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I'll save my rant for after the game, I am hoping other things will make up for this lack of flying at night and this lack of awesome weather and day-night cyclus á la Windwaker.

I'll save my rant for after the game, I am hoping other things will make up for this lack of flying at night and this lack of awesome weather and day-night cyclus á la Windwaker.


There are some good bits, but nothing to make up for the sort of things you mention.


Days lasting 4 minutes was too strange for me to really miss a proper day/night cycle, and the quirkiness of being able to sleep in other people's beds make up for it anyway IMO.


Not being able to fly at night is a little strange though.


Just finished the 6th dungeon. Wasn't keen on the boss due to it


being a rehash of the first boss fight with not much added. I was expecting a much tougher fight, but not many of his attacks had changed


Just finished the 6th dungeon. Wasn't keen on the boss due to it


being a rehash of the first boss fight with not much added. I was expecting a much tougher fight, but not many of his attacks had changed


I have literally just done the same bit. I agree with you that it was a little bit lazy, and was expecting something different has the boss creativity has been on an upward scale throughout the game...


That said, it shows how much i've been able to come to grips with the motion controls, i dispatched him quickly and without loosing much health. The first time i faced him i just swung wildly hoping i'd land a hit somewhere.


I think the fact that there were four (I think) sub-bosses kind of made up for it. Also it's nice that the relationship between Link and Ghirahim grew throughout the game, so running into him a few times only made the ending bits more dramatic

Days lasting 4 minutes was too strange for me to really miss a proper day/night cycle, and the quirkiness of being able to sleep in other people's beds make up for it anyway IMO.


Not being able to fly at night is a little strange though.


I don't see the problem with day and night changing. A lot of my favorite games don't have day and night while the games before and after do.


Allowing you to control when it's day and night is nice I think, as there are times where your supposed to do something when your just about to get there, oh it's night now, gotta wait for a while before it's day again. It's a double edge sword really, it's needed in some games and works fantastically (Majora's Mask makes all other Zelda day and night feature look like crap).


But if the next Zelda had no night at all, or only during an event that occurs for it to be night, I would be fine with it, as long as the content is there.

I don't see the problem with day and night changing. A lot of my favorite games don't have day and night while the games before and after do.


Allowing you to control when it's day and night is nice I think, as there are times where your supposed to do something when your just about to get there, oh it's night now, gotta wait for a while before it's day again. It's a double edge sword really, it's needed in some games and works fantastically (Majora's Mask makes all other Zelda day and night feature look like crap).


But if the next Zelda had no night at all, or only during an event that occurs for it to be night, I would be fine with it, as long as the content is there.


This game is immense! Best Zelda since OOT


As for the day night, it's much better in SS, as choosing when it's either just makes things easier. I don't like the 4 min day night cycle as you're always rushed to do what you have to before it changes. This way you can explore properly either at night or in the daytime at your leisure!


May I remind everyone that Windwaker had both a brilliant day/night cycle which was responsible for showing you the world in over a bajillion colours AND you had the ability to change to day and night within mere seconds.


Now, the reason I'm sad there's no day/night cycle in Skyward Sword is because it could make for some AMAZING colours and eyegasms.


The thing I loved about the Day & Night cycles in the older games was that they added so much atmosphere. Imagine Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess without the sun setting over the fields. And then there was the 8-day Moon cycle in Wind Waker, as well as the standard Day & Night cycle. Remember how many colour schemes between the sea and sky that created.


The NPC routines in Skyward Sword are also very modest, if they are there at all. OK, characters walk around, but it's not the same as someone being by the postbox at a certain time of day.


All these things added to the sheer pleasure of previous Zeldas, even if it was just pleasure for pleasure's sake, or to show off what the console could do. The Wii may have limitations, but it's still more powerful than the N64 and GameCube, and so for me at least, I thought it was a shame the game felt generally lower-tech than its predecessors.

The thing I loved about the Day & Night cycles in the older games was that they added so much atmosphere. Imagine Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess without the sun setting over the fields. And then there was the 8-day Moon cycle in Wind Waker, as well as the standard Day & Night cycle. Remember how many colour schemes between the sea and sky that created.


The NPC routines in Skyward Sword are also very modest, if they are there at all. OK, characters walk around, but it's not the same as someone being by the postbox at a certain time of day.


