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007 Mafia Game


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lol helpful asian could be Oddjob? :laughing:


I think we can trust Flink but it might be worth looking into him tonight.


You've had some bad luck with the random number generator then :hmm: I'm surprised that you don't get to choose your targets...


last part was @ Dannyboy, obvs.


^ Day seven :p

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Ironically, I was telling the truth for most of the game. I did protect pretty much every night, bar Esequiel's death where I claimed to have protected myself. :heh:


Also, the two times where I didn't protect Diageo and Yvonne were the nights where we had to kill them off. It was hard to try to come up with stories about those ones. In hindsight, we should have killed elsewhere, since these inevitably lead to my lynching.

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I was always sceptical of your character claim though, Flink! All the characters I had heard of, apart from yours - that meant you were lying in my eyes!


Hehe. It was hard trying to think of a good cover for Oddjob. I mean, he's asian, very short, is a bodyguard and wears suits.


In the end, I thought Lieutenant Hip was the best like for like. He's all of those (apparantly only an inch taller than Oddjob/the actor that plays him). He's Thai, so I thought that would cover for the asian part. Plus, in the film, Hip is an agent (wears a suit) and helps Bond out, so I thought I could pass him off as a protector character.


I don't necessarily think the claim was bad. It fitted all of the info and was a legitimate character. It's just a shame that nobody asked who I was until the last 2 days, because it made me look dodgy. I came up with this cover on day 1. :heh:

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Man... Like, I'm seriously pleased with this result :P


I spent most of teh game being distracted with real life... sat on here and read through the WHOLE thread and BAM. WAS soooo sure it HAD to be flink. Don't get me wrong, he played fantastically, but heroijan made a great assumption earlier in the thread (essentially the nights flink didn't protect diageo were the ones diageo was harmed) that really did it for me. Didn't realise you spotted the oddjob, peeps - I certainly must've subconsciously seen you say that -- it just fitted so much better than his random role claim.


Was SOOO frustrated when people ignored my requests to lynch flink, and SOOO frustrated taht I couldn't cast a vote myself. EEVIL was so preoccupied with tales the last few phases and seemed to lead us round in circles a bit that I genuinely thought it could've been him too... Hell I thought it could've been ANYONE.


Pleased that you decided not to rob any of us of victory, flink :) The last several phrases were extremely tense; I was sat here refreshing the page for ages.


Well done nintendohnut for keeping the tension rising 'til the end. Proud to have won this game :)


Tiger Tanaka ftw!


I neer mentined it but if I interrogated people (as I did mr-paul one night) I'd appear evil if investigated. I just really wanted to NOT be found evil by mistake so just boosted most of the game... Never really saw much from that though (sorry nintendohnut if I didn't do your role justice).


Yeha..... YEAH! Woo :P

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Well done nintendohnut for keeping the tension rising 'til the end.

Haha :D

I neer mentined it but if I interrogated people (as I did mr-paul one night) I'd appear evil if investigated. I just really wanted to NOT be found evil by mistake so just boosted most of the game... Never really saw much from that though (sorry nintendohnut if I didn't do your role justice).


Yeha..... YEAH! Woo :P


You did mention it :p I am delighted at winning this game too. I loved my role, giving presents to everyone. The last two or three days NO ONE had a fecking alibi xD I was suspicious of Flink for many days, and someone gave out to me for saying it at one stage, but then when it was crunch time I wanted hard evidence :blush:

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I dislike being redirected to kill myself.


I thought this was a pretty god damn fantastic first game from Dohnut. I only have...one real criticism, and that is that I think the Mafia having a dedicated killer (and not being able to choose....as it started out at) makes it very difficult/no wriggle room. Of course it didn't matter in the end because I killed myself. :p


But yeah, great game.


And Diageo; We actually discussed against targeting you on the first night, we specifically said that we wouldn't, but then....we changed our minds. But it wasn't my idea, it wasn't some revenge ploy or something. However when you did die later on it was. ;)

Edited by ReZourceman
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Man fuck you flink robbing me of a near certain win :/


I must say I lost it at the end though, I was so confused about who was good and evil and to be honest I had myself convinced that peeps was mafia and was willing the last 2 days for someone to take him out!


