Serebii Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 S.C.G said: I wouldn't call it a waste of life at all, quite the opposite as I think that what you do is fantastic, personally jealousy doesn't enter into it for me as I see it as something that you've worked hard for; would I give up my current job to do something in similar vein? Absolutely so long as it pays the bills too but yes getting to do something that you love and getting paid for it must be one of the greatest things in life, right now though I'm just happy to be writing for N-E on a voluntary basis because I still enjoy it a lot even after being here for as long as I've been employed part-time at my current job, the way I see it though is that my paid job allows me to keep writing here. : peace: Also thanks for the consideration. -------------------------------- Regarding the never-ending quest for love etc I feel like I'm at the 'Third Gym' in life that is to say that I have a couple of 'Badges' in that I've had one really successful relationship which lasted a few years but beyond that it's all just been a few conversations here and there. Naturally I interact with people at my place of work at least four days a week but that's work and I often feel that it's probably best to keep work/private life separate, though perhaps I'm wrong. Anyway I'm open to suggestions but right now the whole online dating thing doesn't seem to be going anywhere fast... not that I'm in a rush but I am 29 now and I can't help but feel that it would be nice to find someone like-minded, of the opposite sex and who I'm attracted to; preferably nearby as well. It always seems like I'm asking for the earth though for some reason. Well I've skewed my profile to be a bit more humourous. Included an anecdote about me accidentally gluing myself to a PC case as a joke about me sometimes being glued to a computer. Things like that help guys like us stand out from the masses, and may make it easier to find like-minded people.
Daft Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Serebii said: Did in my youth. They messed it up. In your youth? I don't understand. What happened?
Sheikah Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Serebii said: Well I've skewed my profile to be a bit more humourous. Included an anecdote about me accidentally gluing myself to a PC case as a joke about me sometimes being glued to a computer. Things like that help guys like us stand out from the masses, and may make it easier to find like-minded people. I don't think that's the best thing to mention. Do people that don't know you need to know straight away that you have assembled computers (or even jokingly, that you might be on computers a lot)?
Serebii Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Sheikah said: I don't think that's the best thing to mention. Do people that don't know you need to know straight away that you have assembled computers (or even jokingly, that you might be on computers a lot)? Yes. Yes they do. It's no different to a girl saying she rides horses, or watches Netflix and so forth. It is a large part of my life, it'd be disingenuous of me to hide it.
Daft Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 It's not about hiding anything. It's about conveying things in the appropriate manner. All profiles do is break the ice. Once you're talking, that's when you introduce more of yourself(and it gets so much easier because you can judge the situation and act know, like real life talking with people). My advice for a profile is less is more. Hell, my profile was three lines long an one of them was a Hot Chip song lyric. ...But then I'm smoking hot so I've got that going for me, too. Seriously though, if you're having that much trouble trusting someone with your website, I'm not sure how you'll ever be able to trust someone with your emotions. Sounds like you might not be mature enough for a relationship - and I don't mean that as an insult, plenty of people aren't ready for a 'real' relationship (whatever that means).
Sheikah Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Serebii said: Yes. Yes they do. It's no different to a girl saying she rides horses, or watches Netflix and so forth. It is a large part of my life, it'd be disingenuous of me to hide it. In that case why doesn't your profile list getting incensed by NeoGaf posts and masturbation? That alone shows that just because you do something a lot, doesn't mean you need to mention it right away. Or ever!
Serebii Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Sheikah said: In that case why doesn't your profile list getting incensed by NeoGaf posts and masturbation? That alone shows that just because you do something a lot, doesn't mean you need to mention it right away. Or ever! Now you're being ridiculous. People include information about their jobs and their hobbies. This is no different. Why is it that you seem to want me to hide myself and to change myself to become what is accepted as a "norm".
Blade Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Always be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone else or someone you think the girl is after. It is impossible to keep it up forever. Also if a girl doesn't want you for what you are then chuff em and move on. Easy. However, there are things that you may take your time to reveal. The idea is to not overwhelm these girls before you even meet them or on a first date.
Serebii Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 It's just me making a joke about me working with computers. Yeesh.
MoogleViper Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Serebii said: It's just me making a joke about me working with computers. You monster!
