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Extremely rude not for him to text back. It proper pisses me off when mates dont text back/ return phone calls at the best of times but that is not right.


Its not that difficult to respond with "Hey, I had a nice time too but I dont think it will work out. Sorry"


Thats all there is to it.


I wouldn't text him again though, fuck that.


Yeah I hate it when people don't text back at all. It's so rude and a compelte cop-out by them. What you wrote above as a response is perfect. No bullshit excuses, just the truth.

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Extremely rude not for him to text back. It proper pisses me off when mates dont text back/ return phone calls at the best of times but that is not right.


Its not that difficult to respond with "Hey, I had a nice time too but I dont think it will work out. Sorry"


Thats all there is to it.


I wouldn't text him again though, fuck that.


Yeah I hate it when people don't text back at all. It's so rude and a compelte cop-out by them. What you wrote above as a response is perfect. No bullshit excuses, just the truth.


Yes, oh my God yes!


I fucking HATE people who do not text or call you back. I hate it when people arrange shit with you and then never call or text you to say they don't want to go when the day comes so you sit there, waiting like a nutter.


I just cut those bitches...out of my friends circle, damn I'm not THAT ghetto, y'all!

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I'd rather get a "Fuck off" than to just be ignored. Saying I'll text you to "be nice" is not being nice.


It sounds nice but I couldn't imagine in most cases actually writing something along the lines of, "sorry I don't think it'll work out." It just seems a bit "..." ?


So basically you're one of the people that do that because you'll feel slightly inconvenienced telling someone the truth?

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I'd rather get a "Fuck off" than to just be ignored. Saying I'll text you to "be nice" is not being nice.




So basically you're one of the people that do that because you'll feel slightly inconvenienced telling someone the truth?



No, I am not one of those people. I don't think I have ever done that to anybody. It's just usually I can really tell if somebody is being genuine when they say something like, "I'll text you." or whathaveyou. I don't blame them and I know they are just being polite.


It's all bullshit but it is how things are. Smile and be polite to others.

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Smile and be polite to others.


Saying "Sorry, but I don't think it'll work out" politely and with a smile is much better than lying to that person.


If you (not you, Frank :p ) don't have the guts to say that after a date, then you shouldn't be dating.



Something from me: I hate asking a lady out via a text message, which is why I haven't asked the cute girl out, yet. :hmm:

The problem is: I will most likely not see her in the near future to ask her personally. :blank:


Urgh, fuck it. I'll ask her in a couple of days, as soon as I have a bit more free time :laughing:

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Is it really lying though ? I think I understand that we see it differently but, for me, it's akin to how we say "Pleased to meet you". It's just like a signing off thing.


Saying "I'll text you" is very different to saying "pleased to meet you". You are saying you will do a definitive action.


If you don't want to see someone again just text them and tell them if you don't want to do it in person or on the phone. The longer you've been seeing someone the more it should move from text to phone to in person.


Even a BS reason "I'm too busy right now" is better than nothing at all.

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Feeling blerg again. It comes and goes. I kept myself to myself for far too long and now kind of regret it. I know that I don't just want casual hookups, but it seems to be all I can get right now (and its not like I'm getting offered a lot). I think ideally I'd like dates that can lead to somewhere, but not a full on relationship I don't think. I just want to go and do stuff with people, explore the city and all that. Enjoy being young for a bit! I'm normally fine with doing this with friends, but increasingly they're becoming more difficult to organise things with.


Just having one of those days I think. I'm doing something every day next week other than Saturday, so that should keep my mind occupied.


For now:




Literally. I'm going to go for a swim.

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If anyone recalls the friend zoning that happened to me a few weeks back. Went out last night for said girls birthday, not seen her since the incident and only exchanged a few texts since. I may have well of not been there, we spoke briefly like twice. Best part was we all went out for a meal first, as it so happened I ended being placed next to her, I went to get a drink at the bar and I'd been moved down the other end of the table.


I guess friend zone was a level to high, maybe we're just acquaintences.

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If anyone recalls the friend zoning that happened to me a few weeks back. Went out last night for said girls birthday, not seen her since the incident and only exchanged a few texts since. I may have well of not been there, we spoke briefly like twice. Best part was we all went out for a meal first, as it so happened I ended being placed next to her, I went to get a drink at the bar and I'd been moved down the other end of the table.


I guess friend zone was a level to high, maybe we're just acquaintences.




Fuck her. Well, obv not literally. However if that's how shit is, then you're better off not bothering.


What was the actual/exact situation with the friendzoning though?

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Fuck her. Well, obv not literally. However if that's how shit is, then you're better off not bothering.


What was the actual/exact situation with the friendzoning though?


Long story short, I let a situation get in the way of me making a move. Let it drag on too long and by the time I thought things started heading in the right direction, I get the "as a friend" text.


I fully expected it to be a bit awkward between us. But I was pretty much done making any effort after the table thing. I got told that she just wanted to talk to a friend. But I mean you don't need to be Sherlock to work it out, I got moved to the furthest end of the table.


Did get a chuckle through the night when a mutual friend came up and was like "so I hear you and [her] are getting close?". This is the kind of shit that got me in trouble to start with.

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I fully expected it to be a bit awkward between us. But I was pretty much done making any effort after the table thing. I got told that she just wanted to talk to a friend. But I mean you don't need to be Sherlock to work it out, I got moved to the furthest end of the table.


Did get a chuckle through the night when a mutual friend came up and was like "so I hear you and [her] are getting close?". This is the kind of shit that got me in trouble to start with.


That's a terrible stunt to pull. You don't move someone away from you at the table once you're sat down.

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Contrary to my moany post above, I've now got dates lined up for Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday. May try and squeeze in at least another, perhaps more. I said I would meet up with the person that cancelled me on Sunday, but after seeing more images I'm in no rush. Also been someone I've been politely putting off for a while, maybe a weekend coffee with them.


Google Calendar is coming in very handy right now as I'm having to make notes to remind me of who, where, when and random info.


So now let's play a game!



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