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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Even if she just doesn't want kids, its a very insensitive topic. As a woman who does not want kids I am honestly quite fucking tired of having to justify myself to people that I meet.


A surprisingly large amount of people judge or imply that i'm just a stupid woman & my body clock will start ticking etc yada yaaaaahhh yaaaaaaaaaaaawn. So please don't be one of those people, even if she can change her mind, she still deserves respect on her decision right now.


I don't think there's any harm in dating, you need to get out there and experience relationships and stuff, this doesn't have to be forever! Just as long as you both know where you stand and see how you feel in a few months time.


Oh God, I wouldn't want her to change her mind or anything and I wouldn't want to pressure her. I wasn't really wondering that much but to be honest, she has asked me why I've wanted to be a father since I was a kid. For me, it's more because I want it to work but I don't want to invest my time (as in get stronger feelings for her) when she warned me about her not wanting children and we get broken-hearted.


I get that majority of you guys are all "don't go there" because it's a deal-breaker on both her part and mine but then she's said she still likes me and I still like her and honestly, I'm finding it hard not to want to talk to her as more than a friend. Also, I don't want to continue it knowing she doesn't want kids and I do and then sometime down the line, we both have strong feelings but our desires remain the same. I just don't want to be the dude who went in knowing what was up and expecting to change her or her to change me. It's not fair on either of us.


I think it's something to think about...It's like I said, I like her and it's fun to be with her but I don't want my feelings to be totally blown up only to be led to disappointment on both sides.

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@Animal If you really like her then I think you should give it a shot and try not to look too far into the future because when you start doing that you can end up with a bunch of reasons why things may not work even with the most perfect person in the world.


I mean sure, if you want kids in like the next 3 years then perhaps it is a bigger issue, but if it's still just something you want some time in the distant future then it's not worth overthinking yet.


Then again my dating track record is short and pretty terrible so you probably shouldn't take advice from me :p

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Just had that moment where the BF says "I didn't realise you knew [iNSERT NAME]".


And I said "Who?" Even though I was 99% sure I knew who he was talking about.


I'm not really a fan of, nor especially dislike, [iNSERT NAME]. Nor do I mind that they know each other but whatever, I'm not that fussed since the past is the past but he sent me a photo indicating who he was talking about so I responded with "Oh, yeah..."


Then he said "He say's he still has your comicbook."


I'm thinking, I had a two-week thang with this dude literally almost four years ago (I know because the comic is a New 52 Villains Month issue). It didn't really end that amicably (he decided to end things...in a real asshole way, I'll add) but we've spoken a few times since, and I've said every time he mentioned it that I appreciate him getting it but to just chuck the single issue. It's literally a single issue. Costs $2.99.


Chuck the fucking comic.


Some people are strange and now I'm wondering what else he said...



Had to get that off my chest.

Edited by Daft
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For the first time in aaaaaaaaaaaaaages (years) I met someone for a drink last week. Mutual lack of interest. Following day I met someone else which went better. They live in Ireland though because of course.


Still, got a free cider on one of them and a free hot chocolate on another :bouncy:

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So remember that girl I spoke about on here? Yeah, isn't gonna happen anyway.


So we were talking on the phone for a couple of hours a time and she was saying stuff like how she liked hearing my voice and how she really likes me and stuff.


She mentioned that it was her birthday so I got her a box of chocolates (Ferraro rochers- yeah, posh!) and a card. I put it in a plain bag so as to not cause her any embarrassment or anything because I could only meet her at work.


I gave them to her and she was all "OH MY GOD, I'M SO EMBARRASED!", smiling. I laughed and I explained I wanted to get her something. She said "people will think you're my boyfriend" and I said "would that be a bad thing?". She then replied with "Ha ha ha. YOU'RE funny, aren't ya!". I was like "...okay" and then it turned awkward, I felt like a dick and I said "I'm gonna go" and she said "okay, see ya" and carried on working.


A few weeks later, she calls me two days ago in the morning but I ignored it because I was a bit annoyed with her. Anyway, I was locking up the shop last night and she said hello. She's now working two doors down from where I work. I was like "ah cool, okay" and she was saying how she was being transferred. I said "cool" and she said she tried to ring me because she couldn't find the shop. I just said I was still asleep (rang at 7.30). She then left with "maybe we can talk soon?" and I just said "...maybe. See ya" and she said bye.


I just felt a bit annoyed, really.


Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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That's a really awful response to receiving a gift. I've had someone annoyed with me over sending them a gift, but that was with understandable circumstances. I kind of posted it and she hadn't exactly told me where she lived...kinda creepy (I'm definitely glad she got over that...she was up until 3AM making me a birthday cake a few days ago).


Also, using attempted humour to deflect a question like that instead of actually answering it is also a low blow. Especially on top of the other things you've mentioned so far.

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That's a really awful response to receiving a gift. I've had someone annoyed with me over sending them a gift, but that was with understandable circumstances. I kind of posted it and she hadn't exactly told me where she lived...kinda creepy (I'm definitely glad she got over that...she was up until 3AM making me a birthday cake a few days ago).


Also, using attempted humour to deflect a question like that instead of actually answering it is also a low blow. Especially on top of the other things you've mentioned so far.

Exactly. She's just a bag of confusion and it suddenly made me unattracted. I was also gutted I didn't take the bag of chocolates back, wasting £5 on a bloody woman who thinks the concept of me being her boyfriend is oh-so hilarious.


Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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I went on a date but haven't heard much since , I thought it went well , she payed for the meal I payed for the cinema . The cinema was less so it was a nice gesture . She talked constantly and we laughed a lot . Hard to read if she's into me or not

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