Well played town :)

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I did start to bring Flink back up in my suspicions once I saw dead mafia viewing the thread. They only do that when they're being voted out :p but the only thing that pushed him above EEVIL was when herojan said that ReZ appeared good which meant that EEVIL would not have that power.


These roles were awesome Nintendohnut. The fact that no one was really sure if we were doing the right thing shows how balanced the game was. I loved how at the end we were all trawling through the thread, looking for clues and we found something suspicious about everyone!

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I might as well reveal myself now: I was Blofeld, leader of the mafia. :D I was pretty pleased with my roleclaim, but it was hard to defend myself at that point.


I was convinced for a long time that EEVIL was a townie traitor and knew who we were/had access to our forum, because his actions just followed ours far too well for it to be a coincidence. And right after I had pitched this theory on the mafia forum, he added a vote for the same person we were voting for, and that convinced me completely.


Then he put the final vote on me, and I cursed my theory to hell. :p


Still, I think we played pretty well in the mafia, but god damn it, we were unlucky! It was unbelievable how much chance was against us.

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Then he put the final vote on me, and I cursed my theory to hell. :p


Lool :p I was very scared that you were mafia at the time you got my investigation power :p I protected myself immediately because I thought you might know who gave it to you somehow and take me out without ever mentioning you got the investigation power.

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Man fuck you flink robbing me of a near certain win :/


I must say I lost it at the end though, I was so confused about who was good and evil and to be honest I had myself convinced that peeps was mafia and was willing the last 2 days for someone to take him out!


Well played town :)


Sorry, bro. I had to kill you. You were the only townie seemingly on my side. So, killing you would have made it seem unlikely that it was me killing you. :heh:


Also, there were a few others who I thought I could possibly pass off as evil, such as...Eevil, Jayseven and Tales. In the end, the plan didn't work.

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I was convinced for a long time that EEVIL was a townie traitor and knew who we were/had access to our forum, because his actions just followed ours far too well for it to be a coincidence. And right after I had pitched this theory on the mafia forum, he added a vote for the same person we were voting for, and that convinced me completely.

I did? Sweet! Which bits did I follow too well or something?

Then he put the final vote on me, and I cursed my theory to hell. :p

Fuck with Q, he goes Q on yo' ass.

Awesome game everyone. Man, so many times I wanted to scream eevil was cleared!

I know, they didn't believe the power of the Q Continuum.

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Rummy, you are M, head of MI6 and an incredibly influential player in the world of the Intelligence Agencies.



(Double-vote) You hold a powerful position and can vote with the power of the Secret Service behind you, giving you a double vote.

You also have three one-use powers that you may use at any time:

o (Lynch Stopper) You have the power to stop the lynch of one player if you deem it necessary by posting the words “When you can’t tell your friends from your enemies…” at the start of a sentence

o (Epic Investigation) Once in the game you may target a player and learn everything that MI6 knows about the player.

o (Secret Communiqu̩) You may target a player at night once in the game. If that player is a member of her service, you will be able to communicate with them outside the thread. If not, they will learn who you are, with potentially deadly consequences. (Service Members РQ, R, Robinson, Bond, 008, Moneypenny)

This was one of my favourite roles. It was a real shame that Rummy died so early on - I really wanted at least one of the powers to get a use. Never mind!


On a separate note, Rummy was an amazing sport to come into the game when he did, and MASSIVELY unlucky to be investigated that night.





EEVILMURRAY, you are Q, head of the Q branch at MI6, with a collection of gadgets and gizmos at your disposal.



(Gadget-user) Each night you will have two gadgets to choose from . Whenever you use a gadget, you will make a new one that you can use the next night.

Your first two gadgets are:

o Rocket Pack (Thunderball) – allows for Q to fly high into the air and see who targets him at night.

o X-Ray Sunglasses (The World Is Not Enough) – allows Q to see through the clothes of the first player who target him and expose something they are carrying.


