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Football Season 2011/2012


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The King has fallen. Liverpool part company with Kenny Dalgleish.




To anyone who says he needs more time (i.e. @MadDog). He's had 18 months and did nothing apart from win a Carling Cup. He signed a load of duds for far too much money and came below Everton in the Premier League table for the first time since...?

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The King has fallen. Liverpool part company with Kenny Dalgleish.




To anyone who says he needs more time (i.e. @MadDog). He's had 18 months and did nothing apart from win a Carling Cup. He signed a load of duds for far too much money and came below Everton in the Premier League table for the first time since...?


You just beat me to it. 3 of his 5 dud signings will probably be playing for England in the Euros.

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The owners will be in the bad books now.


If the fans had any sense they would be in their good books as they've done the right thing by getting rid of him! He's been shocking. Hodgson's record at WBA is almost as good as his at Liverpool. :heh:


@MadDog isn't the only Liverpool fan around these parts :heh:


It's all very well sacking the manager for underachieving this season and signing players who haven't performed but who do we get in to replace him? ::shrug:


Martinez or Lambert?


AVB? :heh:

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Unbelievable....I'd say Adam Johnson should be in there over Downing....not had an outstanding season but has certainly had stand out moment compared to Downing....


Here is an interesting stat;


Adam Johnson PL stats: 26 apps, 6 goals. Andy Carroll & Stewart Downing combined stats: 71 apps, 4 goals.


Beggars belief.


I was gonna say, Johnson should really be in the team. He seems to make a great impact sub at city, don't see why he can't do the same for England. And he's been good in the qualifiers when he's been capped for england.


Good to see Defoe in the squad, he's been great this season, dunno why Harry hasn't used him more.


I guess Carroll and a few of the others were picked for the future? Probably not going to win the thing, may aswell give the players a bit of international tournament experience and that for the world cup. Hence no Crouch of Holt. Probably?


Actual question: Hasn't Gerrard been injured half the season / off form lately? Is he back now then? Seems like a bit of a risk. Though he was immense in the world cup.


Aso: Wheeeyyy Kenny!

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Early betting says Rafa. You know who else has done bad lately and is still in a job. Harry Redknapp. Court distractions, flirting with the England job, I could be wrong but I think I heard their form since Christmas was only worsened by Wolves. From challenging for the title to stumbling into 4th and still may not get Champions League football next year which could see some of their best players like Modric leaving.

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What I say is true. You don't always get what you deserve and sometimes you get more than you deserve. Liverpool were better than 8th but had alot of bad luck. Chelsea on the other hand, stink, don't deserve anything and yet they're in a Champion League final. They've had all the luck. Hopefully that luck tank has now run dry.

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I was gonna say, Johnson should really be in the team. He seems to make a great impact sub at city, don't see why he can't do the same for England. And he's been good in the qualifiers when he's been capped for england.


Good to see Defoe in the squad, he's been great this season, dunno why Harry hasn't used him more.


I guess Carroll and a few of the others were picked for the future? Probably not going to win the thing, may aswell give the players a bit of international tournament experience and that for the world cup. Hence no Crouch of Holt. Probably?


Actual question: Hasn't Gerrard been injured half the season / off form lately? Is he back now then? Seems like a bit of a risk. Though he was immense in the world cup.


Aso: Wheeeyyy Kenny!


Yes about Johnson my views exactly. As for Carroll and the future, I'm kinda sick of this writing off of the euros. It's happened in the past with this notion ahhh its alright we will be ready for the world cup. Then we go and do fuck all at the world cup two years later. The euros are major tournament and sure the group stages can end up tougher than the world cups, it can be won!


Gerrard is a risk yes in that respect especially with Rio having been left out for footballing reasons despite playing more games this season that any in the last 4. There probably is a viewpoint that when fit Gerrard is fitter that Rio Ferdinand and can withstand the rigours of tournament football.

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What I say is true. You don't always get what you deserve and sometimes you get more than you deserve. Liverpool were better than 8th but had alot of bad luck. Chelsea on the other hand, stink, don't deserve anything and yet they're in a Champion League final. They've had all the luck. Hopefully that luck tank has now run dry.


