE HELL IS A WIND FISH? TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!?


I sat down and played it in glorious colour and got wrapped in this marvellous quest. :yay:


I then being a child of the 90's and on my way to becoming a strong videogame nerd got Pokemon again I was confused by these weird creatures displayed on my screen, all I knew was that this was awesome!


but what is a lonely child going to do once the batteries run out surely something else can fill my time?


BAM! I saved up my money again and bought an N64 a little late to the party but I got it bundled with Pokemon Snap. I remember crying when I tried to plug it in all by myself and failed. I JUST WANTED THE GOODNESS THAT WAS CONTAINED WITH IN.


Then the now familiar Pokemon music kicked in on my TV and I was hooked! Ocarina of Time was purchased and my favourite game was born! :bouncy:


You would think by now that being familiar with the Pokemon Franchises and Zelda. (and Mario but that is a whole other story.)


That I was a HUGE Nintendo fan, nothing could break my ties with the company.


I didn't have an alliance with them yet however and things could have taken a very different direction. The Playstation 2 and Gamecube came out. I could afford neither so I continued playing my N64.


Lets not forget in the background I was still playing Jazz Jack Rabbit/Worms 2 Armageddon on the computer. :)


My friends parents wanted a DVD player and so thought my friend thought he would combine the two with a playstation 2 so he'd get a console as well!


Then he found getting the gamecube and a DVD player separately would be cheaper and so went with that. I went round to his to play this new machine and instantly fell in love with it!


Countless hours where drifted away playing Smash Bros and a whole host of Nintendo Delights. I finally found a cheap one on Ebay and took the opportunity to lap it up.


It's from here on in that I never really looked back. (until 2008) I bought Wind Waker which was visually stunning and a whole host of gamecube games over the years F-Zero, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, Soul Calibur 2 but also the best, greatest most funest party game of all time:




Equally I had upgraded to the Gameboy Advance and was experiencing the magnificent Yoshi's Island.


The DS was announced and this time I didn't have enough money at all and my mum said I couldn't get one. Then on the day it was released my mum had secretly gone off and queued up at midnight for it and bought it for me. HAPPIEST DAY EVER. I was uber excited to have it in my hands. Christmas had come early. :santa:


I then saw the Wii announced and needed it straight away so again saved up all my money, again. Bought it, loved it but then...SOMETHING STRUCK.


My friend bought a 360 and for the first time I felt something was missing. Gears Of War was extremely fun and then Mass Effect came along and I felt the Wii lacked the BIG feel of these games and I felt I needed something to provide me with a different type of game. I was never gonna get rid of my Wii though as I was still enjoying it greatly.


My mum also didn't see why I needed a new console. "They are exactly the same."


Eventually in 2008 Gears of War 2 was gonna be released so I begged and saved more money and Got my Xbox bundled with Gears of War 1 and 2.


So is this the end for Nintendo?


Nope. :p I still bought most of my games for my now Nintendo DS Lite. I loved it to bits. I think I'm a bigger handheld gamer because there was no stopping me. I currently have 36 DS titles but I have sold many.


Then 2010, E3, a mega announcement. GAMES IN 3D. yesyesyesyesyesyesyes.


I had to have it, it wasn't a matter of saving this time it was matter of life or death. I was going to buy one whether I had the money or not. I'd starve for the 3DS.


I love my 3DS more than I love my non existant children.


I'd like to say I'm not getting the Wii U but lets face it I am because I can't stop gaming.


It is written with in me and will never disappear.


I am infactuated with games. pure and simple and will be for the rest of my life. : peace: : peace: : peace:


So what you're saying is that you're the kind of gamer who is addicted to it and needs help but doesn't want any, and you would sell your children for a new iteration of Zelda?:laughing:




Coolness Bears! You a Cool Bear!


That is exactly what I am saying. :laughing:


It's quite effective parenting I find:


"Behave nicely otherwise Daddy's gonna trade you over for a Donkey Kong Arcade Machine."




I need to play my Wii more though, I think I'll boot it up after a bite to eat. :heart: Once Nintendo start providing me with downloadable meals. I will never leave my room.


Going by your definition I would call myself a "truecore" gamer, although I would prefer some genre's over others. I don't like FPS games as much as platformers but I love bioshock, half-life 2 and portal. I prefer intelligent fps games(even metroid if you will)


For me the Xbox360 appeals a lot less to me as a console.


