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Don't actively seek her out, just bump into her 'by chance'. Like I do with my girl who works where I get lunch every single day.



I'm going to go for it tomorrow, boys. I'm going to find out what her name is! I've got my line all ready and everything. Watch this space.


Nah, that was what I was going to do and it'd be easier considering she works in a supermarket so I'll just use shopping as an excuse. If you have a plan, can you let me in on it because I'm going to copy you! :p I seriously have no idea what to say!


I know how you feel @Dazz, last night I had a few opportunities but I just could not take them at all. My mind wouldn't turn off, going through all possible scenarios and focusing on the negative. As Magnus and jayseven surmised, I am terrified of rejection and this stops me :/


Just be yourself, do what Charlie said and bump into her "by chance". You'll kick ass!


It's actually kind of weird but I think I'm actually scared of rejection now. I never used to be, I used to just move on but things aren't exactly flowing easy when it comes to my love life, haha. I find myself actually doing the asking-out...which I've never done before...I'm also scared of making a tit out of myself even though I probably do that on a daily basis anyway, haha.


Also thanks for the support! :)


What is the line?


Seconded, please tell me!


Hahahaha, what? By Chance?


"Oh...what are the chances of that? Me..coming here...getting my lunch every single day. By the way, what's your name, lass?"


Go for eet. Both of you. Be brave, strong men.


I think I will! I really hope she don't work in the back where you don't see them, I'd be gutted! Wish me luck! :D

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Nah, that was what I was going to do and it'd be easier considering she works in a supermarket so I'll just use shopping as an excuse. If you have a plan, can you let me in on it because I'm going to copy you! :p I seriously have no idea what to say!


I'm going for the classic "Oh btw, I've been talking to you ages and don't actually know what you name is!". Make sure you smile while you say it!


Then later on I'll go for a tactical Facebook add and then a few 'Likes' of status' later and I'm right in there!

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I'm going for the classic "Oh btw, I've been talking to you ages and don't actually know what you name is!". Make sure you smile while you say it!


Then later on I'll go for a tactical Facebook add and then a few 'Likes' of status' later and I'm right in there!


I don't have Facebook and I only met her yesterday so I'll just twist a couple of these things around to suit me, haha. I'm going in today to see if I can find her and hopefully spark up a conversation with her again.


Good luck, dude.

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I'm going for the classic "Oh btw, I've been talking to you ages and don't actually know what you name is!". Make sure you smile while you say it!


Then later on I'll go for a tactical Facebook add and then a few 'Likes' of status' later and I'm right in there!


If you say "what you name is" I'm not sure how that'll go down :p

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I don't have Facebook and I only met her yesterday so I'll just twist a couple of these things around to suit me, haha. I'm going in today to see if I can find her and hopefully spark up a conversation with her again.


Good luck, dude.

How can you not have a Facebook account???

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Well, I'm pleased to report that I shat out of it.


The shop was incredibly busy because there was a job fair on up the road and she was obviously stressed out her nut! She did take the time to ask how I'm doing and also gave me the staff discount though.


Anti-lad. Although it does sound like you're in there.

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Anti-lad. Although it does sound like you're in there.


Yeah, I thought I'd wait until next week (she said she isn't in again until Saturday and Sunday when I won't be around!) because there were so many people around! Usually it's just me and her! She did like my 'joke' (which wasn't really funny at all) when she said she didn't have any 1 pence coins left so I told her I'd let her off. She was loving it. Definitely in there!

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I know I probably sounded very confident or whatever earlier, but I'm absolutely terrified of asking that girl out when I get back. It's super obvious that she likes me, so I don't fear rejection there but I fear rejection later on, like if I'm a terrible boyfriend or something.


Also the other girl that said that she would jump on me as soon as I got back [didn't say it to me directly], I have no idea how to approach her later on tonight. Am I meant to just pretend like we're together since we kissed before, even though I can't even remember? I'm kinda nervous.