Goron_3 Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Serebii said: The thing that people fail to realise is that, regarding my site, aside from the odd massive coverage every year or two, my schedule is wide open and lends itself to the possibility of a relationship (though I would need my laptop on me at all times, just in case a random piece of news comes). I can make my own hours, I can take a day when I need to (assuming it's not a game launch time). Yes, I have to take time away from the real world, but really the complete hermit aspect is only a week. I just limit myself wherever possible to be more efficient. Take last year, game came out October 12th, I locked myself away a couple of days prior and I worked hard, but I still made it to my friend's Halloween party, and any necessary commitments, I just wasn't able to go out every single time. That was an international release, the most stressful game coverage ever, and the biggest on the site, and yet I managed. It's not as bad as people here make it out to be. Besides, I've seen from other sites how delegation with others causes quality diminishment, delays etc. As I said, one of the other big sites didn't finish adding X & Y content until April, in fact there are still holes here and there. They delegated with a large team, and for the first two weeks of the game's launch had absolutely nothing. I'd much rather go with the person I trust to do a good job and fast, and that's me. I'm not wasting my life or anything as people seem to say, I'd say that's a statement of jealousy because I'm free from the monotony of the 9-5 and am doing something I love. Sometimes, I do need to delegate (and to be fair, I do. You really think I manually did all 718 level up listings myself? Good god, I'm not that crazy. Plus a friend is helping me with old sections), but everything new should be me. Will keep your offer in mind should I need to delegate, however. Thanks Just to clarify, I was never saying that running a site is wasting your life. Far from it; it's a great achievement. My point was that spending most of your 'working time' by yourself isn't a healthy thing, particularly as the freelance stuff is likely just stuff you do by yourself and not the type of team based work others experience. I'm assuming you're an introvert (I am too) and I know how easy it is to put yourself in a bubble; in fact I really struggled when it came to socialising until I was 15-16 and I had major anxiety problems. Living your life from behind a screen won't help with that. That was the point I was trying to make You say you've made some progress over the past few years but I truly believe you would have made significantly more progress if you were working in say a youth focused organisation where you were building working relationships on a daily basis and being forced out of your comfort zone, but hey ho. Of course, we're only here to give some help! I'd love to come on the boards to see you've got a lucky lady Oh and just so you know, I'm definitely not jealous of you (if your comment was aimed at me). I have an incredible job, me and my partner earn about £55k a year together (and I've only just graduated) and I've got a huge set of life and people skills. Thankfully I've come a long way since that geeky 14 year old that could barely talk to people.
Raining_again Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Its a decision that only you can make. Either you find a way to get some balance in your life, or continue as you are and accept that you're not likely to ever have a lasting relationship. No one would or should ever have to compromise in that way in a relationship. You can't just fall off the face of the earth for weeks/months at a time and expect the person to still be there waiting for you. I've been in a situation not dissimilar to what you mean (though for very different reasons) and the distance tore me apart. My illnesses flared up dramatically and I ended up becoming very ill and isolated (i stopped posting on here, deactivated facebook, stopped making any kind of social contact, and I ended up with kidney stones and a huge immune flare up). I would never ever wish that on anyone. No matter how much you love someone, that will ALWAYS be rejection, and it will tear them apart. No one deserves to be treated that way.
Goron_3 Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Raining_again said: Its a decision that only you can make. Either you find a way to get some balance in your life, or continue as you are and accept that you're not likely to ever have a lasting relationship. No one would or should ever have to compromise in that way in a relationship. You can't just fall off the face of the earth for weeks/months at a time and expect the person to still be there waiting for you. I've been in a situation not dissimilar to what you mean (though for very different reasons) and the distance tore me apart. My illnesses flared up dramatically and I ended up becoming very ill and isolated (i stopped posting on here, deactivated facebook, stopped making any kind of social contact, and I ended up with kidney stones and a huge immune flare up). I would never ever wish that on anyone. No matter how much you love someone, that will ALWAYS be rejection, and it will tear them apart. No one deserves to be treated that way. On a slightly unrelated note, you still liftin' brah?
Serebii Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Goron_3 said: Just to clarify, I was never saying that running a site is wasting your life. Far from it; it's a great achievement. My point was that spending most of your 'working time' by yourself isn't a healthy thing, particularly as the freelance stuff is likely just stuff you do by yourself and not the type of team based work others experience. I'm assuming you're an introvert (I am too) and I know how easy it is to put yourself in a bubble; in fact I really struggled when it came to socialising until I was 15-16 and I had major anxiety problems. Living your life from behind a screen won't help with that. That was the point I was trying to make You say you've made some progress over the past few years but I truly believe you would have made significantly more progress if you were working in say a youth focused organisation where you were building working relationships on a daily basis and being forced out of your comfort zone, but hey ho. Of course, we're only here to give some help! I'd love to come on the boards to see you've got a lucky lady Oh and just so you know, I'm definitely not jealous of you (if your comment was aimed at me). I have an incredible job, me and my partner earn about £55k a year together (and I've only just graduated) and I've got a huge set of life and people skills. Thankfully I've come a long way since that geeky 14 year old that could barely talk to people. I don't really put myself in a bubble though. I go out as much as possible, socialise as much as possible. It's much easier to do so because of my flexible timings, too. If a friend wants to meet on a random day, I can most likely make it.