All these things added to the sheer pleasure of previous Zeldas, even if it was just pleasure for pleasure's sake, or to show off what the console could do. The Wii may have limitations, but it's still more powerful than the N64 and GameCube, and so for me at least, I thought it was a shame the game felt generally lower-tech than its predecessors.


Totally agree with this. There's nothing like waiting in a field for the postie to come sprinting by at a certain time.


I remember some bits in Majoras Mask when i read about things happening at certain times of the day, and i thought "Nah that cant be true"


Take the hand coming out of the Toilets at the inn, i called BS on that when a friend told me about it, but went there anyway to check it out and was like "Holy shit, its actually there!"


Bloody hell. I nearly had a heart attack from pure frustration at the pumpkin pull minigame! Took me about 20 tries to get over 400 points and then the bastard says he wants to see 600!! Funnily enough though, I managed that straight away but only because I got a double pumpkin on a 50 point.


I don't even want to try the Fun Fun Island one!



The day/night cycle is fun if you sleep in someone's bed right in front of them. Take the potion guy and his rattle. I slept so I could see him at night, then when I was done jumped back into bed with his wife.

Bloody hell. I nearly had a heart attack from pure frustration at the pumpkin pull minigame! Took me about 20 tries to get over 400 points and then the bastard says he wants to see 600!! Funnily enough though, I managed that straight away but only because I got a double pumpkin on a 50 point.


I don't even want to try the Fun Fun Island one!


It took me about half an hour to master that one too. Trick was to aim ahead in one particular spot in the first half as he chucks them all nearly in the same area. Then you have to watch him as he mixes it up and throws them higher, but you can usually tell by keeping an eye on him how high he will throw it as you see him put more power into his throw.


As for the other game, getting through the hoops is fine, its timing the landing that was a pain in the arse. I found that if you looked where the 50 rupee spot was when you went through the last hoop, then aimed for that spot as you fell, you could almost always get it with a bit of adjustment last second. I earnt a fortune off him after playing that game for ages!


Just finished the fifth dungeon.


I'd like some story with my game please...I find I'm plowing through the main quest, trying to unravel the story, completing segment after segment...only to find I'm getting very little of the plot. This isn't a patch on Twilight Princess' story. Nowhere near.



Dungeon was excellent. The prelude to the boss fight was excellent. Boss fight was pretty good. However, the design for the boss itself was terrible. Could've been quite a terrifying boss, and ended up looking like pink custard with a face.


Just finished the fifth dungeon.


I'd like some story with my game please...I find I'm plowing through the main quest, trying to unravel the story, completing segment after segment...only to find I'm getting very little of the plot. This isn't a patch on Twilight Princess' story. Nowhere near.


I think you'll find Twilight Princess had even less of a story once you started hunting for mirror shards. You went from dungeon to dungeon collecting mirror pieces with nothing else happening in the mean time.


The story in Skyward Sword is infinitely superior to Twilight Princess which was nearly non-existent. Remove Twilight from land in first half, bad guys then do nothing until you meet them in their respective throne rooms, where they're just sitting there, doing nothing.


Up untill after the 3rd dungeon now, and it feels as if I've been playing a mixture of Super Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess.


There are quite some references/inspirations taken from of the Galaxy franchise, which I don't particularly dislike....:blank:


The story in Skyward Sword is infinitely superior to Twilight Princess which was nearly non-existent. Remove Twilight from land in first half, bad guys then do nothing until you meet them in their respective throne rooms, where they're just sitting there, doing nothing.


In Skyward Sword the bad guy might flounce about the place rather than sit in his throne room... but he still has absolutely zero impact on things.


Fair does, at the very end he pulls an Aganhim stunt with Zelda but thats it, and thats at the very end when you effectively confront him in his throne room.





Is it possible to break the chandelier again? I tried it, it wobbles a bit but doesn't come down


Lol, mischievous of you to try but your efforts are in vain.

In Skyward Sword the bad guy might flounce about the place rather than sit in his throne room... but he still has absolutely zero impact on things.


Fair does, at the very end he pulls an Aganhim stunt with Zelda but thats it, and thats at the very end when you effectively confront him in his throne room.





But Ghrirahim at least had a plan, and he was doing something throughout the game, looking for Zelda and later on the second Gate of Time. The story was building up until the final confrontation.


Twilight Princess was the laziest story there's been in a 3D Zelda. Literally nothing happened once you got rid of the Twilit parts of Hyrule. What did Zant or Ganon want? Why were they just waiting for you sitting there at the end. It was stupid.


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