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I don't know why everyone disliked that part so much. I loved it. It felt like a Super Mario Galaxy level. :smile:


I enjoyed it, it just wasn't implemented very well and felt cheap!


I think the 4th dungeon is the highlight of this game. Everything just works so well, and the boss made me grin for ages. Dungeon 5 and its boss is good as well.


By the way, there are some good tracks in this game. I particularly liked the "dungeon clear" music and...


The Bazaar. Best atmosphere in the game, and brilliant the way it blended from stall to stall. MIDI still has some use!




I really don't get the dislike for the music @Burny posted a great selection there

@dazzybee got it right about the fetch quests though they are all integrated into the story and seem almost not noticeable except that 1

I think they are far different from WW "oh you know we said you're ready to finish your ques but,well actually now there is this tedious fetch quest that is very disjointed you must do"


Just done fourth dungeon, fantastic. It had a real Wind Waker vibe I thought. The boss was great fun, and the cutscene afterwards was very cool, finally a bit of epic-ness!


Adoring this game, really really loving it. Yes there are flaws and dodgy parts to it but because it's just so much FUN it's forgiven :)


Yeah, I wasn't feeling this game either until just before the third dungeon which totally blew me away.


It's really picked up for me now. Still gonna be a while before I finish it though

Yeah, I wasn't feeling this game either until just before the third dungeon which totally blew me away.


It's really picked up for me now. Still gonna be a while before I finish it though


Same here. I LOVED the opening, then when it went to shit it felt too familiar (forrest temple), loved it, but too zeldy. Then the fire temple (weakest bot for me) I was thinking "oh no..." then as soon as the fire temple was over it grew and grew into a truly truly magnificent game!


Shame we have to wait another 4, 5 years for the next one... :(

Posted (edited)

I'm not sure what it is about Zelda games but I never manage to play the entire way through without having a massive break of weeks or months half way through :hmm: It happened with Ocarina of Time, it happened with Wind Waker, it happened with Twilight Princess, it happened with Phantom Hourglass, it happened with Spirit Tracks and I fear I'm slipping into that period again with Skyward Sword :sad:


I'm planning on putting it on for a couple of hours at some point today to take care of the 4th dungeon but I'm not actually sure how much of that is desire and how much is me feeling like I should play it ::shrug:


They've all been great games, including A Link to the Past that I've had on hold for a couple of years now, and Majora's Mask for even longer, but they never seem to keep me locked in for the duration. Heck, it has even happened to Okami and that definitely won't be returned to until Skyward Sword has reached its climax!


Other than Spirit Tracks, I've never really got to a point in any of the games where I'm just not enjoying it any more. I almost always enjoy my time with them when they're being played but I have never been able to put my finger on the reason for this reccuring theme..

Edited by nekunando
Posted (edited)

This thread seems to be getting less and less replies now that people are finishing the game :)


Loving the bit building up to the 5th dungeon. This game gets better and better. Although I wish they'd made the new area you navigate through a bit bigger! You literally spend 10 seconds going from point B to point C.

Edited by Ronnie

Right before the final boss, all side quests completed all heart pieces collected.


Bit annoying how it you still have 2 hearts missing and you have to use 2 medallions, I like having max hearts. Unless I am stilling missing heart pieces, but I don't think I'm missing 8 of them.




The final dungeon was rather interesting.

Interesting good?


Haha, haven't decided yet :P It certainly wasn't what I was expecting, not even sure if it can be classed as a dungeon. Don't think it's been done in a Zelda before though.


Can't say too much without spoiling it really.


I don't want to tread on any toes, but about this final dungeon thing:


I'd say there are six dungeons + one puzzle-heavy mini-dungeon along the lines of Ganondorf's Castle in OOT. No real "item" or boss.



As with much of this game, I didn't like it, but I think I'm in a minority!

This thread seems to be getting less and less replies now that people are finishing the game :)


Loving the bit building up to the 5th dungeon. This game gets better and better. Although I wish they'd made the new area you navigate through a bit bigger! You literally spend 10 seconds going from point B to point C.




Did anyone get a


Wind Waker-y vibe?



How do you pick up bugs that appear on the ground after picking up a pot or rolling into a tree? Swinging the bug net doesnt seem to work and I seem to be having trouble getting a prompt to press A to pick up. The bugs either run away from me, or I accidentally step on them...



How do you pick up bugs that appear on the ground after picking up a pot or rolling into a tree? Swinging the bug net doesnt seem to work and I seem to be having trouble getting a prompt to press A to pick up. The bugs either run away from me, or I accidentally step on them...

Swing your bug net. :heh:


Some of the bugs are pretty fast, so they can be a bit tricky to catch.


For bugs that fall to the ground when you roll into trees/walls, you can just run over them to pick them up.



Finished the fifth dungeon, thought it was alright. Nice setting but in terms of layout, gameplay etc, pretty meh. The boss was cool though.


I loved timeshift crystals the first time we ran into them in the first half of the game, and I still enjoyed them now, but I'd be quite happy to never see another one again.


It's quite strange seeing all this technology in a Zelda game. It's a huge departure from the other games (Spirit Tracks apart). Especially considering this is supposedly a prequel. I suppose it mixes things up a bit.



Fi is really annoying me, and I don't mean for her endless, obvious, condescending chat. I just wish she had more personality, showed some nice character traits that'd make her interesting. Instead, cold and lifeless. I get that she's supposed to be like that, but come on. I had really hoped she would develop as the game goes on but seems not. You finish the fifth dungeon and after all that hardship all she says is "Now I suggest you go here so you can do this". Argh.


This game is amazing, but there are way too many niggling issues for it to be IMO the very best Zelda.

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