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[Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword


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Does anyone know what the Official Nintendo Magazine gave the other Zelda games, for reference?

Well this is a different publication to the last ONM which ran at emap so they've only really reviewed 5;


Twilight Princess (97%)

Phantom Hourglass (95%)

Spirit Tracks (91%)

OoT 3D (98%)

Skyward Sword (98%)

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Dark Souls sure is game-changing. It's not like it's just like Demon's Souls or anything.


Oh, right - Zelda.



You realise it's just a name right? It's not a publication put out by Nintendo.


I know that they are infamously biased with regards to first party games but it's still a big thing for them to say it's the best Zelda ever.

It doesn't really matter if it's an official publication or not, does it? You admit yourself that they're biased either way. :p


And if the review scores Serebii posted are to be trusted, this is really just the best Zelda since Ocarina of Time 3D, which it is exactly as good as.


It's a good thing they didn't get a chance to review any Zelda game before Twilight Princess, or they would have run out of percentage points by now.

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Dark Souls sure is game-changing. It's not like it's just like Demon's Souls or anything.


Oh, right - Zelda.




It doesn't really matter if it's an official publication or not, does it? You admit yourself that they're biased either way. :p


And if the review scores Serebii posted are to be trusted, this is really just the best Zelda since Ocarina of Time 3D, which it is exactly as good as.


It's a good thing they didn't get a chance to review any Zelda game before Twilight Princess, or they would have run out of percentage points by now.

Least they're not being as bad as Yahoo who recently gave a game 6/5 ¬¬

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Dark Souls sure is game-changing. It's not like it's just like Demon's Souls or anything.


Oh, right - Zelda.

Out of interest, do you have Demon's Souls or Dark Souls? I suspect not, as you otherwise wouldn't have embarrassed yourself with such ignorance. :)

Edited by Sheikah
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I thought PH was actually a really good addition to the series. A few good new items, made fantastic use of the DS features all round, and just generally had a brilliant feel to it for me. Some may have found the repeated traipsing of the temple place annoying, but I quite liked returning to the same place but being more awesome/being able to access more places. As a whole I felt PH brought enough new to the table to be of note! Spirit tracks however, it felt kinda samey and if anything a slight regression, don't think I even bothered to try finishing it. Multiplayer on the former was decent enough too.

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I thought PH was actually a really good addition to the series. A few good new items, made fantastic use of the DS features all round, and just generally had a brilliant feel to it for me. Some may have found the repeated traipsing of the temple place annoying, but I quite liked returning to the same place but being more awesome/being able to access more places. As a whole I felt PH brought enough new to the table to be of note! Spirit tracks however, it felt kinda samey and if anything a slight regression, don't think I even bothered to try finishing it. Multiplayer on the former was decent enough too.

People would have liked Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks more if they at least let you move Link with the D-Pad. I think that was the problem. They're all fine with using it for a Boomerang path or to control Zelda's journey, but for Link and his sword swipes...no

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None of the scores really matter.


At the end of the day it's one or two guys usually who come up with the score. I use reviews as a rough guide on whether a game is probably my cup of tea and worth a purchase, but at the end of their score is still just one opinion.

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This makes the fact I'm in Paris til the following Monday night even more irritating... Get back about 1am, play Super mario 3D Land, wake up, all day on Zelda!!!


Hmmm. I'll only have had 1 day on Uncharted 3 and also have Winning Eleven Wii waiting for me....

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None of the scores really matter.


At the end of the day it's one or two guys usually who come up with the score. I use reviews as a rough guide on whether a game is probably my cup of tea and worth a purchase, but at the end of their score is still just one opinion.


Reviews are written to be an objective guide on whether or not you should spend your money on something. If the reviews you read can really just be interpreted as "one guy's opinion", you're reading the wrong publications!

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Reviews are written to be an objective guide on whether or not you should spend your money on something. If the reviews you read can really just be interpreted as "one guy's opinion", you're reading the wrong publications!


The way some of you are carrying on over scores (yourself included), I'm entitled to agree!

Edited by Sheikah
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lol I accidentally posted in the wrong thread.


Anyway 4 weeks to go :) Unfortunately will be knee deep in coursework when the game is released but will definitely have to find time to play it.

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People would have liked Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks more if they at least let you move Link with the D-Pad. I think that was the problem. They're all fine with using it for a Boomerang path or to control Zelda's journey, but for Link and his sword swipes...no


Whilst slightly weird at first, I actually got used to controls pretty quick and thought they weren't bad, stopped noticing anything being wrong with them quite soon into the game. It's nice they tried and succeeded with it rather than sticking to tired old tried and tested things imo, otherwise we'll end up with very little progression.

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Holy hell, a 10 in Edge, a publication who I generally hold to have the last word in any discussion. I'll be getting absolutely nothing done when this comes out. In between this, Battlefield 3, Ace Combat and Mass Effect 3 on it's way next year I feel positively spoiled.

Edited by gaggle64
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People would have liked Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks more if they at least let you move Link with the D-Pad.


I think people would have liked both games more if they weren't dumbed down and for all intents and purposes, 'Zelda Lite', never mind using the D-pad intead of the stylus. But I still loved Spirit Tracks, Phantom Hourglass was just tedious.

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Yes, I agree. I also hate how both games had a silly travelling system, that really shouldn't be the focus of the game.


When you compare them to games like Oracle of Ages they really aren't anywhere near as good. As you say, like Lite versions that appeal more to casuals.

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