Bad luck? In what regard?


I find I have to humour your posts to find out just how wrong you really are.

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Bad luck? In what regard?


I find I have to humour your posts to find out just how wrong you really are.


Bad luck of the goal posts being the correct size and not a foot wider so 40 of their off target shots would be goals.

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Fucking devastated. Not happy at all, but understandable from FSG's point of view.


I'm was 100% behind giving King Kenny another season, but whatever.


Sometimes i wonder why i even care about football. I'm all for loyalty and patience, but absolutely nobody has it anymore and it's just getting tiring. On the first day of the new season, it'll be our 4th different manager in 4 seasons.


FSG can do what they want, I'll back whoever it is. Bielsa or Klopp would be nice appointments.


Massively disappointed at Steve Clarke resigning, mad a huge difference and turned our defence into what it is now, did wonders for Skrtel, who's now one of the best CBs in the league.


Bad luck? In what regard?


I find I have to humour your posts to find out just how wrong you really are.


He's talking 100% sense. We deserved alot more out of alot of games.

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Fucking devastated. Not happy at all, but understandable from FSG's point of view.


I'm was 100% behind giving King Kenny another season, but whatever.


Sometimes i wonder why i even care about football. I'm all for loyalty and patience, but absolutely nobody has it anymore and it's just getting tiring. On the first day of the new season, it'll be our 4th different manager in 4 seasons.


FSG can do what they want, I'll back whoever it is. Bielsa or Klopp would be nice appointments.


Massively disappointed at Steve Clarke resigning, mad a huge difference and turned our defence into what it is now, did wonders for Skrtel, who's now one of the best CBs in the league.




He's talking 100% sense. We deserved alot more out of alot of games.


I know you're in a very sad place right now so I'll let your silly talk slide ;)

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I'm surprised Gerrard is even in the squad, let alone Captain! #Dissapointed


England started to play better/a different more attacking game, during that peroid last year when quite a few of the old-guard were out; I'd have preferred that continued for the prospect of the future.

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I'm surprised Gerrard is even in the squad, let alone Captain! #Dissapointed


England started to play better/a different more attacking game, during that peroid last year when quite a few of the old-guard were out; I'd have preferred that continued for the prospect of the future.


Imagine if Wilshere had been fit this season. :(

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Sometimes i wonder why i even care about football. I'm all for loyalty and patience, but absolutely nobody has it anymore and it's just getting tiring. On the first day of the new season, it'll be our 4th different manager in 4 seasons.


Become an Arsenal fan, we'll have our manager until his death probably, that's loyalty for ya! :p

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Right, where to start?


I have a few issues with that England team list. For a start, can't believe Richards didn't get in. How Johnson is rated above him is anyone's guess. This is coming from a United fan, so it pains me to recommend a City player.


Secondly, Carroll ahead of Sturridge and Crouch? As a "planning for the future" idea it fails because Sturridge has a lot of potential, too. As a "doing well at the Euros" idea, it also fails because Crouch has a great record. It doesn't work on either level.


Thirdly, no Carrick? Henderson getting in ahead of Carrick? Are you fucking joking? Carrick has been great for United all season and has possibly had his best season for the club, bar his first. Henderson has been below par for Liverpool all season. Only Liverpool fans like him.


Next, no Ferdinand, but it's fine to take Terry? The man who almost cost his team a Champions League Final, the man involved in a racist row and a man who captained his team to a place outside of the Champions League? I can understand maybe not taking Rio due to his long term injury issue, but he has played many games this season, the most for years. He has played far better than Terry.


This next one is an absolute joke. Putting Downing into the squad. Just...terrible. Adam Johnson has played better and he's had far less opportunities than Downing. Why isn't he selected?


Also, I can't help but look at that goalkeeper selection and feel worried. Joe Hart is obviously first choice, but everything after that is worrying. Basically, if anything happens to Hart, we're fucked.


As for Kenny Dalglish getting sacked: Can't really fault that call. Yes, he has won a trophy, but at the expense of the league. That's putting it mildly.

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