Other gadgets:

o Fingerprint Scanner (Diamonds Are Forever) – Can confirm the identity of one player. Will not work on 008 (Ellmeister), Bond (Diageo), Trevelyan (Eenuh), Blofeld (Dannyboy), Felix (Jonnas), or M (Rummy)

o Seiko Tickertape Watch (The Spy Who Loved Me) – Allows Q to write one sentence into the write-up of his choosing

o Aston Martin DBS V12 (Casino Royale) – allows Q to drive away from any danger at high speed and protects from bullets using bulletproof glass.

o Coffee Maker (Live and Let Die) – makes some tasty coffee. Who knows what this will do… (It wouldn't have done anything, but thanks to jayseven boosting him on this night it did. So lucky!)

o Cigarette Stun gas (The Spy Who Loved Me) – Stuns a player of Q’s choice, causing them to target someone entirely random.

o Gondola Hovercraft (Moonraker) – Allows Q to track one player over land and sea. There’s no escape!

o Phone Box Trap (Goldeneye) – Traps the first person to target Q in a phonebox

o Tea-tray Scanner (Goldeneye) – allows Q to analyse any single post in the previous day phase and discover how many lies were told in the post.


This was another of my favourites - I think this was the most fun part of writing the roles. I looked up real gadgets, decided which would actually work, then had to create powers for them.


I didn't anticipate the game would go on for so long with both heroic and EEVIL surviving - I would have run out of gadgets soon!




heroicjanitor, you are R, a member of the Q branch being trained as Q’s replacement. You make gadgets each night, and give them to anyone you like.



(Self-preservation) Twice in the game, you may choose to use the gadget yourself rather than giving it to someone else.

(Gadget Giver) When you give a player a gadget, they may use it whenever they like.

Your first two gadgets are:

o Aston Martin Vanish (Die Another Day) – Makes a player un-targetable for one night, while still fulfilling their night action

o Cigarette Rocket (You Only Live Twice) – This will be used on the first person to attack the player who uses it. It will role-block and seriously injure the person, allowing them only to post 50 words total for the next day before they pass out from exhaustion.


Other gadgets:

o Safe Cracker (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service) – allows a player to break into a safe of another player and gain information about them.

o Little Nellie (You Only Live Twice) – Allows a player to fly high in the air and see everyone who targets them for one night.

o The Felix Lighter (Live and Let Die) – allows a player to communicate with another player of their choice for the duration of 1 day phase

o Sonic Agitator (Die Another Day) – allows a player to stun (roleblock) another player with a sonic blast for one night

o Lock-pick credit card (TWINE) – Allows a player to break into an office and switch round two players, swapping their targets

o Ski Jacket (TWINE) – Protects and role-blocks for one night. A player may use it on themselves or one someone else.

o Piton-belt (Goldeneye) – Allows a player to escape all harm for one night by clambering up a wall

o Electric Shaver/eavesdropping device (A View to a Kill) – allows a player to listen into a conversation between two (unnamed) mafia members

• Due to R’s clumsy nature, his gadgets do not always work. They have a 20% chance of failing.


Another fun one, it was a shame heroic used the items on himself so early on. I would have done the same - he could have died early and lost the chance - but there were some cool ones later that I'm sure he would have like to try :p




Diageo, you are James Bond, a 00 agent with an incredible talent with the ladies.



If you are targeted to be killed you have a 20% chance of survival due to SMERSH’s inability to shoot straight, and your own relatively bulletproof nature

(You Only Live Twice) If the kill is successful, Bond will survive but will fool the enemy into thinking he is dead. He will have to be targeted for a kill again to be finished off.

(Protector) Much to his annoyance, 007’s Licence To Kill has been revoked after an incident in New Mexico, and M has given him a less risky mission. 007 may choose a target each night to protect them from any harming effects (he may protect himself once in the game). Don’t worry, when he disables an intruder he will still make a pithy remark.


I didn't want to make this the obvious role for Bond, or over-power him, but I had to give him a couple of cool powers. In the end Diageo was actually really unlucky - his bullet dodging didn't work even once, and his living twice power was used up when he was captured and tortured


I know Diageo was a little annoyed in the way that he died, but I didn't know how else to play it. In the end it wouldn't have mattered either - Rez was determined that he was going to die in this game lol.