Beast Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Serebii said: I don't really put myself in a bubble though. I go out as much as possible, socialise as much as possible. It's much easier to do so because of my flexible timings, too. If a friend wants to meet on a random day, I can most likely make it. I think that's fair enough and a lot of what you do is actually admirable. I'd love nothing more than to turn a hobby into a profession and make money from it. However, what I would say would be to be yourself. You are such an awesome person and you're more or less living the dream and the slightly annoying part is that you don't even know it. Girls should be FLOCKING around you. If there's things you don't exactly feel comfortable in revealing then don't do it but in the end, you're making good dough doing something you're passionate about. However, I think @Raining_again is right to an extent. It's not impossible to find someone who will accept your position of shutting themselves away from the world for a bit (even if it's a small time) but it wouldn't exactly work in your favour. Why not try and find a girl who is just as passionate for Pokemon as you are? I mean, I found someone who REALLY knew her shit on Pokemon and she was fit (and yes, this was the time when I pretended to be you) much so that I pretty much agreed with everything she said because she was on about Indigos and the films and what happens and whatnot (I only know the show and games, I'm not deeply involved with it) and tried to change the subject. I think that if you find a woman who loves Pokemon and you told her who you were, she'd probably want to have your babies! So I've been speaking to this girl for over a day and she's just started putting 'x' at the end of every sentence. This must mean she wants to marry me and have my babies! WOO! :D:D:D
Serebii Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 (edited) Well, @Animal, that is the dream :p There was a hot girl who listed Nintendo as an interest, on the dating site. I obviously enquired, turned out she liked Pokémon most of all, so I skewed the conversation towards that and asked if she got X & Y. She never responded after that. I didn't even get the chance to say "I'm Serebii". Incidentally, one of my friends found another girl on it, has been chatting to her. She likes games and loves Pokémon. He mentioned he's friends with me and she fangirled like crazy. He says I'm not allowed to meet her lol Edited July 22, 2014 by Serebii
Ellmeister Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 I think people don't have a problem will the anecdote inclusion but if a girl reads it they will think he never gets away from the computer so when would I get to see him? You have to look at it from their perspective and it hardly sounds like you're ideal to date saying that. Also, if you find a pokemon lover surely one of the first things to mention is that you run Serebii!
Beast Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 Serebii said: Well, @Animal, that is the dream :p There was a hot girl who listed Nintendo as an interest, on the dating site. I obviously enquired, turned out she liked Pokémon most of all, so I skewed the conversation towards that and asked if she got X & Y. She never responded after that. I didn't even get the chance to say "I'm Serebii". Incidentally, one of my friends found another girl on it, has been chatting to her. She likes games and loves Pokémon. He mentioned he's friends with me and she fangirled like crazy. He says I'm not allowed to meet her lol Serious question: How does that last paragraph not give you the confidence? A girl FANGIRLED at the mention of your friend just knowing you. Imagine if you actually met a girl and she had you all to herself, knowing that she could find out everything Pokemon before anybody else! Straight up, she'd want your Onyx and two Pokeballs faster than you can say "WHO'S THAT POKEMON"! There are loads of girls out there who like gaming and Pokemon. If they knew who you were, they'd freak out (in a good way). Maybe do a tad less shutting yourself out from the world and it'd be her dream come true!
MoogleViper Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 I've said it before and I'll say it again: meet up.
Serebii Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 MoogleViper said: I've said it before and I'll say it again: meet up. This is why I don't Animal said: Serious question: How does that last paragraph not give you the confidence? A girl FANGIRLED at the mention of your friend just knowing you. Imagine if you actually met a girl and she had you all to herself, knowing that she could find out everything Pokemon before anybody else! Straight up, she'd want your Onyx and two Pokeballs faster than you can say "WHO'S THAT POKEMON"! There are loads of girls out there who like gaming and Pokemon. If they knew who you were, they'd freak out (in a good way). Maybe do a tad less shutting yourself out from the world and it'd be her dream come true! It does give me confidence, yeah.
MoogleViper Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 (edited) Serebii said: This is why I don't I'm struggling to see the issue here. There's a fine, (probably) young gentleman, who really wants to be your friend, along with his brother and his brother's friend. Sounds great. Edited July 22, 2014 by MoogleViper
Serebii Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 MoogleViper said: I'm struggling to see the issue here. There's a fine, (probably) young gentleman, who really wants to be you friend, along with his brother and his brother's friend. Sounds great. Except he is all three of those people, is insane, has multiple other personalities, stalks, tried to get Yahoo Answers to hack my e-mail account, has been trying to evade bans for 8 years, goes on to many places where I go, just to harass me. I had another crazy want to "send me a gift as thanks", then found my facebook, tried to add me and threatened to send horrific stuff to everyone on my friend list if I didn't comply.
MoogleViper Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 Serebii said: Except he is all three of those people, is insane, has multiple other personalities, stalks, tried to get Yahoo Answers to hack my e-mail account, has been trying to evade bans for 8 years, goes on to many places where I go, just to harass me. I had another crazy want to "send me a gift as thanks", then found my facebook, tried to add me and threatened to send horrific stuff to everyone on my friend list if I didn't comply. I do the same thing with Ashley. It's just good bants.
Serebii Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 MoogleViper said: I do the same thing with Ashley. It's just good bants. Yeah, these people aren't doing it as banter...
Magnus Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 Neither is Moogle, to be fair. If you're so worried about getting murdered, maybe you could arrange a meet and then show up in disguise. And be like, "man, that Serebii sure is terrible, huh?" and then you'll know that any girl who says nice things about you doesn't just like you for your money. Or maybe rent a pope mobile and drive past every now and then and wave at your loyal community.
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