I'd write a long thing like Fused, but I've not the patience.


Over the years, in each generation, I've changed the company I have the console of (or which my primary console is when it comes to the current Gen) :


Sega -> Sony -> Nintendo -> Xbox

  Kurtle Squad said:
I'd write a long thing like Fused, but I've not the patience.


Over the years, in each generation, I've changed the company I have the console of (or which my primary console is when it comes to the current Gen) :


Sega -> Sony -> Nintendo -> Xbox


The exact same path I took! :D Except with Atari in front of it.

Posted (edited)

I'm a Casualcore Gamer.


Chose a definition of your liking for that. See, everyone can make up definitions and categorizations! :)


And in the end, they're worth shit, as long as everyone has fun. :heh:


Edit: Speaking of this, apparently we're all by definition not real gamers because we play with Nintendo toys - says some angry gamer girl.

Edited by Burny

lol I love it Burny. One thing I've learnt from creating this topic is that people actually don't like to be put into categories, it was one of the main reason I created this topic to see people's responses by giving them options and titles.

I think we can all agree that whether you play games constantly, casually or moderately, we all simply like games.

Perhaps this has also taught us not to class some games into their own categories. People complain that there are not enough "core" titles on the Wii, but what does that mean exactly? Is Mario and Sonic at the Olympics a core title? What about Kirby's Epic Yarn or Endless ocean?

There has been some good replies on this topic and certainly some that I didn't expect like people's gaming life stories lol but all interesting none the less.

  DemonHunter said:
lol I love it Burny. One thing I've learnt from creating this topic is that people actually don't like to be put into categories, it was one of the main reason I created this topic to see people's responses by giving them options and titles.

I think we can all agree that whether you play games constantly, casually or moderately, we all simply like games.

Perhaps this has also taught us not to class some games into their own categories. People complain that there are not enough "core" titles on the Wii, but what does that mean exactly? Is Mario and Sonic at the Olympics a core title? What about Kirby's Epic Yarn or Endless ocean?

There has been some good replies on this topic and certainly some that I didn't expect like people's gaming life stories lol but all interesting none the less.


I get it, buddy, you're just being social, ... basically. : peace:


Mate how I personally see it as is that you have 'passionate gamers' (people who've been playing games for a long time, or/and who just sincerely loves games and perhaps also has interest towards the industry), whether you prefer to refer to this as 'hardcore gamer' (afterall, your love/passion/appreciation for games is hard to the core, isn't it? :laughing: ) or 'game addict' (this one can be quite offensive lol but if used in a good way like "I'm addicted to the gym" then it's all good, yis? :D) or whatever the title that you choose to use as a substitute for 'passionate gamer' - or someone who loves games :wink: - then I don't really see the huge problem about being catergorised? ::shrug:


I obviously understand that these titles aren't really important but it's simply terms used to distinguish particular crowds within the gaming enviornment. Unless it's specificity that drives gamers insane. Ooh, there's another one, ... does the title 'gamer' annoy gamers? Or is it just when you define the word to the bone and recieve several other relating titles? :idea:


If a horny casual gamer enjoys playing, say, Wii Dare, and plays similar games (party titles) loads and maybe has been doing so for years then wouldn't that horny casual gamer be a horny hardcore gamer? Or would the catergory be a 'Horny Hardcore Casual Gamer'? That gamer loves his/her games just as much as goony geeks enjoy their little Pilotwings, Sims, Sims Pets, Nintendogs + Cats, Professor Latons, Animal Crossings etc etc :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Or are they 'Casual Games'? Well I'll use the usual suspects then which are your Marios, Zeldas, CoDs, FiFas, Pros, Final Fantasys etc etc.


Basically I believe that you're a passionate gamer if you play games that you actually enjoy :laughing: (meaning the art within the game just needs to be supported by your hard earned rupees, not devouring any shit just because that you're a 'games addict' :laughing: ) and it's a main hobby of yours just as much as - or ultimately more than - other forms of art that you have as your hobby. :grin: (Sports, drawing, reading, cooking, movies, history interest, exploring etc etc 'art' can be related to many things!!! :bouncy: )

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