Ellmeister, you are 008, a mysterious 00 agent who has managed to keep his identity much more secret than his counterpart, Bond.



(Secret Identity) 008 is much better than 007 at keeping himself secret, and his identity is unknown. He will not appear in write-ups, and he cannot be role-blocked.

(Cover Story) However, 008 may not role-claim 008, as doing so would blow his cover and he would be killed by SMERSH. M has allowed him to create his own cover story to allow him to adapt to his environment.

(Protector) 008 may choose a target each night and protect from being killed.


I don't think I thought this one all the way through - I know Ell was a little confused by his role and not being allowed to talk about it. In the end it never came up, but it wasn't thought out well, so I'm sorry Ell!




The Peeps, you are Robinson, an agent who works behind a desk but is still happy to get his hands dirty to serve his nation.



(Post Mortem) Robinson’s has access to all areas of the British Secret Service, and can get his hands on any files that he wishes. If the mafia kills at night, Robinson will automatically receive a post-mortem on the body (unless role-blocked) If there was no kill, Robinson will receive information on the lynch victim.

If there was no kill and no lynch, Robinson will do nothing for the night.


The Peeps managed to get something every night, but only started getting really interesting when he found gadgets and files on corpses. That was the main purpose of his role - he was sort of a gravedigger, taking objects that he found, but also getting some information.




Jimbob/mr-paul, you are Moneypenny, M’s talented secretary.



(Information Sender) You are a vital part of MI6, sending information to all agents. Each night you will choose two targets. Agents will be sent to investigate the first target, and information will then be sent to the second target.

If information makes it into the wrong hands, you will be unable to speak for the following day as you will be reprimanded by the section chief. (Wrong hands include: any mafia member, any neutral, Zukovsky, Natalya)


I don't blame Jimbob for no activity here: he targeted someone he shouldn't have to receive info on night 1 (I believe it was Natalya?) and couldn't talk next day. I imagine he lost interest after that.


In the end this was an interesting one. I had to work out what would happen if the target was protected (that was the blank file that someone received one night) and when Moneypenny was roleblocked. Worked out okay, though, I think.




Esequiel, you are Jinx, an attractive agent who works for the NSA and will do anything to get the job done.



(Roleblocker) Each night you may target a player to roleblock them. You have a 25% chance of finding something useful when roleblocking a target.

(Jinx) There’s more to you than meets the eye, however. If anyone says your name during the game you will receive a tiny snippet of information on them.


I have to say, Esequiel played the game TOTALLY differently to how I expected, but it was massively effective. He managed to get information on a lot of people on the second day by simply telling people to say his name, whereas I had forseen it being a slow drip of information throughout the game. Still, it worked brilliantly and I'm sure that he had a large part to play in the town's victory.




Jonnas, you are Felix Leiter, a trusted friend of James Bond and a agent working for the CIA.



(Reverse Tracker) You have contacts everyone and can easily remain unseen. Each night you may choose a target and see who else targets them.

(Injury) Since you were attacked by that shark a few years ago you haven’t been quite as nimble as you were, thanks to your wooden leg and the hook in place of your right hand. Because of this, there is a chance (33%) you won’t be able to carry out your power at night.

(Diplomatic) You’re quite a good diplomat, though, and have a chance (33%) to talk yourself out of trouble. You have a chance to avoid danger by charming your way out of a situation.


When writing this role I had a few ideas, like always making Felix appear in the write-up because of his injury. In the end I went with a fairer role to give Jonnas a little more privacy. The only night he got into trouble was also the only night his leg stopped him, and on that night he was kidnapped and later killed. He was really unlucky, but this role was a really tough one.




jayseven, you are Tiger Tanaka, an agent with the Japanese Secret Service who has helped James Bond in the past.