Anyway, hope that makes you feel better Serebii/Dannyboy :p

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I know I probably sounded very confident or whatever earlier, but I'm absolutely terrified of asking that girl out when I get back. It's super obvious that she likes me, so I don't fear rejection there but I fear rejection later on, like if I'm a terrible boyfriend or something.


Also the other girl that said that she would jump on me as soon as I got back [didn't say it to me directly], I have no idea how to approach her later on tonight. Am I meant to just pretend like we're together since we kissed before, even though I can't even remember? I'm kinda nervous.


Anyway, hope that makes you feel better Serebii/Dannyboy :p


It's all good. :heh: I was just a bit jealous. :p

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My friend just posted on my wall "when did you become such a slut? you got like two girls in high school and now you seem to be 'seeing' a new girl each week"


It was a fair comment but didn't really fancy having it on my fb wall :p I think my current situation is x1 open relationship, x1 fuck buddy...

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I know I probably sounded very confident or whatever earlier, but I'm absolutely terrified of asking that girl out when I get back. It's super obvious that she likes me, so I don't fear rejection there but I fear rejection later on, like if I'm a terrible boyfriend or something.


Also the other girl that said that she would jump on me as soon as I got back [didn't say it to me directly], I have no idea how to approach her later on tonight. Am I meant to just pretend like we're together since we kissed before, even though I can't even remember? I'm kinda nervous.


Anyway, hope that makes you feel better Serebii/Dannyboy :p

A little :P, Still though :P

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How can you not have a Facebook account???


I just don't like Facebook. I used to be on it and then I'd hardly use it and just used it for the games to which I saw no point in having it and deactivated my account.




I haven't gone to Sainsbury's yet to do my 'weekly shop' but I plan on doing it on Monday in the day-time because I'm sure she's in then. I'm also happy to report that she's actually on the shop floor (well, I think she is anyway). We were both on about awkward customers and she said she had a few who wouldn't put things back where they belonged so I'm thinking that she'd be on the shop floor if she's complaining about that, right?




Well done to Gizmo, Diageo and Charlie though, you guys will officially be the N-E Players and hopefully, I will start joining the ranks soon! pmsl.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, starting to get a bit more confidence but last night I was on a night out, lots of girls and all that and my friend was encouraging me to go chat to them and I froze...I just completely and utterly froze and nerves came. I ended up destroying my VIP bracelet for the night because of nerves.


My friends were saying they could see in my face that I was determined but was also being held back by my mind...


Have a house party to go to on Saturday, hopefully that'll help the confidence. It's far more personable than a club anyway. Trying in clubs when you're as inexperienced as me is like starting off in the deepend

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I just have the (rather big) problem of not knowing many people in my area (other than family/people at work). Which means I don't really go out (at all). So I don't even get in the situations where I can be nervous about talking to women.

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I just have the (rather big) problem of not knowing many people in my area (other than family/people at work). Which means I don't really go out (at all). So I don't even get in the situations where I can be nervous about talking to women.

I know the feeling buddy. My social circle isn't as big as it used to be and they seldom wish to go out and that really hinders things :/

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So I was thinking about something earlier and I thought here might be a good place to ask- are guys really as shallow as they seem? I think this may be why I don't have much luck with relationships, or anything really, as it feels like i'm often judged before anyone gets to know me, which is a little unfair. It's probably just the guys i've known in the past, not stereotyping you all on here!


Just a random late night thought I wanted to share to see what you think : )

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So I was thinking about something earlier and I thought here might be a good place to ask- are guys really as shallow as they seem? I think this may be why I don't have much luck with relationships, or anything really, as it feels like i'm often judged before anyone gets to know me, which is a little unfair. It's probably just the guys i've known in the past, not stereotyping you all on here!


Just a random late night thought I wanted to share to see what you think : )


Shallowness is determined by the person, not the gender - imo. Also, what do you mean by shallow? In terms of looks, or...?

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