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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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I would text her one last message.


"I want my Family Guy DVD back, you fucking cunt."


LOL , well i would but she wont reply to me and i havent tried to contact her for 3-4 weeks now, i made every effort to try and just be friends but she even ignored me then, , I do want my dvd back even if she just posted it back to me but i dont think she would even care enough to do that.


I still have no idea what i did wrong apart from be too nice :S

it was a bit of a shock because everything was seeming to go perfectly fine and she said she was never happier, then the last time i saw her and the night out something must have happend. And she was too much of a coward to just be honest with me and tell me anything, I understand there is no nice way to break up with someone but to just ignore them all of a sudden is the most hurtful way , this made me keep on trying to email and text her because i just wanted some answers but in the end just peed her off and freaked her out . I think she could have just put me straight all of this could have been avoided.


Anyway Im over it all now , time does heal :) i have started chatting to a few local girls and made some new friends ( one who is a big nintendo fan and bought me 10 packs of kid icarus cards ) lol

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i sent a text a few days ago to say there were no hard feelings and hoped we could mby be friends oneday,
Dude why!!?
( one who is a big nintendo fan :) and bought me 10 packs of kid icarus cards :D ) lol
Sounds like a winner! Where's you meet her?

She bought you 10 packs of Kid Icarus cards... using her stars.............. things are moving fast!

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Dude why!!?

Sounds like a winner! Where's you meet her?

She bought you 10 packs of Kid Icarus cards... using her stars.............. things are moving fast!


argh that was a qoute from an earlier post weeks ago Retro Link, i havent dont worry :)



I met her online, just friends at the moment but you never know ;)

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There's always a new Pokémon game on the horizon, though, so by that logic, you can never get a girlfriend. :heh:


Maybe just get a cat.

Or a fuck buddy :p


Seriously though, yeah they are on the horizon, but it's easier when they're not imminent

Edited by Serebii
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"Oh, Joe. This has been the best year of my life. Speak to you tomorrow?" :kiss:

"Sorry, babe. Pokémon Purple is out tomorrow. See you in two weeks." :cool:

"... Um, what?"

"Better make it three."

"But... it's our anniversary next week."


That's what I imagine dating you is like. :p

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"Oh, Joe. This has been the best year of my life. Speak to you tomorrow?" :kiss:

"Sorry, babe. Pokémon Purple is out tomorrow. See you in two weeks." :cool:

"... Um, what?"

"Better make it three."

"But... it's our anniversary next week."


That's what I imagine dating you is like. :p

Damn straight!

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So how do CEOs, presidents, celebrities etc. maintain relationships? Nothing is impossible. During those two weeks, you can't even spare time for a phone call? :(

I can barely spare time to eat and use the facilities. I even miss sleep for two days for it


This is why it's a struggle. I have to find not only a girl who meets my standards and is generally awesome, but one who can accept this

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She would have to pretty awesome to accept that you think Pokémon is more important than her! Maybe you should accept that there are more important things than Pokémon and make time for other people even when you're busy. ;)


Pikachu isn't going to have sex with you, Serebii.


I mean, we all have fantasies, but that's all they are - fantasies.

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So how do CEOs, presidents, celebrities etc. maintain relationships? Nothing is impossible. During those two weeks, you can't even spare time for a phone call? :(


Well according to all the TV programmes I watch (I'm thinking The Sopranos, Entourage, The Wire, Mad Men, Breaking Bad) the following happens:


1) Man gets, and then marries hot girl

2) Man gets really hard job and doesn't have time for family

3) Man gets complacent and doesn't care

4) Woman leaves man


Tony Soprano, Ari Gold, Jimmy McNulty, Don Draper, Walter White... Same thing happened to all of them. :)



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She would have to pretty awesome to accept that you think Pokémon is more important than her! Maybe you should accept that there are more important things than Pokémon and make time for other people even when you're busy. ;)


Pikachu isn't going to have sex with you, Serebii.


I mean, we all have fantasies, but that's all they are - fantasies.

It's different. They wouldn't accept it if I asked them to skip work to see me constantly. Sure, the site isn't a job but the principle is the same.


Being a Pokémon Master is a lonely life

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That list of TV relationships oversimplifies things quite a bit, in my opinion.


Skyler leaves Walter because he's keeping secrets and lying to her, not because he's busy at work and grows complacent.


Ari shows time and time again how much he loves his wife. I don't remember why she left him, except that it was something stupid and it was clearly just the writers trying to inject some forced drama into the show.


Don cheats on Betty and they both hate each other and she's a shrew.


Again, Tony cheats on his wife constantly and he's a criminal. :heh:


I don't remember what happened here, so I guess it's possible that he just grew complacent or was too busy with his job.


Edit: What Dan said.



It's different. They wouldn't accept it if I asked them to skip work to see me constantly. Sure, the site isn't a job but the principle is the same.


Being a Pokémon Master is a lonely life

Even Ash Ketchum has companions he travels with. :p


I think you'd be pretty displeased if your girlfriend had to write an article or something and cut off all contact with you for two weeks!


"Honey, I love y-"


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I think it's natural you feel that way but, perhaps, once love drives around the corner and slaps you silly -- you'll see something else. I'm ignorant on how it feels / the subject but I know from others that your priorities can change if you meet the right girl. Who knows...she could end up co-running the site with you.

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Or he could act like a normal person and realise fictional beings aren't more important than happiness, though I cringe just saying something as corny as that.


The fact you can't spare ANY time in those two weeks is preposterous. Test the co-op part with her!

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