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[Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword


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Well once the game is released, we can still (if we want to) discuss in here whether we like the game and what we think of the fundamentals, WiiMotion+ and the Soundtrack CD. But anything related to the story, items etc would have to go into the spoiler topic. But I'm probably going to take my time with this game so it's going to be a while until I venture into the spoiler thread.

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Or, worse yet—since I’ve yet to meet someone who prefers to play games standing up—if you’re sitting down, it’s impossible to swing the controller perfectly horizontally or vertically every time


Good point. And if you play while lying in bed eating a bowl of cornflakes, the milk goes everywhere too.

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It had about the same controls as every other 3D game with a dual analogue setup. They work. As Zelda isn't about ridiculous attack combos (and hopefully never will be :heh:) though, they're also as conventional and boring in combat as it gets.


That's funny, I never, ever heard people moan about that type of control or want something different!


A far better position than some "fans" with a predetermined opinion on motion controls at least. :p


I don't have a predetermined opinion on motion control. I had an open mind until I tried it.


Gamesradar quote from @Hero\-of\-Time:


Is it better than...

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess? No


The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker? No


Oh dear! Not better than TP? Then again, TP was a very good game, in parts.


Quote supplied by @Dante:


EGM: Twilight Princess’ motion controls worked because the game was more forgiving of your movements; simple flicks of your wrist would provide the desired results. Now, due to the enemy design revolving around the motion-control gimmick and being forced to use the MotionPlus—which follows you too well—you’re often pulled out of the immersion, because you’re constantly reminded that you are holding a controller whenever the controller doesn’t do what you want.


I honestly don't understand why this isn't considered a valid criticism. I've played a couple of MotionPlus games (Wii Sports Resort and Red Steel 2) and you do end up thinking about where your arm is, what it's doing and if it's got enough room around it.


That's a valid point. It's not asking for waggle.


Typical, a Zelda is prevented from being the best it can be by the Wii's novelty controls that I grew tired of within a year of the console coming out. Same thing happened with MP3. This is why I fell out with the Wii....


Basically if this could be controlled with the Gamecube controller, it would be 10/10 across the board.


I'm sure I will love it anyway, but it's still a bit of a shame.


I share your sentiments, but from what I've read and seen, I doubt this would be a 10/10 anyway. Not for me. I'm basing this on the game structure, visual style and, let's face it, the game's SD in an HD world.


Basically, I still hope Skward Sword is good, but I want to get it out of the way really.

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Basically, I still hope Skward Sword is good, but I want to get it out of the way really.


Grazza, you seem to be in a bit of a gaming slump these days. New Dragon Quest, Xenoblade and now Zelda don't seem to be doing much for you at the moment. What happened, man?

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I share your sentiments, but from what I've read and seen, I doubt this would be a 10/10 anyway. Not for me. I'm basing this on the game structure, visual style and, let's face it, the game's SD in an HD world.


Basically, I still hope Skward Sword is good, but I want to get it out of the way really.


Are you seriously judging this game's quality based solely on that it's not in HD?

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I share your sentiments, but from what I've read and seen, I doubt this would be a 10/10 anyway. Not for me. I'm basing this on the game structure, visual style and, let's face it, the game's SD in an HD world.


I thought you loved the visual style? A return to the colour and charm of Wind Waker. I had a look at the demo version at the concert a few weeks back, and thought it looked STUNNING.


Plus gaming structure, surely a departure from the norm is a good thing, something to get you excited?


SD visuals shouldn't make a difference when the art style is so lovely.

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I share your sentiments, but from what I've read and seen, I doubt this would be a 10/10 anyway. Not for me. I'm basing this on the game structure, visual style and, let's face it, the game's SD in an HD world.


Basically, I still hope Skward Sword is good, but I want to get it out of the way really.


Are you seriously judging this game's quality based solely on that it's not in HD?


Clearly, he mentions more than only that.

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Grazza, you seem to be in a bit of a gaming slump these days. New Dragon Quest, Xenoblade and now Zelda don't seem to be doing much for you at the moment. What happened, man?


Dragon Quest X looks plain terrible... It does! Xenoblade... genuinely don't think it's a very good game. This... haven't judged it yet, I just don't understand why people get annoyed at the criticisms. The people who are sure they'll love this are pre-judging it as much as anyone else.


What happened? I've enjoyed almost everything I've played on the 3DS. Maybe I'm just tired of the Wii. Skyward Sword feels like the end of a console I just didn't get on with.


I thought you loved the visual style? A return to the colour and charm of Wind Waker. I had a look at the demo version at the concert a few weeks back, and thought it looked STUNNING.


