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ahahahaha :P


I joined okcupid not that long ago, got chatting to a nice fella that's quite like me, geeky, into anime, computers, etc. He asked me to meet him. We've said we'll go with just being friends tomorrow but we'll see where it goes. There's an awful lot of expectation on online meetings and I thought right lets do this, get it over with and see how we go before we really get to know each other and have built up impossible expectations =)


That's possibly the healthiest and most sensible approach to online dating I've ever heard or read.

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You got my thanks purely for Jennifer Lawrence.


Kinda thread relevant on the whole relationship thing, but I'd recommend any JLaw fans to watch The Silver Linings Playbook. It's got some flaws, but on the whole is a kinda good watch.

Edited by Rummy
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Ah, yes, I've been meaning to watch that since she won an Oscar for it.


Both her and Two Scoops's performances are great. I saw it on a plane and got interrupted(by about 2 weeks :p) 20 minutes from the end which was a bit shit, but even with that I still liked it! Need to watch it again properly sometime though.

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So I asked the girl who I went to dinner with(and was totally into another dude, in addition to nothing being there) if she was free/fancied hanging out this week, planned to go for a drink/maybe munch tomorrow. However she's suggested going round hers for a film and dinner instead. Now, I'm under the impression there's totally nothing there; but now I'm somewhat second guessing a situation I thought I had a total handle on. Is it me or is it weirdish? How soon would you be inviting new friends round your house!


Personally, I wouldn't be inviting new friends around my house anytime soon but if she's invited you to her house already, not to give your hopes up but that sounds just a LITTLE promising, dude...


You got my thanks purely for Jennifer Lawrence.


Hands off, bitches! She's mine!




Some girl thinks I'm 'hawt in that motorbike jacket x'. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! XD

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So I asked the girl who I went to dinner with(and was totally into another dude, in addition to nothing being there) if she was free/fancied hanging out this week, planned to go for a drink/maybe munch tomorrow. However she's suggested going round hers for a film and dinner instead. Now, I'm under the impression there's totally nothing there; but now I'm somewhat second guessing a situation I thought I had a total handle on. Is it me or is it weirdish? How soon would you be inviting new friends round your house!


Dinner and a movie? Everyone knows what dinner and a movie is code for.



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Haha, see this is my problem. Like...it just seems like it could be something else, but I was sure I thought I knew how things were! I'm gonna stick with my original assumption though, I don't know her all that well but I get a slight feeling she might be one of those kinda people that don't really see the possible implications of things sometimes(hopefully you guys know the sort of person I mean), whereas I tend to overthink things a bit more.


EDIT:Totes not anything. Apparently gonna be having a few other people round. Still not 100% on what this was or wasn't, but meh, makes it easy for me!


A few other people around for dinner and a movie?


I hope you're into gang bangs mate.

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Get this text last night....."I have actually tidied the flat on the off chance that one day you might end up in here."


Oh and I was telling my colleagues about my date, and how we made it really casual incase we don't like each other... my bestest colleague said "why wouldn't he like you, you are adorable"



Ahhh my ego is growing!


"Yeah, I'm happy to take things further"


aaaahhhh ^_____________________^

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Get this text last night....."I have actually tidied the flat on the off chance that one day you might end up in here."


Oh and I was telling my colleagues about my date, and how we made it really casual incase we don't like each other... my bestest colleague said "why wouldn't he like you, you are adorable"



Ahhh my ego is growing!


"Yeah, I'm happy to take things further"


aaaahhhh ^_____________________^


This is all of N-E with you right now:




So happy for you :heart:.

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Haha. Well, I'm going to ramble on it for a bit now. I know her(dinner girl) through her mate, who we(me and my mate) met in sorta summer at a party. Her mate is now a sorta something with my mate. I knew dinner girl was out with the original girl on Monday, cos she said they were when I asked if she was free this week(and half invited me). I also half expected my mate would have been there monday, and turns out that he was - but this is where I'm confused. She told me literally only just this afternoon before I edited that post(so like 3ish) that other folks were coming(my mate, original girl, and someone who didnt even come), half asking if it was ok(no reason why not) - but I wondered a bit since yesterday because I thought the whole thing was weird. I then asked my mate fairly casual when he'd first been told about today(as he was going, with the original girl, and he'd text me not long after she told me they were coming so we'd head up together/i'd give him a lift) and he says monday!


So this is where my wonderment is; if since monday...why does she only say anything of it this afternoon. Does that make any sense? Even more annoying, when she did say she said it that a friend had got a new job(ive met her once), and tonight was the only day she(dinner girl) could hang out this week so was it ok if the three of them came and then that girl didn't even turn up! There seemed almost to be no implication that she would, either.


Like seriously. What is this shit. It's not bothering me in a sense that I like this girl, cos I was pretty set on what was what - I just don't get it. This isn't really a relationship thing, it's just jarring though.


I reckon that:


- She asked you round before she mentioned it to anyone else

- After thinking about it, she realised what dinner and a movie sounds likes (or read this thread) and spoke to her her friend about it and they together decided to invite her and your friend round.

- Depending on what dinner girl thought closer to thet ime she could either mention this to you last minute or tell her friend not to come so it's just you and dinner girl

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