(Ninja army) You have a team of ninjas at your disposal, and you can choose to make them complete one of three actions each night:

o (Torture) Ninjas will torture a victim to extract information from them. you will appear evil to investigators on nights where this power is used.

o (Disappear) The ninjas will disappear a player in a puff of smoke, entirely removing them from the night phase and returning them in the morning (jailkeep)

o (Power Boost) A ninja will hide in the shadows and follow the target, helping them with whatever they are doing that night.


This was one of the roles I was going to cut if we'd had less players, but I'm glad I didn't need to. Jayseven didn't use the Disappear power once, which was a shame (another protector that went unused), and only tortured someone once, but he still played a good game.


The confusion over night 9 - his boosts affected everyone differently. When he targeted EEVIL, it allowed him to make and use two gadgets instead of one the next night. When he targeted Flinky (who was killing that night) the ninja helped him by keeping away people who would have hindered him. Basically, he became a protector against things that weren't kills, just for that night. It would have affected different players in different ways (Tales wouldn't have found anything in his room last night had it not been for the boost from jay, for example)




Yvonne, you are Jack Wade, a gung-ho, All-American hero with a penchant for Hawaiian shirts, and a damn good CIA agent.



(Alignment Investigator) Each night you may choose a target and receive information on their alignment.

(Hero) You always want to be seen to be a hero, though, and so for your vote to count you must be either the first or the last person to vote for a lynch.


For her/his first mafia game, Yvonne played brilliantly. Admittedly s/he was a little lucky at first, but when she caught one she just didn't stop. In the end I couldn't believe she survived so long - I'm still not sure why the mafia didn't kill her the night Rummy replaced Dyson - they talked about it but decided not to, and if they had killed her they may well have won. Still, an excellent game from Yvonne - almost won it for the town on his/her own!




Cube, you are René Mathis, an old-fashioned French agent, and a good friend to James Bond.



(Target Switcher) Each night you may sneak into an office and swap around a few files to confuse things. You must choose two targets. If anyone targets player A, they will instead reach player B, and vice versa.

(Self-Tracker) You will also find out who has targeted you each night, unless you are roleblocked.


Cube got RIDICULOUSLY lucky night 1 in swapping the mafia's target with the mafia's killer, and after that just caused a lot of mischief. I did enjoy watching this role play out as it was always completely messed up every night. Great fun.




Tales, you are Valentin Zukovsky a Russian who is in it for the money but who has a good heart.



(Thief) Each night you may target a player and will sneak into their office to steal something that might prove useful. You will be given more information based on what you steal.

(Guilty Face) After many years in Russia, you aren’t as clean as you might be, so if you are investigated you will appear as a neutral, dispite working with the town.


Tales' neutral appearance went further than just an investigation. He appared untrustworthy whatever he did. He got a little annoyed at one point, which sparked an epic 'discussion', but I don't really want to talk about it now as I'm on a bit of a high from ending the game and don't want to be brought down by a pointless argument that doesn't matter now.




Maddog, you are Natalya Simonova, a Russian computer programmer who just wants to survive.



(Damsel in Distress) Because you are mostly useless and rather annoying, you rely on other players to survive. Each night you MUST choose a player to target (if you don’t I will select a random target for you). That player’s alignment will decide your fate.

(Sneaky) There’s always a chance that you’ll find out some useful information when you’re hiding out…

(Last Gasp) If/when you are killed, detailed information will appear in the write-up about your death, giving the town a chance to avenge you with your last gasp.

• If they are good she will be safe with them and sleep soundly in their office. If they are evil they will probably discover Natalya (75%) and if they do, they will kill her. If they are neutral they will have a choice of whether to kill her or let her live.

• If she targets an evil member or a neutral and isn’t killed, she will receive information on them. When she is killed detailed information about the killing will be written in the write-up.


I felt a little sorry for Maddog, as this role is always a bit of a pain in the ass. It was one of the ones I would have cut with less players. Still, Sprout was properly confused when he appeared in the write-up killing you as he didn't know it was going to happen which was quite funny :D


Eenuh also decided to let Maddog go, which may well have saved her life early on in the game because the PM he received saying he had survived the night painted her in a positive light, simply because she had chosen not to kill him.


Edited by Nintendohnut
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