I quite like it, but it doesn't blow me away like Wind Waker or the Wii U demo. I just don't really like "inbetween" styles, in terms of either visuals or gameplay. Still, I'm not saying it looks bad, just that for me to think of it as a 10/10 game it'd have to have 10/10 visuals.


Plus gaming structure, surely a departure from the norm is a good thing, something to get you excited?


I'm not sure how much you've read, Ronnie, and I don't want to spoil it for you, but to me the game world doesn't sound like it's gone in the right direction. We'll see.

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Game Central (metro) 10/10


In Short: Revolutionary on at least two counts, with the best motion controls ever seen in a video game and an inspired reinvention and improvement of the Zelda formula.


Pros: Superbly accurate and effective motion controls. Clever subversion of the Zelda template, with endlessly inventive set pieces and equipment. Gorgeous artwork and music.


Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/games/881408-the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword-review-hyrulian-revolution#ixzz1dQNz7LbW


Its a great read, as is the CVG review suprisingly. Next Friday cant come quick enough, the motion control sound amazing.

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^ haha yes, can we just get back to this? This game is out in a week and it will be amazing. In 7 days we'll all be making our own minds up :)


I'm jealous of the shopto-ers, who might get the game 1-2 days early :p I went with a cheaper instead of faster option, shocking I know. I'm actually thinking that if it isn't delivered on Friday I'll go buy it from Tesco :heh: I can always return the other one!

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So, are you people going to savour this...delay getting to the end as much as possible by doing side quests etc, or are you gonna blast through to the end as quickly as possible?


A true Hero helps EVERYBODY first time, without using a continue. I shall try to accomplish this yet again, as per usual. : peace:

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I've got this pre-ordered, but won't actually be playing it until December, when I finish work for Christmas. The reason behind it is that we have assessments and reports to get done in the next few weeks, so I won't be able to properly give this my full attention.


Zelda is very important. When I play a new Zelda, I don't really do a lot else. I want to give this my full attention. Also, playing it around Christmas time...magical.


Quietly getting excited now. :D

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So, are you people going to savour this...delay getting to the end as much as possible by doing side quests etc, or are you gonna blast through to the end as quickly as possible?


Why anyone would want to rush through a game like this! I'll be taking my time and enjoying it :-)


Did the same for Wind Waker. Now that was a game you could just explore at your own pace and take a break from the main quest.

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I don't have a predetermined opinion on motion control. I had an open mind until I tried it.

No, you haven't tried "motion controls", but a few particular implementations of motion controls.

Or you already played Skyward Sword and can tell me how it is then? After all, you must've played it and found that its particular implementation of motion controls add nothing to the Zelda formula, unlike a bunch of reviewers claim.


Gamesradar quote from @Hero\-of\-Time:

Oh dear! Not better than TP? Then again, TP was a very good game, in parts.

I've even read more than a few times by now that people consider Twilight Princess the series' pinnacle. So, you take one reviewers word for gospel, just because he agrees with you on Wind Waker being the best game?


Clearly, he mentions more than only that.

And hasn't played the game any more than the rest of us. He has just already made up his mind.

Edited by Burny
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That sounds like a complete nightmare, but thanks.


Perhaps my education isn't so important...


Perhaps it's worth changing my pre-order to Game, where it's far more likely to arrive on the Friday.


Aaah, logistics.


It'll just be a trip to your local sorting office, if you know where that is. Not the post office, but it'll be like a mail depot thingy. Might be worth looking into where it is in case you need to go there, it might not be a huge hassle. Unless you've cancelled already, in which case nevermind this.

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I've even read more than a few times by now that people consider Twilight Princess the series' pinnacle. So, you take one reviewers word for gospel, just because he agrees with you on Wind Waker being the best game?


And i've read more times that TP is one of the low points of the series. It's just people's different opinion of the game. I for one didn't care for it, so it doesn't bode well for me when someone rates SS lower that TP. Like I said though time will tell. Also, I don't even rate WW as the best game ( where the hell did that come from? ).


And hasn't played the game any more than the rest of us. He has just already made up his mind.


Others are just as bad when they claim the game will be brilliant, magical etc. Fact is, until any of us actually play through the game none of us should be dismissing/hyping it.


As for Grazza, he isn't a fan of motion controls, simple as that and with the game being made for motion controls, of course he's going to be skeptical. Hell I am, especially given the experience i've had with motion controls in the past. But as I said, i'm not going to judge the game until I have played it. It may be the game to turn around my opinion on motion controlled gaming.

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